Submissions by Mystic_Dreamer (Chels)
Poet Introduction
I don't consider myself a poet. It's just random thoughts.
Deep within I feel an emptiness
It gnaws and claws and lingers
Demanding a sustenance I have not
Creating a craving that will not be ignored...
I need
Oh how I need
As an addict needs their fix
I am in need of your essence
Skin to skin, lip to lip, eye to eye
I stand hypnotized
Drowning in your heated gaze
Burning up from the inside out
I need
Could you know how you make me need?
Of course you do
because I know that I make you need too
We play this game within a crowded room
It gnaws and claws and lingers
Demanding a sustenance I have not
Creating a craving that will not be ignored...
I need
Oh how I need
As an addict needs their fix
I am in need of your essence
Skin to skin, lip to lip, eye to eye
I stand hypnotized
Drowning in your heated gaze
Burning up from the inside out
I need
Could you know how you make me need?
Of course you do
because I know that I make you need too
We play this game within a crowded room
834 reads
Our Last True Moment
You made love to me tonight in such a way. You made love to me like it was the first time and the very last time you would ever touch me. You made love to me and it was so beautiful; so painful and so beautiful that I cried, because I felt in those sweet moments my entire soul shatter. You lit all of the dark corners of my mind and made me whole again, then at the very end shattered them with light so brilliant my heart was blinded. My mind wept tears of agony at what felt like "Good bye" while my body screamed out for more, never wanting this euphoric bliss to end. And my soul became whole...
795 reads
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The Last Battle In The Fading Light
I spilled my soul for you
Gave you my very essence
Cut my heart out and served it up on a platter of gold still beating
I gave you my entirety
I bore a child for you
For us
My mind feels fractured now
So many facets burned to ash
Was I ever enough for you?
So many many moments of joy love and hope
Yet so many more of pain
You claim i was all you needed
But I was never truly enough for you
You are broken
I always seem to attract the broken ones
Probably because I'm just the...
Gave you my very essence
Cut my heart out and served it up on a platter of gold still beating
I gave you my entirety
I bore a child for you
For us
My mind feels fractured now
So many facets burned to ash
Was I ever enough for you?
So many many moments of joy love and hope
Yet so many more of pain
You claim i was all you needed
But I was never truly enough for you
You are broken
I always seem to attract the broken ones
Probably because I'm just the...
622 reads
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I can't seem to sleep anymore. Peace has abandoned me along with all else. I have nightmares my heart fills with lead and I want to run or look away but I can't. Each time I close my eyes I see you, arms wrapped around someone that isn't me, sweat slicked bodies entwined in shadows not dark enough to shroud your sharp exhalations and moans of satisfaction. It makes me sick to my stomach. It's the cruelest way you could think of to hurt me wasn't it?? Your twisted vengeful satisfaction. And you came home to me afterward. Still tainted by your slut you came back to me after I cried myself to...
756 reads
You never truly loved me did you? I was just a convenient fuck. Too stupid to leave and too blinded by love to realize that I was merely a play thing for a sick fuck like you. Just a pawn on your board. So fucking stupid that I even got knocked up and took the beratement for longer than I ever imagined being weak enough to endure. Isolated myself from everyone and everything I knew for you, for our unborn child...for love. Only to be left alone trapped in a box with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide...and nowhere I know. I was stupid enough to run myself blindly full force into that damn...
721 reads
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All my Body Mind and Soul crave is for your arms to be embracing me. No words need pass through lips parched of reassurances. No hope need shine from within pain filled eyes. To be within the strength of your embrace are all I crave in my entirety. Yet I lie craving with you not three inches from me. . .so lost within the pain of your own mind that you reject comfort. And so we both shall suffer. I'm so afraid of waking to the chance that my fear of losing you may one day soon be my reality. I wish with heart and soul that I could erase the demons that haunt you, the demons that every moment...
907 reads
My brain hurts from trying to fix all these issues that arise
I'm just sitting here praying for hope and New eyes
I need a miracle to guide me through a world gone insane
Where money is everything and truth don't gain
I just want a break, one year of peace at least
My wires are coming loose tryin to free myself from this noose that's been strangling me
Adult life
I'm just sitting here praying for hope and New eyes
I need a miracle to guide me through a world gone insane
Where money is everything and truth don't gain
I just want a break, one year of peace at least
My wires are coming loose tryin to free myself from this noose that's been strangling me
Adult life
829 reads
Pains in my soul
Secrets all told
Woke up distraught
Hurt, Confused and Lost
Zero to a thousand in no seconds flat
Immediately trying to figure where I'm at
Because I
Fell Asleep and it was an accident BUT
I get accused for a misunderstanding of some shit I never even knew
And then I am the bad guy
Complete Relaps
Zero to zero again
Heat hayzed and trapped.
