Submissions by XXLoverBoyXX (XXFakeSmileXX)
Poet Introduction
I'm chance I currently live in Kentucky and I hope you all like my work!
A Fake Smile
I walk in the hallway, waving to my peers, tryin to hide my tears, I place upon my face the darkest of fake smiles, my fake smile fools many people, it's a tool I've learned a few years back, people dont want to see a depressed kid or a kid who never a smiles or has any emotion, so I fake my attitude and my smiles, behind my smile is pain, fear, depression, and hurt. But no one will ever know, what lies behind this smile, I'm just an ordinary "prep" as they would call me. But they never know what I feel 90% of my time. Life has no meaning to me, I don't understand why I'm still...
1474 reads
A love Not Forgotten
Raining was falling, thunder was crashing into the mountains. Me and my girl was under the maple tree, we tenderly kissed, not missing any seconds, her eyes were as golden as a halo on an angel, her hair was as black as black could get, I couldn't quit admiring her beauty, I had never felt this warm sensation around a girl before, not even the rain and thunder could take my mind off her, the Niflheim began to grow old so me and my girl fled into the nice warm couch, I told my girl that I loved her and she replied the same. But, as soon as our night had started it surely ended, she slowly...
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A lovers Tear
Her hand felt so warm against mine under the sunshine, her eyes made me melt right into her palms, I felt safe, warm, and bonded. I yearned for her everyday, even if it wasn't noticeable, I would give up my life for this girl, I would do anything in my mortal power to keep her happy. But, yet the demons from my past had been recovered from hell itself. I left her standing alone, cold, unsafe, and alone. I continued will my sinful past, forgetting the world, forgetting my love. On a may evening she caught my eye, beautiful as ever, I had seen she was nolonger alone, she was safe, and happy....
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A Blank Face
Looking in the mirror seems so easy, most people see perfection in themselves, some people see the fortune of beauty. But that little percentage of people see the ugly in themselves that isn't there, a little girl who's face is as innocent as a baby's, she looks in the mirror and sees a monster, a monster that is not perfect or attractive in anyway, a monster whom takes over her own body, she looks deeply in her mirror, looking at her naked body seeing all the "imperfections" the monster has given to her. She quickly runs to the bathroom, sticks her finger down her throat and up...
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DU Poetry : Submissions by XXLoverBoyXX (XXFakeSmileXX)