Submissions by XXLoverBoyXX (XXFakeSmileXX)
Poet Introduction
I'm chance I currently live in Kentucky and I hope you all like my work!
"That Feeling"
I thought we'd last forever
But it just wasn't so
Im heart broken
No words can express my feelings
My heart feels as if a dark-hole lies there
My body is numb
The love that was once their was so quickly taken
I feel like im drifting
Drifting to a world of nothing
You were my light
That light is gone
Im hollow
My body still in shock
This feeling it hurts
Its hurts so much
Why did I let you into my heart
Just to have it crushed
The love i had for you will always linger
But I will always...
I thought we'd last forever
But it just wasn't so
Im heart broken
No words can express my feelings
My heart feels as if a dark-hole lies there
My body is numb
The love that was once their was so quickly taken
I feel like im drifting
Drifting to a world of nothing
You were my light
That light is gone
Im hollow
My body still in shock
This feeling it hurts
Its hurts so much
Why did I let you into my heart
Just to have it crushed
The love i had for you will always linger
But I will always...
467 reads
Dating a Trans
I have been dating a trans guy for about a year and a half now. If you are asking yourself what a trans guy I can answer that right off. A trans guy is a girl who wants to be a guy. In other words they have a male mind but a female body. Imagine waking up in the wrong body every morning...eeeppp. I would die. Anyways I will start off on how we met. I am an online gamer. So if you are familiar with being a gamer than you are used to meeting random people. Well, my friend "brandi" moved from the state i currently live in to another. But we kept in touch via online gaming and skype....
763 reads
He looks at me. I turn my head. He touches me i shake him away. The thumping in my chest gets louder and louder. He seems to sense that im scared. I quickly get up off the worn out seat in the club and head towards the bar. The music seems to get louder and louder as i walk closer and closer to the bar. I feel his presence behind me. I fall to the ground and can feel all life disappear. My eyes feel heavy and i start to feel his body over me. I awake in a dark room. I feel his eyes staring at me. But, my eyes seem to not detect him. Then i feel him on my neck. I try to move. But, i cannot...
554 reads
My Soul-Mate
"My Soul-Mate
The day i first heard your voice i knew from the start you were the one.The First time we started to talk as in friends you didnt like me. Funny now that we are madly in love with each other. I remember you caught me as a jack ass. After awhile i tried dating other people. But, i knew something was missing, I did not realize that the thing i was missing was you. I will admit once we started texting each other I was scared out of my mind. I was very nervous that you wouldnt be interested. But, thankfully you started to fall for me. Thats when my life started to have...
The day i first heard your voice i knew from the start you were the one.The First time we started to talk as in friends you didnt like me. Funny now that we are madly in love with each other. I remember you caught me as a jack ass. After awhile i tried dating other people. But, i knew something was missing, I did not realize that the thing i was missing was you. I will admit once we started texting each other I was scared out of my mind. I was very nervous that you wouldnt be interested. But, thankfully you started to fall for me. Thats when my life started to have...
613 reads
Is It Love?
Is It Love?
My heart pounds when i hear his voice,
I want to be with him FOREVER,
I hate it when he talks to another,
I wait for a text from him,
I laugh at all his jokes,
I dream about meeting him,
I would take a bullet for him,
I think about him 24/7,
I know were a perfect match,
I love his voice,
I love everything about him,
I love his sweetness,
Is This Love I Feel :)
My heart pounds when i hear his voice,
I want to be with him FOREVER,
I hate it when he talks to another,
I wait for a text from him,
I laugh at all his jokes,
I dream about meeting him,
I would take a bullet for him,
I think about him 24/7,
I know were a perfect match,
I love his voice,
I love everything about him,
I love his sweetness,
Is This Love I Feel :)
574 reads
1 Comment
Forgive and Forget?
Forgive And Forget?
Its funny how the saying goes forgive and forget. But can you truly forget something? Ive learned to never forget and never forgive. Even the close-est friends will hurt you. Never trust anyone, especially friends and family. Never tell yourself you can trust someone. Hell you cant even trust yourself. If somebody hurts you and they ask for forgiveness, dont do it. If they hurt you intentional they deserve to feel guilty for what they did. So as my saying goes never forgive never forget.
