Submissions by wickedj98 (Strange Being)
Poet Introduction
Strange and different from the rest
Pushed to the limit

786 reads
My time is near
She always had a fragile soul
She only wanted to mend the holes
That her heart could never fix
Broken again, piece by piece
There's never a time her pain is released
She wants to be gone, but the clock never ticks
Her life is like hell
So she can't help but dwell
Drowning, in a pool of tears
Her past is too dark
And it rips her apart
Just thinking of the scars and fears
She is broken and bruised
She is lost and confused
Each day, she's hurt even more
It's a matter of time
Before she says her goodbyes...
She only wanted to mend the holes
That her heart could never fix
Broken again, piece by piece
There's never a time her pain is released
She wants to be gone, but the clock never ticks
Her life is like hell
So she can't help but dwell
Drowning, in a pool of tears
Her past is too dark
And it rips her apart
Just thinking of the scars and fears
She is broken and bruised
She is lost and confused
Each day, she's hurt even more
It's a matter of time
Before she says her goodbyes...
1027 reads
The untold story
Love is a curse.
It is not always a joyous celebration.
It is not always the mutual union of parties who never wish to be separated,
There is a different side of love;
An untold side,
A side that is swept under the rug,
Pushed into the dark;
Silenced forever.
That is the tale of the unloved lover;
The one doomed to crave the forbidden fruit;
Destined to go unsatisfied forever.
This is my tale.
No amount of time or distance will erase him from my mind;
Or my heart.
And yet he has so easily erased me from his.
I am...
It is not always a joyous celebration.
It is not always the mutual union of parties who never wish to be separated,
There is a different side of love;
An untold side,
A side that is swept under the rug,
Pushed into the dark;
Silenced forever.
That is the tale of the unloved lover;
The one doomed to crave the forbidden fruit;
Destined to go unsatisfied forever.
This is my tale.
No amount of time or distance will erase him from my mind;
Or my heart.
And yet he has so easily erased me from his.
I am...
921 reads
1 Comment
I wonder
I begin to wonder
Where I'm going to fit in your life
As I sit here in the dark
I realize that I shouldn't have to fight for a place,
A place in your life,
A place in your heart.
You claim to love me
Lately you've been saying it less frequently
You claim to love me
But I don't hear from you everyday
Do you love me?
I begin to wonder
Who I am compared to you
I realize that you have different personalities
Different personalities based on situation
Based on location
You live two different lives
One here with me...
Where I'm going to fit in your life
As I sit here in the dark
I realize that I shouldn't have to fight for a place,
A place in your life,
A place in your heart.
You claim to love me
Lately you've been saying it less frequently
You claim to love me
But I don't hear from you everyday
Do you love me?
I begin to wonder
Who I am compared to you
I realize that you have different personalities
Different personalities based on situation
Based on location
You live two different lives
One here with me...
846 reads
I'm the one you settle for
I'm not the girl you take home to meet your parents.
I'm not the hand you hold tightly,
So tight you can feel her rapid heartbeat through her sweaty palm.
I'm not the one you take out on dinner dates
And stare longingly at from across the table while you talk about your day.
I'm not the one you'll spend weeks organizing the perfect night,
For when you choose to get down on one knee.
I'm not the one that makes you nervous,
The girl you tell your friends about;
I'm not the girl you fall in love with.
I' the one you settle for, ...
I'm not the hand you hold tightly,
So tight you can feel her rapid heartbeat through her sweaty palm.
I'm not the one you take out on dinner dates
And stare longingly at from across the table while you talk about your day.
I'm not the one you'll spend weeks organizing the perfect night,
For when you choose to get down on one knee.
I'm not the one that makes you nervous,
The girl you tell your friends about;
I'm not the girl you fall in love with.
I' the one you settle for, ...
803 reads
I'm not sure what this is
You're laying on your bed, staring at the dim light of your phone in the darkness, scrolling through humorous gift and pictures, every once in a while exhaling through your nose as a kind of make shift laugh. This goes on from 11:30 until 1:47.
At 1:47, you look at your clock, curse to yourself and decide to finally put the phone away after just a couple more scrolls. You come across this strange picture of a girl with long brown hair draped in front of her face in ragged, dirty, blood stained clothing, standing hunched over in the corner of a dark room with her head sunk forward to her...
At 1:47, you look at your clock, curse to yourself and decide to finally put the phone away after just a couple more scrolls. You come across this strange picture of a girl with long brown hair draped in front of her face in ragged, dirty, blood stained clothing, standing hunched over in the corner of a dark room with her head sunk forward to her...
840 reads
True Fear?
We all fear things, but can we say we have experienced true fear?
