Sorry, I'm different..

I honestly hate being me for so many reasons,
To start I'm always the freak.
Not outcasted, just looked at differently.
They know I'm not the same, as do I.

The way my mind works is pure insanity.
Im brilliant as well as remedial,
I'm conceded yet degrading to my self simultaneously,
I despise but love almost everything in existence.
Everything has repercussions.

My personality is that of twenty,
surface emotions and feelings change day to day,
My overall contentment changes with seasons,
Bipolar, anxiety, and upon the passing of ice,
Long days and flames bring depression.

I'm every kind of messed up in the worlds eyes.
The things I believe are to extreme,
My music is that of satan(whats it matter? It's what I like)
I'm; obscene, crude, foul, disgusting, sinister, morbid, disturbed, troubled, sadistic, and as the church called me, devil worshiper.

But of anything I do or say,
Believe or listen to.
I'm just like you.
I have feelings, surprised?

I cry, I won't lie.
I'm a normal person trapped in bad thoughts,
And closed minds.
Someone who's written off as failure,
And I've not even touched the stage.
Written by Thisismyhell (Darkness Enchanting)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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