Its funny how the saying goes forgive and forget. But can you truly forget something? Ive learned to never forget and never forgive. Even the close-est friends will hurt you. Never trust anyone, especially friends and family. Never tell yourself you can trust someone. Hell you cant even trust yourself. If somebody hurts you and they ask for forgiveness, dont do it. If they hurt you intentional they deserve to feel guilty for what they did. So as my saying goes never forgive never forget.
884 reads
Our love was as strong as a drug
I remember our hands were like a stitching
We couldn't be separated
It was as If no wrong in this world could seperate us
The warmth of our bodies made us both feel safe
When we kissed it was like all the stars in the sky had meaning
As you laid your head on my shoulders i knew you were the one
From the the day I met you and the day you left me I always felt madly in love
But as all love stories begin they truly end
I gave you my heart but it wasn't enough
Your heart went to everyone, except...
Our love was as strong as a drug
I remember our hands were like a stitching
We couldn't be separated
It was as If no wrong in this world could seperate us
The warmth of our bodies made us both feel safe
When we kissed it was like all the stars in the sky had meaning
As you laid your head on my shoulders i knew you were the one
From the the day I met you and the day you left me I always felt madly in love
But as all love stories begin they truly end
I gave you my heart but it wasn't enough
Your heart went to everyone, except...
623 reads
Yelling, Screaming, nothing works!! Your heart pounds for Someone to hear you. You feel alone, like nobody hears. They may listen but you know they don't feel, they may feel but not listen. You feel as if nobody cares, your that kid who sits alone without anyone acknowledging you. You are that one puzzle peice that doesn't seem to fit. You long for someone to help you, to at least listen and feel what your feeling, but nobody really cares, they just talk to you like the new soap opera on tv. They will talk about your problems like they are concerned, when in reality, they...
Yelling, Screaming, nothing works!! Your heart pounds for Someone to hear you. You feel alone, like nobody hears. They may listen but you know they don't feel, they may feel but not listen. You feel as if nobody cares, your that kid who sits alone without anyone acknowledging you. You are that one puzzle peice that doesn't seem to fit. You long for someone to help you, to at least listen and feel what your feeling, but nobody really cares, they just talk to you like the new soap opera on tv. They will talk about your problems like they are concerned, when in reality, they...
630 reads
Not Drugs But A Need

777 reads
Love Divine
Love, it's a word many of us claim to have felt. It's a word many of us say, but have never felt it. I've felt the love that is true. It's a feeling like no other, you feel like you couldn't live without your lover, you feel like your day isn't complete without them, you feel saddened when they are talking to the opposite sex, even if they are friends, you feel an urge to be with them all the time. You sometimes call them just to here there voice. There on your mind 99% of the time. But true love in a couple is when you receive the love you give back.
718 reads
His Fault
A tear streams down yours face, it gently hits the school desk, making your crying known throughout the classroom. Your peers start to ask what's wrong. You just shake your head and say in a whisper, Boyfriend. All of a sudden im hated by the student body. Not knowing what I had done to cause her to cry. All day I'm ridiculed, and made to look like the worst person on this earth. At the end of the day I quickly ask her what's going on. She replies, you never talk to me anymore, I quickly respond "I did try talking to you, your were ignoring I was even there". She responds " I...
597 reads
1 Comment
Everyday I walk the halls, looking back behind me, seeing if anybody is laughing at me. Or taunting me, making fun of me and making jokes about me behind my back. I make sure I keep a fast pace while walking in the halls, i try not to be caught by the bully's who run the school. If I'm lucky I get to class unharmed, but then I get to be ridiculed by my peers, the teacher just laughs and smiles at there jokes towards me. I like to zone out of my classes and block out all the horrid things I'm called. I like to imagine, a place where I'm treated fair, like I'm a human being not an animal. But...
694 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by XXLoverBoyXX (XXFakeSmileXX)