For example, you are downstairs, on your computer when the news comes on the TV, you sit and watch intently as the news caster tells you the scores of your favorite sporting events and the average cutesy story followed by news on how the politicians have messed up.
You are about to go to bed when the news comes back on, they're talking about riots, caused by a mass break out at the local prison, murderers, rapists and madmen are free and are roaming the town. You hear noises outside and duck down, then turn...
For example, you are downstairs, on your computer when the news comes on the TV, you sit and watch intently as the news caster tells you the scores of your favorite sporting events and the average cutesy story followed by news on how the politicians have messed up.
You are about to go to bed when the news comes back on, they're talking about riots, caused by a mass break out at the local prison, murderers, rapists and madmen are free and are roaming the town. You hear noises outside and duck down, then turn...
721 reads
Death as Struggle
We return to our personal city of the dead. A scrim of snow and ice covers the ground, crackling underfoot. A severe wind sweeps down from the north, driving speckles of ice against every portion of exposes flesh. The cold of the wind bites to the bone. Undaunted, we plunge forward until we come to a striking monument. Larger than life, this masterwork in marble crouches upon a family tomb, wrapped in draperies that completely obscure it's intended sex.
The weathering of this sculpture has lent portions of it an almost fractured appearance, like the crackleur effect on certain paintings....
The weathering of this sculpture has lent portions of it an almost fractured appearance, like the crackleur effect on certain paintings....
700 reads
Death as a Journey
Once again, we walk through our private cemetery when winter blankets the land. We allow our feet to take us where they will, and soon we find ourselves standing before twin statues. These monuments, identical memorials for two members of the same family, are worn and weathered with the passing of the years. The features of the twin angels have become softened in much the same way that the snow now softens the details of the land. Lichen has taken root in the folds of the robes, and in all this stretching landscape of gray stone and white snow, it is one of the few touches of brilliant green,...
767 reads
Sweet Lover, You are Mine
At every glance my eyes cloud reverently at the perfection of your beauty
Nothing will ever compare to the alluring splendor I see whenever I look at you
You are the pulse of my heart, as you whisper endearments and sweet nothings
The feelings of want, love, devotion, oh the intensity of these wonderful emotions
Your slow deep kisses sang unto my soul beckoning unto the core of my essence
My body feels as if it's on fire, my stomach jumps summersaults; starts churning
Heat creeping in the pit of my stomach, tremors wrecking havoc throughout my body
Nothing will ever compare to the alluring splendor I see whenever I look at you
You are the pulse of my heart, as you whisper endearments and sweet nothings
The feelings of want, love, devotion, oh the intensity of these wonderful emotions
Your slow deep kisses sang unto my soul beckoning unto the core of my essence
My body feels as if it's on fire, my stomach jumps summersaults; starts churning
Heat creeping in the pit of my stomach, tremors wrecking havoc throughout my body
1063 reads
I wish that someone will Stay
i have a habit
a habit of pushing
people away and
almost as a test
seeing who comes
except it back-
fires and sometimes
no one returns
other times i do it
in the hope that
they won’t come back
that they’ll get the
i don’t want them
that one backfired too
i know i’m not an
easy person
to be around
i know i can be grumpy
and moody and
there are days when
i just don’t
want to talk
but i wish i could
that someone’ll stay
a habit of pushing
people away and
almost as a test
seeing who comes
except it back-
fires and sometimes
no one returns
other times i do it
in the hope that
they won’t come back
that they’ll get the
i don’t want them
that one backfired too
i know i’m not an
easy person
to be around
i know i can be grumpy
and moody and
there are days when
i just don’t
want to talk
but i wish i could
that someone’ll stay
844 reads
Dead As Snow
Finally a dead girl,
dead as fallen snow,
with her heart froze over and her veins bled out
it was time for her to go.
Finally a dead girl,
with her eyes made of dull sky.
No more plastic smiles on her face,
I guess it's right for her to die.
A bottle of jack and a nice new blade,
in her hand when she was found.
Oh, and they all cried and sobbed and weeped
when they layed her in the ground.
Finally a dead girl,
well you see that girl was me,
and I'm gone today,
no more words to say
If you think I won't you'll see.
dead as fallen snow,
with her heart froze over and her veins bled out
it was time for her to go.
Finally a dead girl,
with her eyes made of dull sky.
No more plastic smiles on her face,
I guess it's right for her to die.
A bottle of jack and a nice new blade,
in her hand when she was found.
Oh, and they all cried and sobbed and weeped
when they layed her in the ground.
Finally a dead girl,
well you see that girl was me,
and I'm gone today,
no more words to say
If you think I won't you'll see.
787 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by wickedj98 (Strange Being)