Submissions by APissPoorShaman (Ryszard)
Poet Introduction
Every day I have the same argument in my head. The little devil sitting on my shoulder does this wild end zone dance when he wins, the angel on the other shoulder just gives a little prayer, so sometimes I go with the devil just to see the dance.
We are all broken here
shattered mirrors
our poems but fragments
reflecting beauty
the pieces of our souls
reaching for the glue
binding our devastation
and standing whole
or mostly so
unseen scars our badge
carried proudly
shouting to the heavens
I will live and love
with passion
shattered mirrors
our poems but fragments
reflecting beauty
the pieces of our souls
reaching for the glue
binding our devastation
and standing whole
or mostly so
unseen scars our badge
carried proudly
shouting to the heavens
I will live and love
with passion
585 reads
1 Comment
Dance with me
wake up
it is time to rise
to stand on the knife edge
cleaving chaos into life
one side falling into darkness
the other becoming light
do you fear the knife edge
or do you dance
dance with me
to the music of the stars
if you miss your step
if you fall
I will fall with you
and together with our scars
we will live in the light
our passion becoming prayer
to change reality
with the power of our dreaming
it is time to rise
to stand on the knife edge
cleaving chaos into life
one side falling into darkness
the other becoming light
do you fear the knife edge
or do you dance
dance with me
to the music of the stars
if you miss your step
if you fall
I will fall with you
and together with our scars
we will live in the light
our passion becoming prayer
to change reality
with the power of our dreaming
422 reads
heaven existing
on the wings of your prose
where dreams take flight
and spirits soar
to the cadence of your rhyming
held captive enthralled
turned inside out
I offer my heart
for one more line of verse
to live within your poems
never leaving
their tender sensuality
heaven brought to earth
an endless war
of love and lust
held within your song
singing of the stars
the poetress of my soul
on the wings of your prose
where dreams take flight
and spirits soar
to the cadence of your rhyming
held captive enthralled
turned inside out
I offer my heart
for one more line of verse
to live within your poems
never leaving
their tender sensuality
heaven brought to earth
an endless war
of love and lust
held within your song
singing of the stars
the poetress of my soul
531 reads
Werewolves need love too
A simple first date
just like many first dates
witting bantering and teasing
burgers and beer
Walking at the sunset
holding hands
then holding waists
and long deep sighs
looking into eyes
Then something slips
followed by a dare
"I'll show you mine
if you show me yours"
just like many first dates
witting bantering and teasing
burgers and beer
Walking at the sunset
holding hands
then holding waists
and long deep sighs
looking into eyes
Then something slips
followed by a dare
"I'll show you mine
if you show me yours"
439 reads
Unity and potential
Cold hard truth
heart of stone
logic sans compassion
angry denials
childish tantrums
feelings devoid of reason
a kaleidoscope
of multi-colored sensitivity
choosing the lens
creating the optics
developing a narrative
project Mockingbird
a magnifying glass
of illuminating clarity
actions of the heart
viewed by results
not by intent
tempering logic
tampered with emotions
a closed...
heart of stone
logic sans compassion
angry denials
childish tantrums
feelings devoid of reason
a kaleidoscope
of multi-colored sensitivity
choosing the lens
creating the optics
developing a narrative
project Mockingbird
a magnifying glass
of illuminating clarity
actions of the heart
viewed by results
not by intent
tempering logic
tampered with emotions
a closed...
338 reads
Midday (part 2)
embracing the sensual contours
of earth's innocent beauty
with tender possessiveness
of intimate lovers knowing
their partners secret desires
sunlight arouses
earth beckons
the dance of eons
of yearning and unrestrained hunger
not with the fumbling shyness
of morning love
but midday's uninhibited passion
of maturing sensuality
and teasing caresses
prolonging the exquisite release
the orgasm of life
of earth's innocent beauty
with tender possessiveness
of intimate lovers knowing
their partners secret desires
sunlight arouses
earth beckons
the dance of eons
of yearning and unrestrained hunger
not with the fumbling shyness
of morning love
but midday's uninhibited passion
of maturing sensuality
and teasing caresses
prolonging the exquisite release
the orgasm of life
389 reads
Instant poetry
I gotta tell you
writing poetry is hard
there's fleas and poop everywhere
and my banana bill is through the roof
cooking and cleaning are driving me mad
not to mention changing diapers
all for the Goddess Calliope
I've given up my dream of writing
another War and Peace
or even Jonathon Livingston Seagull
I would have settled for a limerick or two
that didn't include bananas
That's it I'm getting out
for sale 100 monkeys that know their ABCs
or and least their BANAs with...
writing poetry is hard
there's fleas and poop everywhere
and my banana bill is through the roof
cooking and cleaning are driving me mad
not to mention changing diapers
all for the Goddess Calliope
I've given up my dream of writing
another War and Peace
or even Jonathon Livingston Seagull
I would have settled for a limerick or two
that didn't include bananas
That's it I'm getting out
for sale 100 monkeys that know their ABCs
or and least their BANAs with...
