Submissions by AmyMMosier (Amy Michelle Mosier)
Poet Introduction
I started writing during the Great Recession. That time turned into a hidden blessing. After becoming re-employed, I kept writing. My themes are always inspirational, colors, love, desert or Christian.
He has a gift little perceived –
He has a gift little perceived –
A mind for temperament and thoughts.
That he is one of privilege
Is both natural and mysterious.
Such witchcraft to them of fright
Puts them to good reactions –
Harmless to a passer-by –
Helpful to a set of events.
It was taught by a Master –
His mind is only existence.
We walk about – caught unawares –
Then he finishes my sentence
And with the magic he has –
He twists the day as we go.
For that I could kiss his head –
It impresses me so.
A mind for temperament and thoughts.
That he is one of privilege
Is both natural and mysterious.
Such witchcraft to them of fright
Puts them to good reactions –
Harmless to a passer-by –
Helpful to a set of events.
It was taught by a Master –
His mind is only existence.
We walk about – caught unawares –
Then he finishes my sentence
And with the magic he has –
He twists the day as we go.
For that I could kiss his head –
It impresses me so.
73 reads
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There exists no place
There exists no place
Outside the Lord's grip -
From the outposts of space
To the eclipse of a pit -
He's never far away
And even more so -
He's on the war field
In the foxholes -
In the nursing ward
And in the catacombs.
Where else should He be
But with the wounded
In body and spirit, prithee?
As two are wed -
Jesus - be ever with me.
Outside the Lord's grip -
From the outposts of space
To the eclipse of a pit -
He's never far away
And even more so -
He's on the war field
In the foxholes -
In the nursing ward
And in the catacombs.
Where else should He be
But with the wounded
In body and spirit, prithee?
As two are wed -
Jesus - be ever with me.
64 reads
You want to requite my love;
You want to requite my love;
You already have with a ring
And many years of life
So this I command you to bring:
A bouquet of chocolate flowers –
Each with a nice, dark button
Comparable to your eyes –
And a fragrance as divine.
Put it together with care –
Tape it inconspicuously –
Present it when I’m caught unawares
And you have hours to give me.
Such a bouquet – bright and simple –
As native as the mourning dove –
Would be a challenge worthwhile
Your time and your love.
You already have with a ring
And many years of life
So this I command you to bring:
A bouquet of chocolate flowers –
Each with a nice, dark button
Comparable to your eyes –
And a fragrance as divine.
Put it together with care –
Tape it inconspicuously –
Present it when I’m caught unawares
And you have hours to give me.
Such a bouquet – bright and simple –
As native as the mourning dove –
Would be a challenge worthwhile
Your time and your love.
64 reads
The Elusive Lady
The Moon became quietly jealous
One night when I surveyed Venus.
The usual glory reserved for her
Went to the dancer with Perseus.
At first, she passed for a star
Sparkling high above a church roof
But as she moved down further -
Her ample speed gave proof.
Outgoing clouds didn't shroud
The evening sky of cerulean blue.
Enchanted, I stayed around
To observe her quick rendezvous.
Fair Venus shined like a jewel -
Like one worthy to be set in a ring.
Because she was so beautiful -
One night when I surveyed Venus.
The usual glory reserved for her
Went to the dancer with Perseus.
At first, she passed for a star
Sparkling high above a church roof
But as she moved down further -
Her ample speed gave proof.
Outgoing clouds didn't shroud
The evening sky of cerulean blue.
Enchanted, I stayed around
To observe her quick rendezvous.
Fair Venus shined like a jewel -
Like one worthy to be set in a ring.
Because she was so beautiful -
83 reads
Happy eyes do not need the sun
Happy eyes do not need the sun
For they, like yours, have a light of their own –
A cutting light the demons shun
That confesses to a kind, ageless soul.
Brown upon brown, they draw me in;
I can’t look away nor could I leave
One who burns with a burning passion –
With an innocence I dare not displease
And when I look into your eyes –
My loneliness is burnt to a dry ember.
I know your happiness derives
From within and they who see remember.
Shine for others, shine for me
But don't forget that...
For they, like yours, have a light of their own –
A cutting light the demons shun
That confesses to a kind, ageless soul.
Brown upon brown, they draw me in;
I can’t look away nor could I leave
One who burns with a burning passion –
With an innocence I dare not displease
And when I look into your eyes –
My loneliness is burnt to a dry ember.
