Submissions by undefined_love
Its really funny how love can turn into hate , you said you loved me but you never showed the way , we wouldn't talk for hours even a day , and here i go pretending again like everything is okay. Its really fucked up cause I gave you all me , started off with nothing and I gave you everything, and all I ask was for time or maybe even a call got me pacing back and forth banging against the wall cause my heart is hurting worse than before and you chasing after bitches when i thought i was enough but you needed more so how am I suppose to feel and what am I suppose to do never looked for nobody...
656 reads
How could you?
How could you say that you love me and then easily stop? what about the time, rational feelings and the tears that i dropped , on your shoulder which i use to cry on and your chest i use to lie on just too hear the sound of your heart beat so softly as if you were laying on a cloud. Its so crazy how the word "LOVE" can be so small in letter but mean so much of a word cause when you said you needed space it some how occur to me that it wasn't love you felt it was unsatisfaction and I would sit and look lost as if I didn't know what happened because I didn't, I really thought that you was happy...
718 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by undefined_love