Submissions by BigBadWolf
Poet Introduction
my writings tend to be dark and maybe a little psychotic in nature and that is only because I use them as a release for the demons that live inside my head
the liquid
once again I walk to
the bus there is a few
of us waiting as we all
have to do for the school
day to start anew it is cold
we have no buffer against
the wind and snow but my
friend brings out a bottle of
Jack and I produce the coke
and we pass it around to all
no matter skin color or sex
we are from our hood and we
take care of our own, mmm as
I take the liquid into me I feel
the warmth instantly, I guess
I was about 9 and the liquid was
my first and most destructive love
that has never really left, I have 26yrs
the bus there is a few
of us waiting as we all
have to do for the school
day to start anew it is cold
we have no buffer against
the wind and snow but my
friend brings out a bottle of
Jack and I produce the coke
and we pass it around to all
no matter skin color or sex
we are from our hood and we
take care of our own, mmm as
I take the liquid into me I feel
the warmth instantly, I guess
I was about 9 and the liquid was
my first and most destructive love
that has never really left, I have 26yrs
617 reads
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no not again...the voice pt 2

674 reads
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make it stop..please
the one voice inside
it calls to me to walk
the night,in search of
what? I have no idea
but it does,and by the
gods when I find it the
voice takes my body
and makes it a weapon
of death and suffering
it seems I am not in control
rather I am trapped inside
forced to watch it carry out
such wicked and demented
acts it would make others
sick,but not me I am a vessel
for this voice of death. I have
killed children women men both
young and old it seems to matter
not to it,just that they meet an ugly
and sadistic death. I...
it calls to me to walk
the night,in search of
what? I have no idea
but it does,and by the
gods when I find it the
voice takes my body
and makes it a weapon
of death and suffering
it seems I am not in control
rather I am trapped inside
forced to watch it carry out
such wicked and demented
acts it would make others
sick,but not me I am a vessel
for this voice of death. I have
killed children women men both
young and old it seems to matter
not to it,just that they meet an ugly
and sadistic death. I...
589 reads
1 Comment
do not concern yourself
with the opinions of those
that dont matter to you in
your life for like the shit in
your toilet they can be flushed
with the opinions of those
that dont matter to you in
your life for like the shit in
your toilet they can be flushed
552 reads
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it is time my pet

1036 reads
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the quiet one
She sits in the corner away
from everyone, frail and silent
strangers walk by, she doesnt
move or notice them for they mean
nothing to her, you call her weak?
well call her by that name and see
how quickly she would rip your tounge
from your still moving jaws and take a
bite from it, and if you charged her for
revenge she would surely slice your throat
with a dagger she keeps sheathed by her
forearm or maybe the throwing star on her waist
would do the job,please take this as a warning do
not judge a book by its cover lest ye...
from everyone, frail and silent
strangers walk by, she doesnt
move or notice them for they mean
nothing to her, you call her weak?
well call her by that name and see
how quickly she would rip your tounge
from your still moving jaws and take a
bite from it, and if you charged her for
revenge she would surely slice your throat
with a dagger she keeps sheathed by her
forearm or maybe the throwing star on her waist
would do the job,please take this as a warning do
not judge a book by its cover lest ye...
754 reads
the craving

826 reads
A slice and spray
you were my teacher
my mentor, my world
and you tought me the
old ways,"plan and study"
was your favorite phrase
you preached it at every
chance you got.Well your
star pupil has listened and
learned all you can teach,
so it is time for me to show
you my preferred way.its
called "slice and spray" one
good slice across your throat
does the trick nicely now die old man
my mentor, my world
and you tought me the
old ways,"plan and study"
was your favorite phrase
you preached it at every
chance you got.Well your
star pupil has listened and
learned all you can teach,
so it is time for me to show
you my preferred way.its
called "slice and spray" one
good slice across your throat
does the trick nicely now die old man
559 reads
she was a gift

991 reads
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the crows eat well
the bodies lie all around
some whole,some with
parts that will be found
the smell of blood and
sweet decay fills the air
the flies hang in clouds
everywhere, death is all
around,hatred fills my mind
while happiness fills my heart
for I know the crows eat well
some whole,some with
parts that will be found
the smell of blood and
sweet decay fills the air
the flies hang in clouds
everywhere, death is all
around,hatred fills my mind
while happiness fills my heart
for I know the crows eat well
578 reads
I take
I always have and will
I lie sometimes to get it
I will tell you what you want
just to get your heart to open
so I can open your legs and take
that one gift you thought you could
protect most of all,but it is not that hard
to steal it takes a cold hearted selfish bastard
to do it, and there are so few of us but I am one
I lie sometimes to get it
I will tell you what you want
just to get your heart to open
so I can open your legs and take
that one gift you thought you could
protect most of all,but it is not that hard
to steal it takes a cold hearted selfish bastard
to do it, and there are so few of us but I am one
671 reads

793 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by BigBadWolf