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Insert cliché title here...
I'm a mom of three girls, aged 32, and living in Nebraska, US. I have been writing mostly since the age of 13, although the past two years have not been as active due to trying to stand on my own two feet after a ten year abusive marriage. Currently dusting off my pen, paper and all the other writing tools one needs to be successful. Please, Just call me Moon.
My spiritual awakening
I was never a poet in my early years but when my brother died 2017 I started writing to heal he was a writer I guess that was one of his dieing gift to me and I'm very greatful for it the other Gift was kickstarting my spiritual awakening and everything I have learnt since then I know In my heart his lifes purpose was to die so I would wake up because this planet needed my light more then ever and at that time I was on a dark road to no where but pain. I will always be greatful for his sacrifice and I went to darkest depths of the abyss and barely made it out alive each test left me destroyed slowly they let me gain momentum just to toy with with my heart and good nature again and again they never did fully break me and they pulled out every stop to try but my heart was my greatest weapon compassion and forgiveness I had for any one who needed a little bump in there step. Behind the mask I wore lied a shadow grasping the last bit of hope he could forgive himself but at the end of the day what I reached for was a syringe and kept my blood so toxic not sure how but I was defying physics night after night it was like this for about a year living on the streets I believe the only thing that was keeping me alive was the good deeds and the lives I have saved or tried saving some of them never made it as carfentynol filled the streets of dethbridge hellberta a real pandemic but barely made the news. As I think about it I wouldn't change a damn thing and will always be grateful for all of the good and the bad and the very best advice I could give to anyone if you become a living shadow of sorrow there is only one way to get out of those paths of Pain.... unconditional Love compassion and forgiveness. Thank you for hearing my story I love all of you .
I'm definitely not a poet but I don't know what I am. Words and memories keep filling up my head but when I dump these words out on paper I turn around only to find life has been using my head as a trash can and throwing in more memories. So, as far as I can figure out, my head is a trash compactor for the memories of the life I've lived, tried to live or hoped to live.
Hey everyone
I recently graduated with a Bachelor's of Arts in English with a concentration in Literature and Creative Nonfiction Writing Summa Cum Laude. I want a place to bounce around not on poetic ideas but also short story and novel ideas as well. I would like to submit my senior thesis which is two chapters of my memoir. Would anyone be willing to give constructive feedback?