Words on a Canvas
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1st May 5:54pm
admin DU Webmistress

May Visual Poetry Competition #tradition
poetry 2589
30th April 3:53pm
admin DU Webmistress

Remembering Journeys by JustTim_
poetry 2587
Another poem from our NaPoWriMo 2019 series.
29th April 8:50pm

you should see her in a Crown
feelin' billie eilish...
28th April 9:08am
David_Macleod 14397816

poetry 2582
28th April 9:07am
David_Macleod 14397816

poetry 2581
27th April 5:10pm

pre'apocalyptic Bonnie    [ a lament ]   
feelin Bonnie'ish...
27th April 10:50am
admin DU Webmistress

A Budget For Breathing by cloventongue89
poetry 2575
Continuing out NaPoWriMo (Poetry Month) series.
25th April 8:39am
admin DU Webmistress

peppermint thoughts by rowantree
poetry 2570
Continuing our #NaPoWriMo2019 series
23rd April 9:26pm
admin DU Webmistress

Rockhollow's Abode by ImperfectedStone
poetry 2565
Part of our NaPoWriMo series for Poetry Month.
Edited 21st April 8:06pm
admin DU Webmistress

Biscuit Camels by Tallen
poetry 2554
Happy Easter to those who celebrate it. Here's another poem from our NaPoWriMo (Poetry Month) series.
19th April 11:47am
admin DU Webmistress

New Moon Haiku by Jade-Pandora
poetry 2546
Continuing our NaPoWriMo (Poetry Month) series.
17th April 9:55am
admin DU Webmistress

not that kind of romantic by FromTheAsh
poetry 2537
Another beautiful poem from our Poetry Month series for NaPoWriMo 2019.