I overreacted and stormed off
And shit happened . . .
My apology not accepted
I feel trapped in a steel box of pain hurt and anger
All aimed at me...
Secrets all told
Woke up distraught
Hurt, Confused and Lost
Zero to a thousand in no seconds flat
Immediately trying to figure where I'm at
Because I
Fell Asleep and it was an accident BUT
I get accused for a misunderstanding of some shit I never even knew
And then I am the bad guy
Complete Relaps
Zero to zero again
Heat hayzed and trapped.
I overreacted and stormed off
And shit happened . . .
My apology not accepted
I feel trapped in a steel box of pain hurt and anger
All aimed at me...
748 reads
We haven't spoken in a while
Yet i want to tell you everything
I want to know how your life has been
If there's anything new you have seen
I want to hear your voice once more
And wake up to your waiting lips
I want to play that game with you
From the moons' waking until dawns' first kiss
I miss imparting my secrets to you
And listening about lifes' new twists
I'd like to hear you say my name
And make me feel as if we alone exist
I wonder now if you even remember me
Our moment seems forever ago
I know for sure we are not...
Yet i want to tell you everything
I want to know how your life has been
If there's anything new you have seen
I want to hear your voice once more
And wake up to your waiting lips
I want to play that game with you
From the moons' waking until dawns' first kiss
I miss imparting my secrets to you
And listening about lifes' new twists
I'd like to hear you say my name
And make me feel as if we alone exist
I wonder now if you even remember me
Our moment seems forever ago
I know for sure we are not...
877 reads
Fading Out
Summing up those faded moments in a life that's static
White noise scratching at bleeding ears
Days full of this and that but a soul that feels empty
Tunnel streched into the distance the light is but a pin point now
I dont know myself
Couldn't pick her out in a crowd if i wanted to
I live but i am no longer alive losing that fire...
The flames turned to embers awhile ago
Barely even ashes now
Senses dulled by unuse now
Sharper than ever when they get a chance to get a taste
Think im turning into an automaton playing the game ...
White noise scratching at bleeding ears
Days full of this and that but a soul that feels empty
Tunnel streched into the distance the light is but a pin point now
I dont know myself
Couldn't pick her out in a crowd if i wanted to
I live but i am no longer alive losing that fire...
The flames turned to embers awhile ago
Barely even ashes now
Senses dulled by unuse now
Sharper than ever when they get a chance to get a taste
Think im turning into an automaton playing the game ...
984 reads
Soaked Intensity
Hot flashes and a moon fever dream
I felt him claiming my soul
The solid reality of watching him move in the moon-haze
Lines blur between reality and fantasy
...I fell in love with a ghost...
Mind hazed by my lust crazed self
Deprived for way too long my secrets wept for the release he promised;
the sweet torture elicited by he alone
And so I grasped him tighter, deeper
Racing for the highest peak
Becoming one existence in the slanting light of night
Crying out that final moment
When waking-sleep dissolves into fully awake
I felt him claiming my soul
The solid reality of watching him move in the moon-haze
Lines blur between reality and fantasy
...I fell in love with a ghost...
Mind hazed by my lust crazed self
Deprived for way too long my secrets wept for the release he promised;
the sweet torture elicited by he alone
And so I grasped him tighter, deeper
Racing for the highest peak
Becoming one existence in the slanting light of night
Crying out that final moment
When waking-sleep dissolves into fully awake
1079 reads
Play This Game With Me
You say you want me
Say you'll give it to me good since you know I like it hard
So I'll give you this night because your curious
and me? Well...I'm in the market as it were
I ain't looking for love just the pleasure of the moment
That is...if you think you can keep up with lil 'ol me
Think your up to the challenge, come play this game with me
You said you love it when I start to shake
Wanna taste my sweetness and hear me scream your name
But you must work for it and trust me baby you WILL work hard
Because I don't cum for free, so please...
Say you'll give it to me good since you know I like it hard
So I'll give you this night because your curious
and me? Well...I'm in the market as it were
I ain't looking for love just the pleasure of the moment
That is...if you think you can keep up with lil 'ol me
Think your up to the challenge, come play this game with me
You said you love it when I start to shake
Wanna taste my sweetness and hear me scream your name
But you must work for it and trust me baby you WILL work hard
Because I don't cum for free, so please...
1141 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Mystic_Dreamer (Chels)