Submissions by CheshiresDream
Poet Introduction
...I just made you up to hurt myself...
aWay to get to what iF
[what if..?
the worlds just a sStage maDe of twisTed plot inTerests)
full of small plastic trees/ & ironic insecTs)
where the sSky falls riVers into oCeans of upset)
& a sSilverlined rust always coVers the sSunset)
with words like sSwords/ & armors abundant/
& the FairyTale enDings weren:t quiet done yet....
( ActII} i know this Time isn:t best/
i meSSed the sStory up/ yes)
cause Tragick Heroes only fix flaws when they tradem with DeaTh)
but what if we met/ when my intenTions were best)
before the sScript...
the worlds just a sStage maDe of twisTed plot inTerests)
full of small plastic trees/ & ironic insecTs)
where the sSky falls riVers into oCeans of upset)
& a sSilverlined rust always coVers the sSunset)
with words like sSwords/ & armors abundant/
& the FairyTale enDings weren:t quiet done yet....
( ActII} i know this Time isn:t best/
i meSSed the sStory up/ yes)
cause Tragick Heroes only fix flaws when they tradem with DeaTh)
but what if we met/ when my intenTions were best)
before the sScript...
684 reads
made of Black Magick,' )
a tricK to the head sStrong) warmth to the doNe wroNg)
it was kicked out of Death/ neVer Born))
^picked out as a hanD full of deal with it/
{crusheD} & sSealeD\ then tagged to a planT made of thorns... a worlD where the worDs can:t sSing/ & the math can;T add- cauSe the facts don;t Dream))
more than the begiNing/ of all Religions/ the Reasons worth Living/ & keeps the worlD griNning
sSo)-->hit like a coCaine archer/ sStart hunTing)
sSearch & desTroy the Void/ until there sStanDs nothing)
sShot liKe a target/ sSolD to the...
it was kicked out of Death/ neVer Born))
^picked out as a hanD full of deal with it/
{crusheD} & sSealeD\ then tagged to a planT made of thorns... a worlD where the worDs can:t sSing/ & the math can;T add- cauSe the facts don;t Dream))
more than the begiNing/ of all Religions/ the Reasons worth Living/ & keeps the worlD griNning
sSo)-->hit like a coCaine archer/ sStart hunTing)
sSearch & desTroy the Void/ until there sStanDs nothing)
sShot liKe a target/ sSolD to the...
620 reads
1 Comment
sSmile with a craving
i;m not a man) i;m a flaW!^! in an insTitute of abunDance))
a maNufacTureD lost iDenTity/ mechanically maDe reDundant/)
it;s not a joke/it;s a punch liNe/ that breaks the sSky to quick)
& sStars sSpill out like chemicals/ from wHere the Night gets hit))
there is no method/ just a path/ where i;m crusHed in empty sSpaces/
a hidden trap/ that grins & laughs/ but behind the mask i;m faceless)
I;m not the hero/ i:m more cat/ who evaporates & faDes in/
just sSome mischief with a wish list/ a sSmile with a craving,'
a maNufacTureD lost iDenTity/ mechanically maDe reDundant/)
it;s not a joke/it;s a punch liNe/ that breaks the sSky to quick)
& sStars sSpill out like chemicals/ from wHere the Night gets hit))
there is no method/ just a path/ where i;m crusHed in empty sSpaces/
a hidden trap/ that grins & laughs/ but behind the mask i;m faceless)
I;m not the hero/ i:m more cat/ who evaporates & faDes in/
just sSome mischief with a wish list/ a sSmile with a craving,'
574 reads
Hopes for the...
Hope;s for the torTured/ sSympathy;s a Religion/
Pitty:s sSo paThetic/ it turNs to burnT b!TchiNg)
Fires on the looSe again/ put it by the alchohol/
burNing doWn the houSe again/ daMn we maDe the ceiliNg faLL)))
whats up flame/ do dangerous tricKs/ buRn the whole worlD/
if the match sSticks/ huManoid heartbeats sSounD moRe like Replicas/
KiLLin off the Fellowships in Brain DaMaged America)
Pitty:s sSo paThetic/ it turNs to burnT b!TchiNg)
Fires on the looSe again/ put it by the alchohol/
burNing doWn the houSe again/ daMn we maDe the ceiliNg faLL)))
whats up flame/ do dangerous tricKs/ buRn the whole worlD/
if the match sSticks/ huManoid heartbeats sSounD moRe like Replicas/
KiLLin off the Fellowships in Brain DaMaged America)
538 reads
Cheshires sSmile
a Cheshires sSmile is Geneticly sSavage/DNA inFused with traCes of cat nip) from an unknown sSource of twisTed blacK magick) gueSs my oWn thoughTs/ got caught\ chaSing white raBbits/ through a woRm hole/ to sSee\ what kind of maDneSs/ the Red Queen had unpacked back at her palace)) where they;ve twisTeD the truth/ with wire wraPped maliCe// GriNning from the guillotine/ i;ll sShowem what tact is ,')
622 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by CheshiresDream