Submissions by NexAddo
Poet Introduction
I am Nex Addo.
From clinic to clinic
the problem is passed
psycosis, rehab just put a stamp on my ass
and ship me cross-country where
all the true freaks should be
If you could only see all the pills they're
giving me
It's like im artificial
no real reason to be
but I hold my head high
until the day that I die
sometimes wishing to feel
to know that I am still real
As I stare down my fate
walking a thin line, it's too late
time to go
time to die
no tears in these bloodshot eyes
as I sink deeper and deeper into tranquility
the problem is passed
psycosis, rehab just put a stamp on my ass
and ship me cross-country where
all the true freaks should be
If you could only see all the pills they're
giving me
It's like im artificial
no real reason to be
but I hold my head high
until the day that I die
sometimes wishing to feel
to know that I am still real
As I stare down my fate
walking a thin line, it's too late
time to go
time to die
no tears in these bloodshot eyes
as I sink deeper and deeper into tranquility
707 reads
1 Comment
Breathing heavy
vitals unsteady
but im ready
looking forward
lifes been kicking my ass
I've been fucked
fucked over
still fucked up by the past
I come to wonder
how much longer can it last?
who's to say lifes worth living
all you people are giving
false hopes...
to lost causes like me
Just load that gun
aim it right
and come set me free
Breathing heavy
vitals unsteady
but im ready
looking forward
lifes been kicking my ass
I've been fucked
fucked over
still fucked up by the past
I come to wonder
how much longer can it last?
who's to say lifes worth living
all you people are giving
false hopes...
to lost causes like me
Just load that gun
aim it right
and come set me free
842 reads
blood in my eyes
no tears when I cry
why can't it just be over?
living, breathing, thinking
heart beating
it's not a gift, it's a burden
a tradgedy
when I look in the mirror
it is nothing I see
why do I wait for
deaths future date
load, cock, and pull
brainmatter precipitate
blood hits the floor
I look in the mirror
and see nothing.
no more...
no tears when I cry
why can't it just be over?
living, breathing, thinking
heart beating
it's not a gift, it's a burden
a tradgedy
when I look in the mirror
it is nothing I see
why do I wait for
deaths future date
load, cock, and pull
brainmatter precipitate
blood hits the floor
I look in the mirror
and see nothing.
no more...
742 reads
Ode to Pain
Being kicked in the chest
over and over again
Bleeding out, without a shout
Being shot in the head
How fucked up life can be
Hazed my drugs I can't see
weed, pills, its you and me
Deaths sythe takes far too long
Pull the trigger
I'm gone.
over and over again
Bleeding out, without a shout
Being shot in the head
How fucked up life can be
Hazed my drugs I can't see
weed, pills, its you and me
Deaths sythe takes far too long
Pull the trigger
I'm gone.
624 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by NexAddo