Submissions by Thibor
Does Life Trump Death
What is the difference
Between Life and Death
If you believe in GOD and a Heaven ?
Does Life trump Death ?
Why ? How ?
If life doesn't work anymore,
Or seems fucked up or broken,
Why not try Death ?
. .. ...ooO0~iN.THiS.4.LiFE~0Ooo... .. .
Between Life and Death
If you believe in GOD and a Heaven ?
Does Life trump Death ?
Why ? How ?
If life doesn't work anymore,
Or seems fucked up or broken,
Why not try Death ?
. .. ...ooO0~iN.THiS.4.LiFE~0Ooo... .. .
580 reads
. LIVED NO EVIL .. note: <- Read backward's
He's come before, he'll come again,
He'll mold your fucking mind,
He'll strip you of your sanity,
He'll leave you sick and blind.
The day is getting closer,
The time is drawing near,
One by one he'll suck you in,
You're going to scream with fear !
You say it will not happen,
It's just a waste of time,
Go to a church .. pray to a God,
And everything is fine.
Tomorrow is the day
You'll awaken with a scream,
You'll form a single line,
Straight for his Death...
He's come before, he'll come again,
He'll mold your fucking mind,
He'll strip you of your sanity,
He'll leave you sick and blind.
The day is getting closer,
The time is drawing near,
One by one he'll suck you in,
You're going to scream with fear !
You say it will not happen,
It's just a waste of time,
Go to a church .. pray to a God,
And everything is fine.
Tomorrow is the day
You'll awaken with a scream,
You'll form a single line,
Straight for his Death...
549 reads
Sometimes I think about stuff ... but then I stop.

709 reads
A Grassy Field Full oF Cow's
Disrupts My Line oF Consciousness
It Disturbs The Alien.
491 reads
There's Not a single moment that gives me more pleasure
as when I lose myself in your gaze,
keeping watch over you and your dreams.
Nights of beauty, pamper my lips,
with so many exquisite tastes.
your sensual lips inviting my lasciviousness.
And what joy to receive your blossoming kisses,
their perfume arousing a thousand senses.
Is there any more riches in the world
than the tender warm kiss on your cheek
on which I will rest my lips,
or the simple touch of my fingers on you skin,
meeting no denial?
Is there ever a single hour...
617 reads
Life sucks.
Life is boring.
Life is hard and tiresome.
Life is much too short.
Life is much too long.
Life has its UP's but a lot more DOWN's.
Life especially sucks when you struggle through it ALONE.
No one to hold you when you just need a hug.
No one to hold you when you just need a soft voice telling you everything will be ok.
No one to share your joy's with.
No one to greet you after a 12 hour day at work, working all alone.
No one to buy little gift's for, just to see them smile and be happy.
No one to take care of...
567 reads
What Eye C .............
When I look up I see many colors…
Blue, Orange, Grey, Purple, White, Yellow.
I feel the calming,
The coolness,
The Brightness of HEAVEN.
When I look down, All I can see is…
Blood, Shit, and Darkness.
I can feel the heat,
The burning of HELL.
. .. ...ooO0~iN.THiS.4.LiFE~0Ooo... .. .
Blue, Orange, Grey, Purple, White, Yellow.
I feel the calming,
The coolness,
The Brightness of HEAVEN.
When I look down, All I can see is…
Blood, Shit, and Darkness.
I can feel the heat,
The burning of HELL.
. .. ...ooO0~iN.THiS.4.LiFE~0Ooo... .. .
567 reads
Deep into Reality
The Eye's Are
Dark, Black, And
Solid. No Light
Penetrates The
Ecliptic Eye.
Pupils Dilate...
Full Expansion!
Sit Up And Experience, Eternity.
. .. ...ooOiN.4.LiFEOoo... .. .
Dark, Black, And
Solid. No Light
Penetrates The
Ecliptic Eye.
Pupils Dilate...
Full Expansion!
Sit Up And Experience, Eternity.
. .. ...ooOiN.4.LiFEOoo... .. .
542 reads
Ice stretched across the river, almost completely covering
It, except for a few feet on either side where water was
Still flowing free.
It makes me think of my own life...
Much of it is covered over completely, Frozen and Stable,
But there is movement below the surface. The current is
Allays moving, changing constantly. Yet a thin line of
Sunlight can melt it also, allowing it to flow free, fast
Newly alive !
. .. ...ooOiN.4.LiFEOoo... .. .
579 reads
I am the Leader !
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
I am a child of the air, I'm a witch
of the wind. Released from the ground
floating up through the tree's, I can hear
her now as she's calling me. As her hollow
voice rides on the breeze, her scream's of
pain are haunting me. So beware my friend
as you pass by as you are now, so once was
I. As I am now, so you must be. Prepare my
friends to follow me.
. .. ...ooOiN.4.LiFEOoo... .. .
I am a child of the air, I'm a witch
of the wind. Released from the ground
floating up through the tree's, I can hear
her now as she's calling me. As her hollow
voice rides on the breeze, her scream's of
pain are haunting me. So beware my friend
as you pass by as you are now, so once was
I. As I am now, so you must be. Prepare my
friends to follow me.
. .. ...ooOiN.4.LiFEOoo... .. .
601 reads
. .. ..ooOOoo.. Death is but the start of life ..ooOOoo.. .. .
WHEN you are dead, you are still alive.
You do not cease to exist at death.
That is only an illusion.
You go through the doorway of death alive.
There is no altering of the consciousness.
It is no strange land that you go to.
You see; you built this place with the structure of your life
Starting at birth and finishing at death.
This was your life. Here and Now....
To live again through the eyes of another.
539 reads
I Am Ready ....

610 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Thibor