Submissions by mkelly
Poet Introduction
Hi...poetry it's my heart and only the place where people can really hear me... And it's also where i can finally hear myself...
Keep dream...never let go
Some days...I want to hide...some days I would like to waste the day away...some days I would like to run away and never come back...would like to leave it all behind...
Yes we all have to face reality... But just sometimes you have to let go and just dream...dreams are just soo beautiful based on how you create it. Dreams can also be realistic based on how much you want to reach out and grab it...with hopes of never letting go.
So beautiful to just fade, so beautiful to feel free and escape...and sometimes it can be soo beautiful enough that you end up crying tears of release, joy...
Yes we all have to face reality... But just sometimes you have to let go and just dream...dreams are just soo beautiful based on how you create it. Dreams can also be realistic based on how much you want to reach out and grab it...with hopes of never letting go.
So beautiful to just fade, so beautiful to feel free and escape...and sometimes it can be soo beautiful enough that you end up crying tears of release, joy...
450 reads
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Comparing love and art, also a bit of an mixture
I woke up this morning
Did my usual
Kissed him on the forehead
Wash face, brush teeth
Got a glass of orange juice, got my sketchbook, when out on the blacony, set at the table and waited for the sun to rise.
I thought as I started to sketch away...he is such a beautiful person, the way he smiles, laugh, open his heart and always have a fresh outlook on everyday life...its beautiful with how he can see the world, try to enjoy it without thinking of the sorrow, stress and pain that with so lives within each and every one of us...I think to myself with how fucked up I...
Did my usual
Kissed him on the forehead
Wash face, brush teeth
Got a glass of orange juice, got my sketchbook, when out on the blacony, set at the table and waited for the sun to rise.
I thought as I started to sketch away...he is such a beautiful person, the way he smiles, laugh, open his heart and always have a fresh outlook on everyday life...its beautiful with how he can see the world, try to enjoy it without thinking of the sorrow, stress and pain that with so lives within each and every one of us...I think to myself with how fucked up I...
#beauty #admiration
#beauty #admiration
434 reads
Finally, No dream...Just the reality of us

544 reads
Her...R.I.P The Star
Hey...long time no see
I really miss been such along time...I miss how we were in middle school...wait in the morning in the main hall, happy smiles and hugs almost as if we knew each other before becoming best friends...then we would lock elbows and talk about all the wierd crazy things we experience over the weekend...either it was being surround by our families or we would just go on a wild walk with our outside schools friends, maybe get caught in some trouble or more and end our nights with the roaring bonfires that could touch what we couldnt reach at night.
I really miss been such along time...I miss how we were in middle school...wait in the morning in the main hall, happy smiles and hugs almost as if we knew each other before becoming best friends...then we would lock elbows and talk about all the wierd crazy things we experience over the weekend...either it was being surround by our families or we would just go on a wild walk with our outside schools friends, maybe get caught in some trouble or more and end our nights with the roaring bonfires that could touch what we couldnt reach at night.
406 reads
Curtains closed, Now's the time to love you

