Submissions by brokenyetstrong
Your memory my disease
Your memory is like a disease. It sneaks up on me in the most unexpected ways, at the most unexpected times. It paralyzes me,
dragging me back to the past. Forcing me to relive those fateful
moments. I ripped you from me taking a piece of me as you went, or so I though for you lie restlessly in the back of my mind just waiting for your next chance to rise up. Will I ever be in peace?
I can't just forget when given so much to remember. I seem to be trapped inside my very mind with you every time I close my eyes.
A curse or a blessing I will never know. I was taught so...
dragging me back to the past. Forcing me to relive those fateful
moments. I ripped you from me taking a piece of me as you went, or so I though for you lie restlessly in the back of my mind just waiting for your next chance to rise up. Will I ever be in peace?
I can't just forget when given so much to remember. I seem to be trapped inside my very mind with you every time I close my eyes.
A curse or a blessing I will never know. I was taught so...
665 reads
Beautiful angel
Beautiful angel why are you crying?
I know the world can seem crueler than expected.
Our soldiers are dying, children are left in tears crying.
The days and nights feeling as if they go on forever.
Pain is as common as breathing, or so it seems.
The world where you come from is bright and full of light.
Here there only glimpses of what you hoped it be every day.
I see the weight of the world is on your very shoulders,
though you don’t have to uphold it alone.
Here let me help you up lovely angel, it will all turn out...
I know the world can seem crueler than expected.
Our soldiers are dying, children are left in tears crying.
The days and nights feeling as if they go on forever.
Pain is as common as breathing, or so it seems.
The world where you come from is bright and full of light.
Here there only glimpses of what you hoped it be every day.
I see the weight of the world is on your very shoulders,
though you don’t have to uphold it alone.
Here let me help you up lovely angel, it will all turn out...
773 reads
Little Soul
Theirs a little heart beat fluttering inside me.
Your just a small blimp now, but in just a few short months
i'll feel the warmth of you in my arms. I wasn't ready the day I got the news. The news that I was chosen to be the keeper of your little soul. To love love and nurture it. To be all that is to make me into a mother. I wasn't sure at first, didn't think that I could handle it. That maybe I didn't deserve you, but I know now that I will give it all i've got. To be a mother you can be proud of some day. Because I know now that you are my small blessing in disguise.
Your just a small blimp now, but in just a few short months
i'll feel the warmth of you in my arms. I wasn't ready the day I got the news. The news that I was chosen to be the keeper of your little soul. To love love and nurture it. To be all that is to make me into a mother. I wasn't sure at first, didn't think that I could handle it. That maybe I didn't deserve you, but I know now that I will give it all i've got. To be a mother you can be proud of some day. Because I know now that you are my small blessing in disguise.
731 reads
Roller Coaster
I'm on a rollercoaster that only goes up my friend. Flying to the sky
in my cart of hopes and dreams. The feeling is exhilirating. Feeling as
if I could just continue the journey up, up towards the stars. Oh to be
one with the stars again. The place amoung them where we all once
where. Yet here I am finding my way up the ride from the very bottom.
Most expect it to be a sure shoot up. Though I know better. I expect the
stops, curves, detours, and even missing tracks. Isn't it all in the grand
schem of things? Why become part of the ride just to go...
in my cart of hopes and dreams. The feeling is exhilirating. Feeling as
if I could just continue the journey up, up towards the stars. Oh to be
one with the stars again. The place amoung them where we all once
where. Yet here I am finding my way up the ride from the very bottom.
Most expect it to be a sure shoot up. Though I know better. I expect the
stops, curves, detours, and even missing tracks. Isn't it all in the grand
schem of things? Why become part of the ride just to go...
595 reads
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I'm drowning. I can't kick myself to the surface. My lungs burn
inside me. I don't want to go. I won't surrender, not like this. Your
words are poison, invading my veins and going straight to my heart.
I can't breath and know I won't be able to without you by my side again.
The very reason for my suffication is also the breath my lungs crave for.
Your killing me yet the only thing that can bring me back to life again. I lay before you
battered and broken awaiting my next fix. My fix of you. Before i'm thrown
back in head first to continue drowning from the...
inside me. I don't want to go. I won't surrender, not like this. Your
words are poison, invading my veins and going straight to my heart.
I can't breath and know I won't be able to without you by my side again.
The very reason for my suffication is also the breath my lungs crave for.
Your killing me yet the only thing that can bring me back to life again. I lay before you
battered and broken awaiting my next fix. My fix of you. Before i'm thrown
back in head first to continue drowning from the...
