Submissions by Tibbs
Why, As Opposed to Why Not
A short pondering of life...
All my life I’ve been acting like I had something to prove to other people. Like I wasn't good enough and that I had to prove myself worthy. I’ve often questioned myself about that. But I think I’ve had a realization today. Yes I have been acting like I had to prove something to everybody. But what was it that I felt like I had to prove? I believe it was my social insecurities. I wanted to “fit in” like everybody does nowadays. It’s such a cliche thing to want, but I wanted it. I was never a popular one in school. I was deemed the weird one, the outcast,...
All my life I’ve been acting like I had something to prove to other people. Like I wasn't good enough and that I had to prove myself worthy. I’ve often questioned myself about that. But I think I’ve had a realization today. Yes I have been acting like I had to prove something to everybody. But what was it that I felt like I had to prove? I believe it was my social insecurities. I wanted to “fit in” like everybody does nowadays. It’s such a cliche thing to want, but I wanted it. I was never a popular one in school. I was deemed the weird one, the outcast,...
633 reads
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There Isn't a Whole Lot of Time...
There's only two truths in this world:
You are born; You will die.
There isn't a whole lot of time really...
But what about in between?
How could we ever be expected to live our lives to the fullest with so little time?
But maybe that is the flaw of being human..
All we ever want is more..
We never stop and look around, just gather in what we see, live life.
Personally, I think life has little to do with what other people think of you,
But rather more importantly,
what you think of yourself.
Because there's only two truths:
You are born; You...
You are born; You will die.
There isn't a whole lot of time really...
But what about in between?
How could we ever be expected to live our lives to the fullest with so little time?
But maybe that is the flaw of being human..
All we ever want is more..
We never stop and look around, just gather in what we see, live life.
Personally, I think life has little to do with what other people think of you,
But rather more importantly,
what you think of yourself.
Because there's only two truths:
You are born; You...
661 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Tibbs