Submissions by sincerely-me (Sara)
MY attraction.
(This was originally written for a different website but I decided to put it here too) It could be considered a fatal attraction. The love I've acquired for such a thing is unbreakable. When everyone else decides to leave, cutting is the one thing that won't leave me. It's always there. In the back of my mind. Whispering to me to cut. Make myself bleed. I love it. In all aspects. The blood that it makes visible. The pain it can cause. The scars it gives me. The blood is such an amazing thing. Such a sexy thing. Such a beautiful thing. Watching the blood drip from my shoulders and thighs gives...
775 reads
This is all that happens,
Why do you do this to me?
Act like you care, but in reality we both know that you don't?
You can lie to me as much as you want,
I don't fucking care anymore.
You're a liar.
You're a fake.
But God knows I love you!
Why do I love a person that doesn't love me back?
Why can't you see me the way that I see you?
Perfect, all around better in any way possible?
Why is it always me that gets hurt?
Maybe one day someone will give you a taste of your own bittersweet medicine.
It doesn't taste good when you get it over and over again.
Act like you care, but in reality we both know that you don't?
You can lie to me as much as you want,
I don't fucking care anymore.
You're a liar.
You're a fake.
But God knows I love you!
Why do I love a person that doesn't love me back?
Why can't you see me the way that I see you?
Perfect, all around better in any way possible?
Why is it always me that gets hurt?
Maybe one day someone will give you a taste of your own bittersweet medicine.
It doesn't taste good when you get it over and over again.
783 reads
Don't You Want To See?
There's just always been something about you.
I'm not sure if it was your flawless smile, or the eyes that could make me melt, there's, just..that special something that pulls me back into the trap.
Wherever your words, lies or truth, would take me, I didn't mind being.
The place, was perfect for my stupid teenage mind.
The things you would say, would keep me high for days at a time.
The things you could do to me were unthinkable.
I could never forget those nights I lied awake, wondering what you were dreaming about, and if you were dreaming about me.
But the...
I'm not sure if it was your flawless smile, or the eyes that could make me melt, there's, just..that special something that pulls me back into the trap.
Wherever your words, lies or truth, would take me, I didn't mind being.
The place, was perfect for my stupid teenage mind.
The things you would say, would keep me high for days at a time.
The things you could do to me were unthinkable.
I could never forget those nights I lied awake, wondering what you were dreaming about, and if you were dreaming about me.
But the...
715 reads
No More Lies..
Memories of a broken heart are all I seem to remember anymore. It's all that goes on inside me anymore. Broken heart, and tears, of course. What else is new?
Isn't it sad, when all you can remember is all the times you've ever gotten hurt, or all the times you just lay in your bed, late at night, wondering why you're still here?
It's not a good feeling knowing you're alone there, and that nobody cares. Truly cares, anyways.
You always say "I'll always be here." But where the fuck were you when I needed you, when I actually needed a shoulder to cry upon. A...
Isn't it sad, when all you can remember is all the times you've ever gotten hurt, or all the times you just lay in your bed, late at night, wondering why you're still here?
It's not a good feeling knowing you're alone there, and that nobody cares. Truly cares, anyways.
You always say "I'll always be here." But where the fuck were you when I needed you, when I actually needed a shoulder to cry upon. A...
787 reads
Murder has worn a bangle
Murder has worn a brace
Murder has worn a collar and tie
And a smile upon its face
Murder has blossomed in petticoats
Murder has come out in lace
Murder has togged up in rags and filth
From the midden to the market place
Murder has cavorted with idiots
Murder has flourished among fools
Murder has cultivated genius
Murder makes and breaks all the rules
Murder has blasted from a cannon
Murder has fired from a gun
Murder has been delivered with rapier and sword
With a nod or a wink or a pun
Murder has worn a brace
Murder has worn a collar and tie
And a smile upon its face
Murder has blossomed in petticoats
Murder has come out in lace
Murder has togged up in rags and filth
From the midden to the market place
Murder has cavorted with idiots
Murder has flourished among fools
Murder has cultivated genius
Murder makes and breaks all the rules
Murder has blasted from a cannon
Murder has fired from a gun
Murder has been delivered with rapier and sword
With a nod or a wink or a pun
1000 reads
I'm Done.
Be gentle, sky, and let me rest -
These bones are worn - they lack the zest
Of flesh in life - they're marrowless! -
Their arid surface, nakedness! -
Betrayed in death; no sheen of red
From coursing blood; and blue was shed
Upon the fading out of eyes
That cased the world and gave disguise
To what my deepest thoughts had been -
But now I'm done with all I've seen.
These bones are worn - they lack the zest
Of flesh in life - they're marrowless! -
Their arid surface, nakedness! -
Betrayed in death; no sheen of red
From coursing blood; and blue was shed
Upon the fading out of eyes
That cased the world and gave disguise
To what my deepest thoughts had been -
But now I'm done with all I've seen.
693 reads
My last words.
I was in the middle of a flower field. The only thing I coild see for miles, was pure beauty. The only thing I could smell was the smell of roses. The only thing I felt was the sun gleaming off my unhidden pale skin. All of a sudden I felt a raindrop trickle down my cheek, and I heard the last beat of my heart.. as I fall to my knees, I see what I once saw... the roses turn black as the heart inside of me that once beat. My head spins in circles, and my skin runs cold. I close my eyes tight, and force a shy smile. I whisper my last words... "It all makes sense now. The roses represented...
971 reads
Just a little story about a life we used to know.

852 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by sincerely-me (Sara)