Submissions by Nolly_FB (Nolly)
Poet Introduction
Sometimes things don't make sense, so I take my pen and paper and ignore everything else.
Love Like
I love like a lighthouse. You cannot treasure me but only the path I helped you to see.
I love like a tree. No matter how much you take from me, I will stay as grounded as I was made to be.
I love like a blackhole. All the light I draw close to me could never alter my original state of being.
I love like a snowflake. I'm as unique to you as I'll ever be.
I love like a breeze. You feel me constantly but you can never keep me.
I love like a tree. No matter how much you take from me, I will stay as grounded as I was made to be.
I love like a blackhole. All the light I draw close to me could never alter my original state of being.
I love like a snowflake. I'm as unique to you as I'll ever be.
I love like a breeze. You feel me constantly but you can never keep me.
550 reads
25 June 2017
This isn't a poem, but an account of a dream. But if dreams be poetry too, then so be it.
We both looked paralized with the surprise of a physical reunion after such a long while. I took my time to study his face - features I had grown used to seeing in pictures and laptop screens through Skype, (and once, thoroughly, after the first time we made out) but I was already sure it was him before he turn to me to do the same. I guess neither of us thought the universe would be so taunting and so foolish as to cross our paths again. He seemed clouded with hurt, and my body...
We both looked paralized with the surprise of a physical reunion after such a long while. I took my time to study his face - features I had grown used to seeing in pictures and laptop screens through Skype, (and once, thoroughly, after the first time we made out) but I was already sure it was him before he turn to me to do the same. I guess neither of us thought the universe would be so taunting and so foolish as to cross our paths again. He seemed clouded with hurt, and my body...
596 reads
24 May 2017
You're a book I want so desperately to read again but can't find anywhere. You're the lyrics of a song my memory's long forgotten to keep safe. You're a patch of soil I've left to erode. I picked so many flowers from you I forgot to save some for love-me-not days. You're a starless sky when the stars in my eyes have nothing to be mirrored by. You're the heavy silence in my room after I've had a good cry; and I know promised I would never wet your pillowcase again but I've been told the soil only comes to life in the rain, so I hope my tears will evaporate with the scent of your absence - I...
648 reads
23 August 2015
I really, really don't feel like existing anymore. I'd love more than anything to escape, to another place or dimension, and at the same time I just want to lie in my bed until my thoughts die away and my lungs forget to breathe. I don't want school, I don't want to live out things that drain me everytime I think of them. I don't want to be alone every night. I don't want to not have someone to think of when I can't find anything to pray about. I don't want to not have someone I know I could always confide in, whether its about how I feel like dying or how I crave to connect on a level so...
699 reads
I could string together all the little thoughts I have with the little tunes I listen to. Lay those out like constellations to guide you home. Where my heart beats away all your Boggeyman fears; all those words you're afraid to hear, like 'baby, I'm leaving you because you're too careless for me to bear.' And you would never hear that again because to leave you would be my greatest sin. I've found salvation in loving you and I swear Christ has pardoned me for finding an eternity worth fighting for with you. I want to smother you in the wings I grew out when you called me your angel, hold you...
713 reads
At The Station
I saw her at the station again. She was begging for change with the beggar there. I asked her what she was doing, and she said to me:
The line in heaven is long. I might need him to cut me in someday.
The line in heaven is long. I might need him to cut me in someday.
750 reads
confessions of a f**kboi
His momma warned him about me, said I was the type to break hearts. I told him to listen to her, 'cause my solitude and I never intend to part.
1050 reads
From My Journal: Adam Before Eve
So God created man in his own
image. From the dust of the earth
God molded man’s outer form to
perfection surpassing that of
nature itself and from the fabrics
of the divine realm God formed
man’s spirit to be likened to his
own. God named him Adam for
he was the man that God created
to look after all of creation. I
could imagine how it must’ve felt
when Adam first walked on the
lush green of the new earth: the
breeze bringing in the fresh
scent of the ocean to his
nostrils; the wind whistling
thorough the leaves of the...
image. From the dust of the earth
God molded man’s outer form to
perfection surpassing that of
nature itself and from the fabrics
of the divine realm God formed
man’s spirit to be likened to his
own. God named him Adam for
he was the man that God created
to look after all of creation. I
could imagine how it must’ve felt
when Adam first walked on the
lush green of the new earth: the
breeze bringing in the fresh
scent of the ocean to his
nostrils; the wind whistling
thorough the leaves of the...
810 reads
I went to visit a small township
in Southern Africa: a dusty little
area with a halo of smoke
hovering over it from the small
fires and chimneys. There were
children running around in the
streets in the orange haze of the
setting sun - their feet bare and
dusty; their bony limbs poking
out from shabby pieces of cloth.
Dogs, with their thin layers of
skin draped over their skeletal
bodies, howled and barked
weakly in the
distance, scavenging for scraps
of food and garbage.
I saw one young boy sitting
against the sink wall of a...
in Southern Africa: a dusty little
area with a halo of smoke
hovering over it from the small
fires and chimneys. There were
children running around in the
streets in the orange haze of the
setting sun - their feet bare and
dusty; their bony limbs poking
out from shabby pieces of cloth.
Dogs, with their thin layers of
skin draped over their skeletal
bodies, howled and barked
weakly in the
distance, scavenging for scraps
of food and garbage.
I saw one young boy sitting
against the sink wall of a...
751 reads
03 July
neither of us know what goes on in the heart of the other. that's the basic plot of a tragic love story.
all they live on is the uncertainty spurred on by half-answered questions and 'what ifs', and 'perhaps in some odd space in the universe she does feel the same way when she catches me staring at her like the world doesn't exist, but i'll never know'.
and she'll leave windows wide open every early morning hoping Noah's dove will land on her open palm with a twig in its beak that was grown especially for her in the garden of his mind; where thoughts of her roam and sprout...
all they live on is the uncertainty spurred on by half-answered questions and 'what ifs', and 'perhaps in some odd space in the universe she does feel the same way when she catches me staring at her like the world doesn't exist, but i'll never know'.
and she'll leave windows wide open every early morning hoping Noah's dove will land on her open palm with a twig in its beak that was grown especially for her in the garden of his mind; where thoughts of her roam and sprout...
792 reads
Tatted across my wrist, these words to hide the slits: Free Me.
663 reads
His Other
She was young, and undoubtably naive, and it makes sense that he chose her because she was gullible more than it made sense to her to that he loved her truly. They met on a lazy summer day in the last year of her high school career. He insisted on walking her home from school everyday over a few months, alluding her into believing and trusting in his romantic intentions which entailed that she was the only one he had his ravenous eyes on. And he did; his impermanent lust being the one thing that he wasn't deceptive about, making her believe that her innocently beautiful smile was was what...
819 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Nolly_FB (Nolly)