413 reads
Bottles down the drain...He save me
I sat down with him today...
He told me " you have to have your's taking you over every night and then you show it vulnerability. I hate to see you this way...please Just stop and think about it...babe the more you give in, the more power you give it to take over you.
Then he was gone.
I sit here just looking at this substance...memories of how good it felt...running through my veins, putting me in a place where I thought all stress would be it leaves me in a state of bitterness, sadness, anger...just a pit full of sadness and regret. ...
He told me " you have to have your's taking you over every night and then you show it vulnerability. I hate to see you this way...please Just stop and think about it...babe the more you give in, the more power you give it to take over you.
Then he was gone.
I sit here just looking at this substance...memories of how good it felt...running through my veins, putting me in a place where I thought all stress would be it leaves me in a state of bitterness, sadness, anger...just a pit full of sadness and regret. ...
440 reads
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Revealing bestfriends hearts
Talking with my guy bestfriend...
In the beginning everything was laugh and giggles but the end love was revealed on our hearts...
I was soo happy to see him...being with him brought back old times...times where we could just be together...yes we would hold hands and we would give each other kisses on the cheek...but then something on this night snapped us both into a reality that we were avoiding face on...we never talk about it never spoke of it...
So we were on the couch close, cuddle...didnt really think anything of he asked me "how's the love life going?"
In the beginning everything was laugh and giggles but the end love was revealed on our hearts...
I was soo happy to see him...being with him brought back old times...times where we could just be together...yes we would hold hands and we would give each other kisses on the cheek...but then something on this night snapped us both into a reality that we were avoiding face on...we never talk about it never spoke of it...
So we were on the couch close, cuddle...didnt really think anything of he asked me "how's the love life going?"
#friendship #honesty
#friendship #honesty
539 reads
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Sensual High
I still think about him...
I beat myself you because sometimes he is the symbol of my bitterness and other times he can be the lust of my forbidden.
I beat myself up over him because I know if I go back there's no returning and if I keep on putting off this urge and just move forward, then my craving for him will become something dangerous.
Those nights of making love, and leaving nothing of each other unsatified still fills my dreams. The nights where we could just keep on going until we take each other into the unknown of reaching that beautiful climax of never wanting to...
I beat myself you because sometimes he is the symbol of my bitterness and other times he can be the lust of my forbidden.
I beat myself up over him because I know if I go back there's no returning and if I keep on putting off this urge and just move forward, then my craving for him will become something dangerous.
Those nights of making love, and leaving nothing of each other unsatified still fills my dreams. The nights where we could just keep on going until we take each other into the unknown of reaching that beautiful climax of never wanting to...
570 reads
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Unforgettable Man

673 reads
He told me that night
The night was cold...we are having fun, holding hands, laughing, having a fantastic time hoping that it won't come to an end.
But as we get ready to end the night...the atmosphere between us brings an uncertainty not within me but within you as i look over to see you internally debating with yourself.
I ask "what's on your mind bee", called him that because he told me he likes the transformers and ever since bumblebee has been his favorite.
He says " I think, I think I found her".
I look at him with a worrisome yet confused look and say " found who"?
He said "...
But as we get ready to end the night...the atmosphere between us brings an uncertainty not within me but within you as i look over to see you internally debating with yourself.
I ask "what's on your mind bee", called him that because he told me he likes the transformers and ever since bumblebee has been his favorite.
He says " I think, I think I found her".
I look at him with a worrisome yet confused look and say " found who"?
He said "...
548 reads
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Happy meeting...Broken ending
Well and friend of a long time actually decided to spend time together...catch up, window shop and even if we did dance around the question, well I tried hard to avoid the elephant in the room but he just kept on hitting hard...he said, " so...this may be out of the ordinary and even if we might have left off at an sour note...but for the time were together I dont see you texting back and fourth with anyone or even smile when you look at your phone...
I cut him off, which was rude I admit and I said, " you were always famous for beating around the bush, please get straight to...
I cut him off, which was rude I admit and I said, " you were always famous for beating around the bush, please get straight to...
#heartbroken #redemption
#heartbroken #redemption
467 reads
A Friend's love confessed...confused
Today...i was alone...feeling a certain sense of peace, maybe a bit of recharging my was pretty I slept until my body felt the need to wake again...
Viberation of a text' friend says she needs to come and let off some steam...ok then...
15 mins later, heard the knock at the door, in my usual pajamas...shorts, top and fuzzy socks...making my way to the door hear "special delivery"...I say as a joke "I didnt order room service"...something personal between us lol
Then she says "well ma'am this package is really heavy and...
Viberation of a text' friend says she needs to come and let off some steam...ok then...
15 mins later, heard the knock at the door, in my usual pajamas...shorts, top and fuzzy socks...making my way to the door hear "special delivery"...I say as a joke "I didnt order room service"...something personal between us lol
Then she says "well ma'am this package is really heavy and...
472 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by mkelly