Hello and welcome to 'The Haiku Pond'. As the group's name suggests this is a place to write and share a variety of Japanese forms of poetry, in particular, haiku (hokku}. The hope is to learn from each other as we share, create and study together.
Haikai no renga has a long history in Japan and has given birth to many wonderful forms of poetry, including haiku and senryu.
I hope as haijins we can work together on some amazing linked verse poetry known as renku or renga. I will post more on this very soon.
Hello and welcome to 'The Haiku Pond'. As the group's name suggests this is a place to write and share a variety of Japanese forms of poetry, in particular, haiku (hokku}. The hope is to learn from each other as we share, create and study together.
Haikai no renga has a long history in Japan and has given birth to many wonderful forms of poetry, including haiku and senryu.
I hope as haijins we can work together on some amazing linked verse poetry known as renku or renga. I will post more on this very soon.