565 reads
For sale - Fixer upper
it's not too bad
the view I mean
looking out through
shattered windows of my soul
it's much too nice
broken as it is
to the isolation of a solid wall
waking up one morning
discovering an ad
my soul had been listed for sale
fixer upper in need of repair
read the posted flyer
well I called
how can this be
it is my soul after all
and so informed
it was thought I wouldn't mind
the place is certainly a fright
but if I really was upset
the agent would...
the view I mean
looking out through
shattered windows of my soul
it's much too nice
broken as it is
to the isolation of a solid wall
waking up one morning
discovering an ad
my soul had been listed for sale
fixer upper in need of repair
read the posted flyer
well I called
how can this be
it is my soul after all
and so informed
it was thought I wouldn't mind
the place is certainly a fright
but if I really was upset
the agent would...
#MovingOn #funny
#MovingOn #funny
401 reads
Free at last
I don't want to be me
not the petty jealous
stranger in the mirror
filled with insecurity and need
where is the power within me
of certainty and desire
for unknown challenges
daring love and sacrifice
what gifts I've given away
an endless supply of energy
free for the taking
until the well ran dry
or has it, have I given up
is there an burning ember
left within the ashes of my spirit
to kindle flame within my soul
a new life and rebirth
built on the ashes of memories
not the petty jealous
stranger in the mirror
filled with insecurity and need
where is the power within me
of certainty and desire
for unknown challenges
daring love and sacrifice
what gifts I've given away
an endless supply of energy
free for the taking
until the well ran dry
or has it, have I given up
is there an burning ember
left within the ashes of my spirit
to kindle flame within my soul
a new life and rebirth
built on the ashes of memories
324 reads
Evening (part 3)
The soft caressing illumination
of waning sunlight
arouses the ripening earth
in languid ecstasy
and mature sensuality
no wild lust hiding uncertainty
but a slow dance of seduction
a waltz of intimate tenderness
each caress a movement within the dance
each probing fingertip a single step
eons of erotic knowledge
held within the afterglow of evening
lovers cling in warm embrace
as sunlight slowly steals away
leaving earth to darkness and dreaming
of waning sunlight
arouses the ripening earth
in languid ecstasy
and mature sensuality
no wild lust hiding uncertainty
but a slow dance of seduction
a waltz of intimate tenderness
each caress a movement within the dance
each probing fingertip a single step
eons of erotic knowledge
held within the afterglow of evening
lovers cling in warm embrace
as sunlight slowly steals away
leaving earth to darkness and dreaming
393 reads
Side by side
and sadness
hurt and angry eyes
a rift in heaven
a storm of claws and talons
destroying the skies
leaving shredded tatters of love
confetti of our souls
and bitterness
the poison weed of pain
growing into anger
and anger blossoming into pain
to kill this hateful thing
I rip my ribs apart
tearing hatred from my heart
deadened and bruised
blindly we seek our souls
in aftermath of storm
and the serenity of non existence
yet through...
and sadness
hurt and angry eyes
a rift in heaven
a storm of claws and talons
destroying the skies
leaving shredded tatters of love
confetti of our souls
and bitterness
the poison weed of pain
growing into anger
and anger blossoming into pain
to kill this hateful thing
I rip my ribs apart
tearing hatred from my heart
deadened and bruised
blindly we seek our souls
in aftermath of storm
and the serenity of non existence
yet through...
237 reads
the shards of a shattered life
Splintered by the memories of the past,
a thousand pieces of cutting glass,
the mosaic of our life held together
by the hopes of future kindness
With the gentleness of a heart felt hug
and the promise of hope and love,
can be more than our fragmentary past,
the sum and total of our fractured souls?
With sharp and brittle glimpses of life ...
a thousand pieces of cutting glass,
the mosaic of our life held together
by the hopes of future kindness
With the gentleness of a heart felt hug
and the promise of hope and love,
can be more than our fragmentary past,
the sum and total of our fractured souls?
With sharp and brittle glimpses of life ...
290 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by APissPoorShaman (Ryszard)