Submissions by arey_dark_angel
Poet Introduction
im arey i write dark sad poems from time to time i'll be on here writing poems i hope u guys will like them
Her broken story
The time is now to start the war,
The time is hard and we never got what we fought for,
Her pain is hidden in her eyes,
Reality is blinded by her disguise,
She sees the pain she sees the guilt,
She feels something she’s never felt,
She cries and cries still not a clue,
What her pain meant to you,
Oh that’s right it meant nothing,
For you where a neglecter in her story,
She tells the tale and as it goes you see the pain unravel,
Her past isn’t solid it’s just like gravel,
Her family was curl and deceitful,
Sometimes she couldn’t breathe,...
The time is hard and we never got what we fought for,
Her pain is hidden in her eyes,
Reality is blinded by her disguise,
She sees the pain she sees the guilt,
She feels something she’s never felt,
She cries and cries still not a clue,
What her pain meant to you,
Oh that’s right it meant nothing,
For you where a neglecter in her story,
She tells the tale and as it goes you see the pain unravel,
Her past isn’t solid it’s just like gravel,
Her family was curl and deceitful,
Sometimes she couldn’t breathe,...
668 reads
1 Comment
I see the pain in her eyes,
I see the suffering that lies,
I want to hold her close but she is afraid of most,
She hides her pain with a smile yet there is no denial,
She is lost in a broken world as pills make her mind thrilled,
She pushes her thoughts out and tries not to shout,
Hiding in fear the end grows near,
Everyday a new line of cuts a new fear even a silent cry for help,
She holds the knife to her neck then to her heart she is scared,
They call her a freak they tell her she stupid and should die yet they don’t know how many times she has...
I see the suffering that lies,
I want to hold her close but she is afraid of most,
She hides her pain with a smile yet there is no denial,
She is lost in a broken world as pills make her mind thrilled,
She pushes her thoughts out and tries not to shout,
Hiding in fear the end grows near,
Everyday a new line of cuts a new fear even a silent cry for help,
She holds the knife to her neck then to her heart she is scared,
They call her a freak they tell her she stupid and should die yet they don’t know how many times she has...
784 reads
her life story till the end
today the sadness
tomorrow the depression
the next day is cutting
then the confronting
she hurts inside
yet no one knows why
she cant tell
not a soul
she keeps it hidden
she lets it dwell
yet the day they take it one step to far
she drives that blade in deeper and deeper
the pain and the blood rushes to the cut
her silent scream just wasn't enough
she runs free for two seconds flat
then goes in again for another cut
her tears seem bloody
her fear is seen
but guess wat
she cant scream
the next time its...
tomorrow the depression
the next day is cutting
then the confronting
she hurts inside
yet no one knows why
she cant tell
not a soul
she keeps it hidden
she lets it dwell
yet the day they take it one step to far
she drives that blade in deeper and deeper
the pain and the blood rushes to the cut
her silent scream just wasn't enough
she runs free for two seconds flat
then goes in again for another cut
her tears seem bloody
her fear is seen
but guess wat
she cant scream
the next time its...
539 reads
The Girl
I saw the nervousnes in her eyes skinny weak and when she turned and looked at me i saw the reddness and the pain of her crying the drug addict mother of hers beating on her constantly shes been raped but no one cares i see the scares on her wrist i see the newly cut slits its a sad twist her razor she hides but u know its there she dose this here at home and everywhere this is school where she judged all day only to go home and wish her body would decay she crys and screams but no one helps i took her hand and smiled at her she looked at me and said a word i couldnt understand but she said...
767 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by arey_dark_angel