Submissions by madpride (Madison.)
Make me feel right.
They look so happy.
Why can't that be me?
To be with the person I love,
Must I cross that everlasting sea?
The sea is of darkness and pain and strife.
The way that they are
The way they're so full of life.
Why can't I feel that?
For one simple day.
Why can't he tell me he loves me
In every way.
Make me feel happy.
Take away the pain.
Take out the lonely nights
When my tears fall like rain.
Kiss my face
And hold me tight
Making me feel safe
Make me feel right.
Why can't that be me?
To be with the person I love,
Must I cross that everlasting sea?
The sea is of darkness and pain and strife.
The way that they are
The way they're so full of life.
Why can't I feel that?
For one simple day.
Why can't he tell me he loves me
In every way.
Make me feel happy.
Take away the pain.
Take out the lonely nights
When my tears fall like rain.
Kiss my face
And hold me tight
Making me feel safe
Make me feel right.
582 reads
Be There for Me
I need somebody to be there, to hold me and make me feel like it'll be alright for once. I need somebody to keep me warm on a cold winters night. To sit with me by the fire and give me soft kisses of compassion. Have you ever felt that? That urge to feel like you are safe? That urge to feel loved and cared about? I get them. It's a never-ending feeling.
570 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by madpride (Madison.)