Submissions by lonelymaiden
So It Ends.
I wish there was another way.
Another route that I might take,
yet there is no other way
for me to go forward.
So here I am with
the bottle of vodka
and a hand full of pills.
The only question left
is which one first.
Another route that I might take,
yet there is no other way
for me to go forward.
So here I am with
the bottle of vodka
and a hand full of pills.
The only question left
is which one first.
761 reads
What it is.
They think it is funny.
“It'swhatwe do to each other”
Say other girls,
but to me it is so much more.
To me those “joking words” kill.
They take my weak
self esteem, and self worth
and break it into little pieces.
Leaving me with nothing left.
Nothing to hold me up,
and so I fall.
“It'swhatwe do to each other”
Say other girls,
but to me it is so much more.
To me those “joking words” kill.
They take my weak
self esteem, and self worth
and break it into little pieces.
Leaving me with nothing left.
Nothing to hold me up,
and so I fall.
742 reads
There are too many things you said you would do.
Too many times in which you never came through.
When I sat there waiting for things to change,
waiting for you get out of the game.
You were a player the number one man,
yet you said you would be beside me holding my hand.
As I went through the trauma of being beaten,
you were off with your hussies again.
So I am writing this poem to as a way,
to get out all the things I was not able to say.
It’s time for me to let go though it feels strange,
I have finally learned that you will never change.
Too many times in which you never came through.
When I sat there waiting for things to change,
waiting for you get out of the game.
You were a player the number one man,
yet you said you would be beside me holding my hand.
As I went through the trauma of being beaten,
you were off with your hussies again.
So I am writing this poem to as a way,
to get out all the things I was not able to say.
It’s time for me to let go though it feels strange,
I have finally learned that you will never change.
875 reads
The Storm
So can you tell me why,
the world is the way it is?
Why people are so dam fucking mean and self centered,
looking out for no one but themselves.
While other people are screaming for help,
trying to find some one who cares.
Trying to find a life raft
amid their sea of endless pain.
Yet for some reason no one hears their screams,
or cares enough to help the person.
All they need is one person,
just one person to help them through the storm.
Still they remain there alone,
no one coming to help them find a way out.
For no one in this...
the world is the way it is?
Why people are so dam fucking mean and self centered,
looking out for no one but themselves.
While other people are screaming for help,
trying to find some one who cares.
Trying to find a life raft
amid their sea of endless pain.
Yet for some reason no one hears their screams,
or cares enough to help the person.
All they need is one person,
just one person to help them through the storm.
Still they remain there alone,
no one coming to help them find a way out.
For no one in this...
775 reads
WHAT THE f**k!!!!!
Why is everything so difficult?
So dam fucking hard.
Why do you get put away
for showing your anger?
For showing you have feelings
about one thing or another
and will not put them away
in a neat little box
like everyone says you should.
I for one can not just put
my emotions away
all neat and tidy
in a little box.
Yet if I do not then
I will end up just like her.
End up getting hauled away because
my emotions where not shown they way
that they wanted to see them shown.
So dam fucking hard.
Why do you get put away
for showing your anger?
For showing you have feelings
about one thing or another
and will not put them away
in a neat little box
like everyone says you should.
I for one can not just put
my emotions away
all neat and tidy
in a little box.
Yet if I do not then
I will end up just like her.
End up getting hauled away because
my emotions where not shown they way
that they wanted to see them shown.
776 reads
One Word
What do you think of
when you hear my name?
What is the first word
that pops into you mind?
For me it is worthless,
that is the first thing I think of.
I think of that first because it includes
all the other things that I know I am.
The fat useless slob,
repulsive and ugly.
That is what I am,
the girl no guy would date,
and all the other girls laugh at.
As for other people,
well they all call me worse things.
The umpa lumpa,
the blob,
or the ugly duckling.
All of it adds up to the same thing,
I am the girl who...
when you hear my name?
What is the first word
that pops into you mind?
For me it is worthless,
that is the first thing I think of.
I think of that first because it includes
all the other things that I know I am.
The fat useless slob,
repulsive and ugly.
That is what I am,
the girl no guy would date,
and all the other girls laugh at.
As for other people,
well they all call me worse things.
The umpa lumpa,
the blob,
or the ugly duckling.
