Submissions by Mrs_Sin (Lillith)
Poet Introduction
I see, I hear, I experience, am inspired, start writing, sit back, and wonder when I stopped being in control of the words...
That feeling, where you don’t know whether you’re going to
cry or laugh, so you opt for laughter because it sounds safer in your head but
when it actually bursts forth it sound strange, maniacal, deranged
And you laugh so hard that you can’t breathe and you only
end up crying anyway, dropping whatever you’re holding and collapsing onto a
chair as your ribs break from the strength of this terrifying emotion
And you have no choice but to wait until every last tear is
purged, every last rib is broke, every last abdominal muscle stretched beyond
cry or laugh, so you opt for laughter because it sounds safer in your head but
when it actually bursts forth it sound strange, maniacal, deranged
And you laugh so hard that you can’t breathe and you only
end up crying anyway, dropping whatever you’re holding and collapsing onto a
chair as your ribs break from the strength of this terrifying emotion
And you have no choice but to wait until every last tear is
purged, every last rib is broke, every last abdominal muscle stretched beyond
1034 reads
This is you
This is you.
You, being a good friend.
You are one of the best I’ve been graced with; constantly
putting up with my mood swings, highs and lows, keeping all the secrets that
would have killed me if I hadn’t given them to you. You’ve given things up that
I didn’t agree with, simply because I didn’t agree with them. You never get
tired of me unloading all my troubles onto you, and I know that if my need was
big enough, you’d be on the train in an instant.
Start again.
This is you.
You, being held in the palm of my...
You, being a good friend.
You are one of the best I’ve been graced with; constantly
putting up with my mood swings, highs and lows, keeping all the secrets that
would have killed me if I hadn’t given them to you. You’ve given things up that
I didn’t agree with, simply because I didn’t agree with them. You never get
tired of me unloading all my troubles onto you, and I know that if my need was
big enough, you’d be on the train in an instant.
Start again.
This is you.
You, being held in the palm of my...
906 reads
Dear World/Humanity
Dear World
You may know me already, you may not; I don’t know how much
attention you pay to us humans. In case you don’t know me, allow me to
introduce myself.
I’m Rachel. I was born nineteen years ago to parents that I
thought were loving but were anything but. I’ve lived a life full of confusion
and hardship, and I’m still half-stuck in my own fantasy realm as a result. I
don’t blame you for any of this; we are, after all, by far your worst piece of
evolution. True, we had so much potential when we first climbed down from the
trees, but my...
You may know me already, you may not; I don’t know how much
attention you pay to us humans. In case you don’t know me, allow me to
introduce myself.
I’m Rachel. I was born nineteen years ago to parents that I
thought were loving but were anything but. I’ve lived a life full of confusion
and hardship, and I’m still half-stuck in my own fantasy realm as a result. I
don’t blame you for any of this; we are, after all, by far your worst piece of
evolution. True, we had so much potential when we first climbed down from the
trees, but my...
1142 reads
First Kiss
I lost my first kiss somewhere. I can't remember where, but I wish I could have it back so that I could give it to you.
925 reads
1 Comment
Hide and Seek with Heart and Soul
My soul is confused;
Someone started a game
And now it doesn’t know whether
To hide
Or seek.
It’s not even a game as such;
But my heart just crossed its arms
Over its eyes and started
One, two…
My soul knows
It should join in
Three, four...
But it wants to hide
To run away
To never be found
Chased by that sound
Five, six…
There is nowhere deep enough
No shadow dark enough
No crevice that’ll be overlooked
All is permeated with it;
Seven, eight…
Someone started a game
And now it doesn’t know whether
To hide
Or seek.
It’s not even a game as such;
But my heart just crossed its arms
Over its eyes and started
One, two…
My soul knows
It should join in
Three, four...
But it wants to hide
To run away
To never be found
Chased by that sound
Five, six…
There is nowhere deep enough
No shadow dark enough
No crevice that’ll be overlooked
All is permeated with it;
Seven, eight…
779 reads
I can see my veins through my skin,
Blue and gently pulsating with life.
The doctor says I’m cold enough to be dead, so why aren’t I?
Is life really alive if science says it should be dead?
I always thought blood was blue
And was constantly searching for the sea in my veins.
Topaz was nowhere to be found amid the rubies;
Only a few opals at the end of the tunnel.
Blue and gently pulsating with life.
The doctor says I’m cold enough to be dead, so why aren’t I?
Is life really alive if science says it should be dead?
I always thought blood was blue
And was constantly searching for the sea in my veins.
Topaz was nowhere to be found amid the rubies;
Only a few opals at the end of the tunnel.
744 reads
How do I love thee
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways:
My scars speak of time and devotion
Two things that reek of prison but
I snapped the key and threw the shards away
Without a second thought.
When I bleed, I bleed emotion;
Millions of words, thoughts, feelings
Held inside me, causing unbearable pressure
As I struggle to retain them all,
Flashing through my body
With every thud of that battered organ.
