Submissions by TheBrokenSpectacle (Ny)
Poet Introduction
i've been writing since i could pick up a pencil and make words i've still got a lot to learn but i think i'm pretty good not the best but decent most of my writing is inspired by one person and my life so i hope you enjoy it
A Real Man
i taught myself morals and my own code. i raised myself to know love,loyalty, and truth. i am starting to learn acceptance and peace. so forgive me if i don't believe a man can be loyal because i've never seen it. so many words but yall don't ever seem to mean 'em. waiting on a miracle. lord if you exist give me strength cause the love i once had now just feels so fake. all fairytale; not reality. was i just so vulnerable? i was grasping, holding on to anything. my mind is on overdrive. i just don't want to think no more. what is my life right now? because i should've asked for more. i know i...
339 reads
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do you want me to be softer?
sorry,this world has hardened me
my boyish mannerisms make me strong
you want to see me vulnerable, but vulnerability is weakness to me
it's me handing you ammo to tear me apart with later
later,when you decide that you no longer care for me
when you realize you no longer want me
they say love is the strongest weapon because it turns the strongest person weak
most days i wish i never fell for you because being in love with you has made me weak
i've spent so much of my life picking my pieces up and making me stronger ...
sorry,this world has hardened me
my boyish mannerisms make me strong
you want to see me vulnerable, but vulnerability is weakness to me
it's me handing you ammo to tear me apart with later
later,when you decide that you no longer care for me
when you realize you no longer want me
they say love is the strongest weapon because it turns the strongest person weak
most days i wish i never fell for you because being in love with you has made me weak
i've spent so much of my life picking my pieces up and making me stronger ...
348 reads
i hope when you look in the mirror and see your worn out reflection that you find a sense of peace in the fact that you have battle scars from a war you were battling within yourself, you, a survivor, of the worst kind of fight i hope when you stand there in front of the sink in the morning ready to brush your teeth that you find a sense of strength from the fact that you not only woke up and got yourself out of bed but you also had the strength to look at yourself in the mirror giving yourself a chance to look at the beauty that is still left in you honey, the darkness you've been living in...
540 reads
my way of protecting you from me
he hates me
and he doesn't trust me
but can you blame them?
all of them?
my hands,mouth,my whole body has sinned more then anyone could see on the surface my somewhat innocent facade this beautifully worn mask hides the monster I can really be my intentions will never be revenge or to out-right hurt anyone my actions only hurt those I am trying to save from ME you will never understand my ways but they are MY WAYS for a reason
he may still hate me
and they may never trust me
but can you blame them?
every single one of them?
my mind has hidden...
and he doesn't trust me
but can you blame them?
all of them?
my hands,mouth,my whole body has sinned more then anyone could see on the surface my somewhat innocent facade this beautifully worn mask hides the monster I can really be my intentions will never be revenge or to out-right hurt anyone my actions only hurt those I am trying to save from ME you will never understand my ways but they are MY WAYS for a reason
he may still hate me
and they may never trust me
but can you blame them?
every single one of them?
my mind has hidden...
551 reads
still waiting
I used to think that i would never be good enough because of the many people that walked in and out of my life i felt like i waited for so long to find someone that would know the things that i've done and not really accepted my mistakes or my decisions but understood not understanding to fix me but understanding to gain knowledge of who i may possibly be i wanted to meet someone in an old fashioned way and have them love me in the instant they discovered my existence fairy tale dreams are not that far out of reach i can reach out my hand grasp at air and when i open my hand in my palm would...
622 reads
This ones for you
so, honestly just you
You were never stuck on what people may think of you
Your character was never questioned
You stayed true to YOU
so, this ones for you
taught me what being yourself can do for my self-esteem
You taught me that love can be found in dark places of regret and mistakes
Love does not judge
You did not judge me
so, this ones for you
accepted me in all my genuine flaws
listened to all my stories..
good,bad,scary,sad, and stupid...
You listened not to respond but to hear ...
so, honestly just you
You were never stuck on what people may think of you
Your character was never questioned
You stayed true to YOU
so, this ones for you
taught me what being yourself can do for my self-esteem
You taught me that love can be found in dark places of regret and mistakes
Love does not judge
You did not judge me
so, this ones for you
accepted me in all my genuine flaws
listened to all my stories..
good,bad,scary,sad, and stupid...
You listened not to respond but to hear ...
635 reads
be careful
they don't warn you they just tell you to "be careful" they don't tell you what will happen if you ignore your gut feeling they tell you "be careful" all the while still not telling you that love is sometimes more damaging to your heart then it's worth
love is a one way street but your car turned around last minute and started in the opposite direction causing an accident i couldn't have predicted i should've been more "careful" but it was too late no side roads, no exit ramps i couldn't escape from your car crashing into mine
you weren't...
love is a one way street but your car turned around last minute and started in the opposite direction causing an accident i couldn't have predicted i should've been more "careful" but it was too late no side roads, no exit ramps i couldn't escape from your car crashing into mine
you weren't...
624 reads
He gave me you
at first glance I found you were worth taking the time to look at from the moment you decided to lift me into your arms I knew that I'd kiss you one day just not right at that moment and when you called me yours I knew that I had made a mistake because I was scared that holding you was temporary and that your kiss wouldn't last long enough to satisfy my hearts needs I had a hole to fill up and I wanted you to be the plug but I forced the fit instead and it crumbled
I find that later through out the years of my life I had failed to let anyone too close all it ever turned into were...
I find that later through out the years of my life I had failed to let anyone too close all it ever turned into were...
658 reads
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Been having trouble writing down my mind on this here poem my free verses usually just flow out without any warning just pure soul flowing out trying to reach out to a willing to hear audience but as of late i can't seem to spark anything within you'd think i could find something to inspire a poem to flow with my dad choosing to leave us you'd think me going crazy on my drug spree i'd have some metaphors that would make you never sleep or about my new sexcapades as i like to call my wild free acts of no thinking just acting out in lustful intentions but nothing comes to mind i can't seem to...
610 reads
(no title)
I've been drowning in my tears for so long that I mistook my vast loneliness as me deep sea diving in the ocean blue I didn't mind the quietness the cold dark dampness it was a weird comfort like being rocked in the arms of my mother when I was a baby I was being carried on a current God was directing so I didn't mind going through rough waves and choking on the salty water I didn't mind not having company because I knew I would get to where I was supposed to time...time is all I have I will not waste it being ungrateful what I have been through has molded and hardened me so now when...
682 reads
I fell in love with an idea more than I fell in love with you see my whole life I've been daydreaming about my happily ever after how we both struggle and through that struggle we created a love that could withstand anything but if only I had stopped dreaming long enough to realize that fairytales are not real I would have noticed the way you looked at her and not me I would have realized how wrong I was about your feelings and seen how wrong you are for me but see that's the problem with being with a dreamer we're hopeful and wishful so much that we just hope what we see when we're awake...
729 reads
invisible love notes
that night I kissed you all over your body I left lines of our poem on every inch of you but you were to encompassed in the sexual gratification I was giving you to realize what was being tattooed on your skin I call them love notes they are discreet and no one else but me can see where they are marked and what they say but if you pay close attention you'll be able to read them when I kiss or touch all over your body again
the last time we were together I kissed you and left a whole poem in your mouth but you were too excited by my appearance to pay attention to what you had just...
the last time we were together I kissed you and left a whole poem in your mouth but you were too excited by my appearance to pay attention to what you had just...
802 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by TheBrokenSpectacle (Ny)