All of it adds up to the same thing,
I am the girl who...
875 reads
No More Words
There is not much for me to say any more,
no more words to explain just how it is I feel
on the inside. The place that no one but me sees.
It is filled to the brim with all the pain
the pain that I can not deal with.
That hurts too much to bring to the light of day.
So I leave it on the inside, hiding it from the world,
some times I hide it even from myself.
no more words to explain just how it is I feel
on the inside. The place that no one but me sees.
It is filled to the brim with all the pain
the pain that I can not deal with.
That hurts too much to bring to the light of day.
So I leave it on the inside, hiding it from the world,
some times I hide it even from myself.
811 reads
I can not stand to deal with this any more.
It seems as if everything is pilling up against me,
trying to bring me down and take me to the point of no return.
To the point where I can not fix myself any more.
So I scream and I scream,
till my lungs are sore.
Yet no one seems to hear me as I scream
no one comes to help me,
not that they really would do any good.
So instead I sit here and die on the inside
while my arms bleed on the outside.
It seems as if everything is pilling up against me,
trying to bring me down and take me to the point of no return.
To the point where I can not fix myself any more.
So I scream and I scream,
till my lungs are sore.
Yet no one seems to hear me as I scream
no one comes to help me,
not that they really would do any good.
So instead I sit here and die on the inside
while my arms bleed on the outside.
851 reads
I Sit and Wonder.
Many times I sit and wonder what it is I want to do with my life. What exactly could I do with my skills that would leave me satisfied? To be brutally honest I am not really sure yet what I want to do with the rest of my life. For the purpose of this piece though I will try and pick a couple of careers that I am leaning towards.One thing I am sure of is I want to work in a relaxed and free flowing environment. I love to help people so a job where I could do that would be great. Then to incorporate my creative side I might lean more towards art therapy or something of that nature. As far as...
773 reads
Whispers From The Devil
I wish there was more than this,
a way to escape this constant pain.
There is a way to end it
to escape the constant pain.
Is there really a way to escape?
Can you show me the way out?
Yes I can show you the way,
but nothing in this world is free.
What is the payment you seek,
tell me and I will pay it.
Are you sure you wish to do this?
Once you accept there is no turning back.
Yes I will do it,
whatever it is I must do I will do it.
Then here is the price you must pay,
in order to escape the pain you must give me your life.
a way to escape this constant pain.
There is a way to end it
to escape the constant pain.
Is there really a way to escape?
Can you show me the way out?
Yes I can show you the way,
but nothing in this world is free.
What is the payment you seek,
tell me and I will pay it.
Are you sure you wish to do this?
Once you accept there is no turning back.
Yes I will do it,
whatever it is I must do I will do it.
Then here is the price you must pay,
in order to escape the pain you must give me your life.
967 reads
What is there for me to say?
My day has come to an end,
and I have done nothing with it.
I mean sure I went to school,
did all my class work and home work.
So I did talk to my best friends for a bit,
got my life a little straighter.
Laughed at some jokes I heard,
do not even get me started on all the drama.
So basically all I did today was
My day has come to an end,
and I have done nothing with it.
I mean sure I went to school,
did all my class work and home work.
So I did talk to my best friends for a bit,
got my life a little straighter.
Laughed at some jokes I heard,
do not even get me started on all the drama.
So basically all I did today was
804 reads
What Shoul Have Happened
Dear Edward
If you are reading this then it means that I am already gone. I could not sit by and allow your family to be slaughtered because of me. So instead of sitting by I have decided to take some action. By the time you read this I will already be on my way to Italy. Know that I have done this because I love you more than life itself. You and your family have done so much to keep me safe. I must now do what I can to keep all of you safe. It was me they were after not you or your family. It must now be me that it ends with.
I now beg you not to be mad at me, I could not bare to...
If you are reading this then it means that I am already gone. I could not sit by and allow your family to be slaughtered because of me. So instead of sitting by I have decided to take some action. By the time you read this I will already be on my way to Italy. Know that I have done this because I love you more than life itself. You and your family have done so much to keep me safe. I must now do what I can to keep all of you safe. It was me they were after not you or your family. It must now be me that it ends with.
I now beg you not to be mad at me, I could not bare to...
1376 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by lonelymaiden