778 reads
Don't wake me
Don't wake me from this dream.
Don't pull me back into my reality.
In this dream your hands entwined
in mine. Where happy again. Don't
wake me up, I don't want to awake
without you. I finally found you again
rethinking of what we both did. Don't
wake me, cause I can't go back and get
my second chance. This is as good as it
gets. I gotta let you go, living without you.
I see you in my dreams and it feels real.
Even though its not love and I know how
its all going to end. Don't wake me don't
pull me to reality let me dream. It's all I...
Don't pull me back into my reality.
In this dream your hands entwined
in mine. Where happy again. Don't
wake me up, I don't want to awake
without you. I finally found you again
rethinking of what we both did. Don't
wake me, cause I can't go back and get
my second chance. This is as good as it
gets. I gotta let you go, living without you.
I see you in my dreams and it feels real.
Even though its not love and I know how
its all going to end. Don't wake me don't
pull me to reality let me dream. It's all I...
639 reads
I awaken in a fog cloaked graveyard. I can't see much but shapes and outlines of headstones in front of me. I don't know how I got here I must have fallen into a deep sleep. I get up and make my way towards the headstones and what I see makes me fall to my knees. Each head stone is about me. The dates saying when I lost something important to the person I'm suppose to be. The one closes to me says courage the ones next to it say imagniation, creativity, trust, hope, and dreams...and the one farthest from me says love which has yet to be filled. Each are buried when something happened in my...
650 reads
The start of my new short story....Finding Redemption
Present day- October 18
Ice cold against my cheeks, so weak, so cold, what happened? I manage to sit up and hear the soft dripping noise and look down..I'm bleeding. I have gashes down my arms... And that's when it hits me. I slit my wrists and passed out from the blood. Looking around I find my weapon my since of release, I can barely make it out in the puddle of blood. Though sure enough it's my blade my friend. The only one that's never abandoned me. I must have cut to deep this time. I need to be more careful before someone notices and starts to ask questions. I can't afford that, not...
Ice cold against my cheeks, so weak, so cold, what happened? I manage to sit up and hear the soft dripping noise and look down..I'm bleeding. I have gashes down my arms... And that's when it hits me. I slit my wrists and passed out from the blood. Looking around I find my weapon my since of release, I can barely make it out in the puddle of blood. Though sure enough it's my blade my friend. The only one that's never abandoned me. I must have cut to deep this time. I need to be more careful before someone notices and starts to ask questions. I can't afford that, not...
558 reads
The urge is back. I want it. I needed. The sweet relieve of the blade, my trusty and loyal friend. For so long I denied the urges for it. I excepted the fact that couldn't have it and make those around me happy. I took the blades and put them in a box and locked them away. Thinking the phrase "out of sight out of mind" could possibly work. Some days it did some days it didn't. It seemed to always be their, sitting in the back of my mind waiting for my weakest moment to come back and take over. Well that moment has come and its now my decision to make....finally give in and feel my...
702 reads
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My soul needs cleansing....It needs to be washed clean of all the pain,the sadness, the hurt. Before it can even begin the process of being put back together. Every day its cloaked in the mask, the mask of a smile. Of being carefree and whole. How long does it go on? How long could it possibly last? One can take but so much before theirs just no coming back. The darkness washes over my soul like a silk blanket. Soft and comforting, yet heavy and suffocating at the same time. The times come for me to make a decision. The decision involving my tell tale mask. Is it time to finally take it off...
733 reads
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Personal Poison
He's my own personal form of poison. Every sip is just another bit of tourment to me. I want it though. I want every last sip to pass my lips. I would rather feel the poison raging inside me, then to be hollow and feel nothing at all. So tell me would you die just to know the one you love is happy? To crash and burn...No matter how many lives I live I will never regret that first sip nor will I regret the last. Is it believed to be love to kill to save his life, to kill to prove your right for him...To crash to feel it all rage from within you to all around you. Maybe it is maybe...
588 reads
Closet Full Of Secrets
Closet full of secrets...we all have them. Not meaning to the lies and secrets just pile up and get pushed into the closet. Thing is would your secret kill the soul of the one you love? Mine would. Every night I lay beside him though another is on my mind... I love the man beside me, though my memories haunt me as soon as the darkness rolls in. I want to see this other man in my mind to scream at the top of my lungs and tell him to be gone. To let me live in peace with my love. Yet the memories still stay like a grave yet to be covered. Try as I might I can't fight it. I I need the...
834 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by brokenyetstrong