With every beat of my beaten heart,
I love you to destruction.
My scars speak of time and devotion
Two things that reek of prison but
I snapped the key and threw the shards away
Without a second thought.
When I bleed, I bleed emotion;
Millions of words, thoughts, feelings
Held inside me, causing unbearable pressure
As I struggle to retain them all,
Flashing through my body
With every thud of that battered organ.
With every beat of my beaten heart,
I love you to destruction.
739 reads
1 Comment
The pillow that stifles my soul stinks of love, and whispers that hiding my [he]art away is not a sacrifice, not really.
I can speak silently, perform to nobody, paint with invisible ink, and express myself to a blank page… all in the name of love.
I poured out the wine gone sour because I love you, and hate the idea of you sipping from a poisoned chalice, but you caught every drip and stared at me with pained eyes when your flesh melted away.
So the wine sits and sours every time something comes up, and the drains are off limits from...
I can speak silently, perform to nobody, paint with invisible ink, and express myself to a blank page… all in the name of love.
I poured out the wine gone sour because I love you, and hate the idea of you sipping from a poisoned chalice, but you caught every drip and stared at me with pained eyes when your flesh melted away.
So the wine sits and sours every time something comes up, and the drains are off limits from...
880 reads
Body map
The soldiers standing straight to attention
On the parade line of my veins are the oldest;
You can see where some broke ranks,
Went against the grain.
The ladders on my legs gave the soldiers respite,
Elevating my grief to new, alarming heights
Leaving pain standing at the bottom
Bracing the ladders.
The hatch marks on my shoulders are simple:
Do not enter the box unless your exit is free.
There never was a big enough break in traffic
For my mind to turn away.
The single beautiful line down my stomach;
True love, I tell...
On the parade line of my veins are the oldest;
You can see where some broke ranks,
Went against the grain.
The ladders on my legs gave the soldiers respite,
Elevating my grief to new, alarming heights
Leaving pain standing at the bottom
Bracing the ladders.
The hatch marks on my shoulders are simple:
Do not enter the box unless your exit is free.
There never was a big enough break in traffic
For my mind to turn away.
The single beautiful line down my stomach;
True love, I tell...
1048 reads
drunk love
I’m drunk
It’s funny, isn’t it, how liquid courage frees your tongue? The amou7nts of times I’ve received phone calls from drunken admirers, voicing their fantasies because the alcohol sloching around d their system says it’s a good idea. I’ll always laugh and feel an little embarrassed fr them, knowing that they’ll feel even stupider the next day when sobriety hits them aroud the head and grinning, thrusts a phone into their hand. The messages are there, grossly misspelled flirting proclaiming undying loe for either me or my tits or an exreme desire to fuck me senseless
It’s funny, isn’t it, how liquid courage frees your tongue? The amou7nts of times I’ve received phone calls from drunken admirers, voicing their fantasies because the alcohol sloching around d their system says it’s a good idea. I’ll always laugh and feel an little embarrassed fr them, knowing that they’ll feel even stupider the next day when sobriety hits them aroud the head and grinning, thrusts a phone into their hand. The messages are there, grossly misspelled flirting proclaiming undying loe for either me or my tits or an exreme desire to fuck me senseless
1086 reads
Perfect weapon
"Beautiful, isn't she?"
"Astounding. And she's operating at 140%?"
"150 was what we calculated at training this morning."
The voices were there, matching the faces that gawked through the window that made up an entire wall of her bedroom. She could hear them through the triple paned glass even though neither of them had pressed the switch to the speaker. She observed their eyes crawling all over her, watched lust flicker behind the professional façade.
"Any psychological effects?"
"So far,...
"Astounding. And she's operating at 140%?"
"150 was what we calculated at training this morning."
The voices were there, matching the faces that gawked through the window that made up an entire wall of her bedroom. She could hear them through the triple paned glass even though neither of them had pressed the switch to the speaker. She observed their eyes crawling all over her, watched lust flicker behind the professional façade.
"Any psychological effects?"
"So far,...
1255 reads
Edward Cullen, meet... Becca
Warning: If you are massive fan of Twilight, stop reading now. My OC read the book, and boy was she pissed. This is the result. Incidentally, you can find my OC here:
“Becca?” Simon’s voice jolted her out of her meditative trance. She scowled; he knew better than to interrupt her. He cut in before she could yell at him.
“I know, I’m sorry.” He held his hands up in surrender. “But I really thought you should see this.” He handed her a book. Black, with a pair of out-of-focus grey hands holding a...
“Becca?” Simon’s voice jolted her out of her meditative trance. She scowled; he knew better than to interrupt her. He cut in before she could yell at him.
“I know, I’m sorry.” He held his hands up in surrender. “But I really thought you should see this.” He handed her a book. Black, with a pair of out-of-focus grey hands holding a...
968 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Mrs_Sin (Lillith)