I know your happiness derives
From within and they who see remember.
Shine for others, shine for me
But don't forget that...
73 reads
I see the green of the desert
I see the green of the desert
That overcomes the brown –
Clinging to ground and water –
And with gentle affection –
It might reveal some color
Like a yellow persuasion.
I feel the fermenting sun
Calling out the vultures
That fly with a heart of one.
I sense the black jaguar’s stare –
Eyes that have a thirst for blood
And those teeth – a gnashing lair.
I smell blood in the wind
When death captures its prey
And in birth when life tries again.
I hear the cicadas’ buzz
Drowning in...
That overcomes the brown –
Clinging to ground and water –
And with gentle affection –
It might reveal some color
Like a yellow persuasion.
I feel the fermenting sun
Calling out the vultures
That fly with a heart of one.
I sense the black jaguar’s stare –
Eyes that have a thirst for blood
And those teeth – a gnashing lair.
I smell blood in the wind
When death captures its prey
And in birth when life tries again.
I hear the cicadas’ buzz
Drowning in...
48 reads
With a spurn of yellow and a shout –
With a spurn of yellow and a shout –
A lone Mexican poppy
Aside the mountain path
Caught my meandering eye.
How diminutive was its stem
And so few were its petals –
Nevertheless – smart with poison –
As it stood there – tranquil.
For one who’s loud in color –
I warned the little poppy –
It’s not good to be popular
For you can be plucked easily.
A lone Mexican poppy
Aside the mountain path
Caught my meandering eye.
How diminutive was its stem
And so few were its petals –
Nevertheless – smart with poison –
As it stood there – tranquil.
For one who’s loud in color –
I warned the little poppy –
It’s not good to be popular
For you can be plucked easily.
73 reads
What a brutal sun that assaults the cliffs
What a brutal sun that assaults the cliffs
Where cacti and mescals dare to abide!
Here and there, dozens of petroglyphs
Decorating the canyon may be espied.
In large nesting circles neatly drawn
In evaporating wisps and bold squares
In a sun to give thanks for every dawn
In little starbursts and stick figures
In a deer, in an eagle looking strong
In a war scene kept by the ancients –
It remains unsaid – time is not long
But to a murky end, everything drifts.
Where cacti and mescals dare to abide!
Here and there, dozens of petroglyphs
Decorating the canyon may be espied.
In large nesting circles neatly drawn
In evaporating wisps and bold squares
In a sun to give thanks for every dawn
In little starbursts and stick figures
In a deer, in an eagle looking strong
In a war scene kept by the ancients –
It remains unsaid – time is not long
But to a murky end, everything drifts.
65 reads
Glowing by the moonlight pallor
Glowing by the moonlight pallor
Are the circles of coyote eyes
Hovering above ground - pair by pair -
Wandering like restless sprights
Seeking for one who's lost their way.
Their banter touches my heartbeat;
My stunted breath rolls out - and I -
I'm glad for their roving company
Near my small chasm where I hide -
But not lost - just gone astray.
Are the circles of coyote eyes
Hovering above ground - pair by pair -
Wandering like restless sprights
Seeking for one who's lost their way.
Their banter touches my heartbeat;
My stunted breath rolls out - and I -
I'm glad for their roving company
Near my small chasm where I hide -
But not lost - just gone astray.
54 reads
eight doves on a wire
eight doves on a wire
friends on bar stools
friends on bar stools
62 reads
Behold the marvelous wildflowers!
Behold the marvelous wildflowers!
How they boldly carpet a sloping glen –
Our gift from Earth’s seasonal showers.
Hardly is the desert recognizable
Come March to an untrained eye when
Spring has announced herself in full
Except for occasional saguaros –
The perennial observers to this annual display –
Perched on the precarious ledge they chose.
Penstemon and globe mallow are in glee;
Even the palo verdes celebrate
By showering the ground with yellow confetti.
How they boldly carpet a sloping glen –
Our gift from Earth’s seasonal showers.
Hardly is the desert recognizable
Come March to an untrained eye when
Spring has announced herself in full
Except for occasional saguaros –
The perennial observers to this annual display –
Perched on the precarious ledge they chose.
Penstemon and globe mallow are in glee;
Even the palo verdes celebrate
By showering the ground with yellow confetti.
66 reads
cool air on my skin
the blanket's smell
cool air on my skin
the blanket's smell
60 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by AmyMMosier (Amy Michelle Mosier)