Submissions by edward (The Poetic Philosopher)
Poet Introduction
Hello world my name is Keith Edward Baucum my poetic name are The Poetic Philosopher. My favorite poets are Langston Hughes, Phillis Wheatley, Tupac Shakur , my interests are poetry, African American studies, visual art
GREEN Chapter Two
Olive Spectrum was a plain looking black woman in her 30's who lived a very plain life. She always looked forward to Saturday a day she would spend at the Golden Scissors getting her hair done and talking with Jewel StoneWall her childhood friend. When Saturday rolled around Olive hopped out of bed and got ready for her hair appointment. On her way to the Golden Scissors Olive thought about how Jewel had been trying to get her to get Dreadlocks. "Jewel said I should try something different. I guess I'll be getting Dreadlocks" said Olive. As Olive parked her red BMW in the parking lot of...
670 reads
The Poetic Philsopher
I've decided to go back to my old name
The Poetic Philosopher.
This will be my poetic name from here on out. The Poetic Philosopher will be the only poetic name I use.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum.
The Poetic Philosopher.
This will be my poetic name from here on out. The Poetic Philosopher will be the only poetic name I use.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum.
567 reads
South Side
With lifeless eyes he forms the south side hand sign. Represent his neighborhood is all he know. No remorse for his actions banging on the other side. He got his dope in his pocket and his pistol in his waistband. He pulled his pistol aimed and fired shots with his left hand. Hot steel spiraled out the barrel of the gun. Empty shells and bodies hit the pavement. Elevating the crime rate he celebrates with his homies back on the south side. Lines of Cocaine being snorted off the stomachs of sluts. With bloodshot eyes they scream south side. North siders come through gunning automatic...
694 reads
1 Comment
Wearing a crown of fire and a robe of blood
Hatred sits upon his throne of thorns and thinks on how to kill Love.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum.
Hatred sits upon his throne of thorns and thinks on how to kill Love.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum.
716 reads
GREEN Chapter One
As Olive Spectrum lay on the floor at Club Envy with her lungs burning and filling up with blood from being shot by an unknown person she thought her life would never end like this. Olive's tears started to flow as she thought of the years she spent slithering with snakes. Her job at the BNB Bank made it easy to launder money for the Black Crime Syndicate. It was six years ago in the month of June that her life took a downward spiral. Upset at the thought of being late for work Olive floored the gas pedal. As she passed by the slow moving drivers weaving in and out of traffic Olive hoped...
655 reads
Love and Loyalty
Dressed in light and wearing a crown of
Olive leaves, Love stands before Loyalty her husband to be and a host of wedding guests.
Looking into each other's eyes the two exchange vows.
Loyalty - My dream of making you my wife has become reality. I promise to hold you in my arms and keep you safe for all eternity. I promise to cherish you and treat you like royalty.
Love - I've been waiting for this moment ever since my heart took it's first beat. Like
doves flying on the winds of peace I promise to uphold this marriage above the clouds of serenity. Surrounded...
Olive leaves, Love stands before Loyalty her husband to be and a host of wedding guests.
Looking into each other's eyes the two exchange vows.
Loyalty - My dream of making you my wife has become reality. I promise to hold you in my arms and keep you safe for all eternity. I promise to cherish you and treat you like royalty.
Love - I've been waiting for this moment ever since my heart took it's first beat. Like
doves flying on the winds of peace I promise to uphold this marriage above the clouds of serenity. Surrounded...
792 reads
GREEN (The Other Version) Chapter Two
Making their way to the parking lot Amber and Edward Davis say their goodbyes. That's odd, there's a lot of officers that buy sex from the girls at Club Envy. Thought Amber Forest as she got behind the wheel of her Volks Wagon Jetta. As Amber drove home she questioned why Ivy would send her brother to the Emerald Lady to handle such a small debt. "This is not like Ivy to act like this. I wonder what's really going on? Then there's Edward Davis. I wonder if Jade is up and about. Maybe she can tell me more about the situation with Edward Davis. The two of them are closer as friends...
758 reads
Take a trip with me to lands unheard of
through hidden passages, secret doors,
and unknown chambers deep within my
mind all you need is your imagination so
leave everything behind
See creatures and sights so strange that they'll burn imprints on the pages of your brain.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum
through hidden passages, secret doors,
and unknown chambers deep within my
mind all you need is your imagination so
leave everything behind
See creatures and sights so strange that they'll burn imprints on the pages of your brain.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum
689 reads
Evil Levi
"This is the day we've been waiting on. It's ok to be nervous but don't be scared. You are the sacred vessle" said the tall dark skin woman as she looked down into the eyes of the ten year old boy. Dressed in a red and black robe the ten year old boy says "I'm not afraid. I'm just ready to get this over with." "That's just what I wanted to hear Levi. It's time to get started. Please follow behind me" said the tall dark skin woman. "Yes mother" said Levi as he followed his mother out of his room. Leading Levi down a long hall that was...
1156 reads
The Locklears Chapter two
"Linda this is your victim so you have to inflict the first wound" said Rusty. Responding to Rusty's words Linda picked up the nail gun. "Linda you don't have to do this" pleaded the man. "I have kids that I provide for. My name is Timothy Yates. I have a wife" said Timothy. Linda silenced Timothy with a swift kick to his testicles. "Look Rusty it actually think we care about it's pathetic little life" said Linda. Placing the muzzle of the nail gun on Timothy's foot Linda pulled the trigger. Firing a sharp nail into Timothy's foot blood...
705 reads
Corrupt Avenue
Stopping at the corner of Corrupt Avenue and Cocaine Boulvard on the arc of the hill.
The red car let out a young woman with skin a dark brown hue. Who look like life had hit her with everything including the bathroom commode. "Thank you for the inks and the ride" said the dark brown woman as she got out of the red car. "Red and green looks good on your skin. Can we keep doing sex for tattoos?" Said the driver of the car. Taking a peek from under the shades she was wearing the dark brown woman said "Sure baby." "I'll be seeing you Abby" said the man driving the red car. "Yes...
The red car let out a young woman with skin a dark brown hue. Who look like life had hit her with everything including the bathroom commode. "Thank you for the inks and the ride" said the dark brown woman as she got out of the red car. "Red and green looks good on your skin. Can we keep doing sex for tattoos?" Said the driver of the car. Taking a peek from under the shades she was wearing the dark brown woman said "Sure baby." "I'll be seeing you Abby" said the man driving the red car. "Yes...
684 reads
The Locklears Chapter One
Wakey, wakey, sleepy head" the woman's voice was cheerful and playful as she threw a glass of cold water in the unconscious man's face. "Wha, Wha, What happened? Did I fall asleep?" asked the man. As the man opened his eyes he tried to move but couldn't. Looking around he realized he was in an upright position eagle spread. Each wrist and ankle was shackled, Locked, and chained. "I'm not into locks and chains. I'm the one paying for sex. You have to do what I want" said the man with slurred speech. "Poor, poor, little man I'm not a prostitute. I just pose as one on the internet and...
701 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by edward (The Poetic Philosopher)