The Haiku Pond
Haiku, senryu, tanka
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Edited 18th December 5:11am
Ely E.A.Rothwell

Tanka #10

warped mirror
warped images...

time to acquire
an honest mirror...
Written by Ely (E.A.Rothwell)
Tanka #10
anothe pre-haiku form...
7th December 12:01pm
admin DU Webmistress

Senryu December Theme: Family
Post your Senryu (human haiku) about family here...
7th December 12:00pm
admin DU Webmistress

Haiku December Theme: Snow
Post your Haiku about snow here...
6th December 11:55am

Will you please give me some honest feedback on the below poem, this is my first attempt at haiku

I will always be
A heartbeat away always
Though you may not know

1st November 2:40pm
admin DU Webmistress

Haiku November Theme: River
Post your Haiku about rivers here...
Edited 1st November 2:38pm
admin DU Webmistress

Senryu November Theme: Memories
Post your Senryu (human haiku) about memories here...
28th October 4:13am
Ely E.A.Rothwell

Hello fellow fans of Haiku...
I'm hosting a comp... ''Levity, Brevity and Nonsense''... I'm looking for short and humorous ... If you think you might be interested, come on by and check it out... Ely
2nd October 1:27am
badmalthus Harry Rout

New Pond leaders are needed.
Due to the fact that I do not have the "tech no how" to properly run this beautiful pond I have informed Admin of my resignation as Director and suggested that Jade-Pandora and Ahavati take over the role together. I will be staying on as a member and contributor because I sincerely believe that "The Haiku Pond" is a wonderful place to throw a little ink.
Peace to all...Harry
Edited 2nd October 1:08am
badmalthus Harry Rout

Haiku from some modern haijun masters.
rain cleared-
for a while the wild rose's
Takahama Kyoshi

stuck in a vase
deep mountain magnolia
blossom opens
Mizuhara Shuoshi

spring moon;
ferns uncurling between
the river rocks
Lorraine Ellis Harr

still damp
the unglazed bowl
Peggy Willis Lyles

across the meadow
the slow moving tongues
of grazing cows
Piet Zandboer

the ground echoes
yet another rice track
collapsing in rain
Izumie Sumie

and finally, one of favorite haiku by Matsuo Basho himself.

on a barren branch
a raven has perched-
autumn dusk

2nd October 00:45am
badmalthus Harry Rout

Time for a new renga.
Can someone please throw the opening hokku into our wonderful pond.
*Let us make a simple rule that if you have opened a renga in the past then we will allow others the opportunity to do the same.
2nd October 00:40am
badmalthus Harry Rout

October Tanka.
2nd October 00:38am
badmalthus Harry Rout

Senryu theme for this week

I am also leaving the open senryu going so please keep throwing that ink in our pond.