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22nd August 9:54am
admin DU Webmistress

Poet of the Week: Simon_III_Msibi
poetry 3001
Our next Poet of the Week catch up is with Simon_III_Msibi.

Why did you choose Deep Underground Poetry?

I initially found DU by searching the internet for poetry and I was also just starting out yet not comfortable with sharing my work with my every day community so this game me a platform to interact with more experienced poets.

Do you think social media contributes to the well-being poetry?

Social media has made poetry very cool as in the youth is getting really hooked and they love it. Social media has allowed poetry to grow in my opinion.

Who is/are your greatest poetic inspiration/s?

I'd say Rumi and Khalil Gibran - I love poetry that has more than one level to it. They write about the human condition but also bring an element of spirituality. I always feel inspired after reading their work.

What inspires you personally to write? How important is the accessibility of meaning?

Honestly Speaking writing is second nature to me now. I have made a habit of writing every day. It comes from within like I have a cup that is overflowing and I must share or else it'll spill over onto the floor.

The meaning is always open to the readers interpretation. We often write with our own ideas in mind but someone else can see something you haven't so accessibility to meaning is important but it isn't the end all be all. The poem must be as natural as possible.

Why do you recommend Deep Underground Poetry?

DUP is honestly a community. People from all over the world can see and comment on your work. Most social media sites/apps have become more impersonal but DUP has kept that human factor. It caters both to introverts and extroverts.
16th August 1:42pm
admin DU Webmistress

Podcast Episode 4 - Out Now!
poetry 2994
The 10th anniversary edition of our official podcast (by The Poetcast Project) is out now!

Featuring interviews with myself DU Webmistress and LunasChild8, readings from Jade-Pandora, Josh and Viddax. Along with a candid chat amongst the Podcast team reminiscing on the old and the new of Deep Underground Poetry... as well as a few surprises along the way!

You can check it out (and all previous episodes) on our brand new Podcasts page. Find the link below and also on the DU home page.
Edited 13th August 5:27pm
admin DU Webmistress

Poet of the Week: Hunterapsych
poetry 2984
Our next Poet of the Week catch up is with Hunterapsych.

Why did you choose Deep Underground Poetry?

I just stumbled upon this place one day randomly and starting posting and reading other peoples work and here I am 200 posts later.

Do you think social media contributes to the well-being poetry?

Yes and no. I'm not really a big fan of social media although I go on Instagram occasionally and there's good poets and writers I've found on there but its not my scene really.

Who is/are your greatest poetic inspiration/s?

Wayyyy to many to list but at first it was mainly just song lyricists who inspired me the most mainly, Roger Waters, Jim Morrison and John lennon Only recently have I started reading the most well known poets such as Aleister Crowley, Edgar Allen poe, Allen Ginsberg, Henry David Thoreau And Rumi. As well as the wise words of Terence Mckenna and Alan Watts.

What inspires you personally to write? How important is the accessibility of meaning?

Mainly reading other peoples writing and getting motivated by the messages they have as well as the experiences I've had with entheogens And I don't think anything has to have "meaning" but if its something that moves or inspires you then that's whats important.

Should one have to work hard to solve the poem?

However hard they wish to work I know I've had moments where I was trying to hard and forcing what I was trying to say but I get into a certain state while writing sometimes where the words just flow and pour out effortlessly and thats when the best stuff comes about.

Why do you recommend Deep Underground Poetry?

There's so many wonderful people on here, truly beautiful souls
Who take time to read and comment on your pieces as well as sharing their own unique voices and thoughts Its a great atmosphere overall Glad I found the underground.
10th August 9:43pm
admin DU Webmistress

Poet of the Week: FreeLove87
poetry 2975
Our next Poet of the Week catch up is with FreeLove87, who has been a member since 2013!

Why did you choose Deep Underground Poetry?

I wanted to connect with other poets. With the kind of people I could tell felt exactly what I was conveying in my writing. We give some much of ourselves away with our poetry I wanted to make sure my passion and intensity would be received and reciprocated. Deep Underground Poetry has met my every expectation in those regards; the poets are mostly here for the poetry.

Do you think social media contributes to the well-being poetry?

I think social media is very helpful to the well-being of poetry just on the right platform and I believe DUP is just that. Since I have been a member I have been able to read poems, share correspondences, and establish real friendships with poets not just across the country but all over the world and social media is a big part of that. With that widened range of connectivity it allows all manners of people to see what kind of poet you are and vice versa.

Who is/are your greatest poetic inspiration/s?

Langston Hughes would have to be my favorite poet. He is what some call a “period poet” because a lot of his work reflects the time in which he lived. His works always have a sense of honesty and integrity. I like to think that kind of honesty and integrity are what I try to hold true to within myself so it will reflect in my own poetry.

What inspires you personally to write? How important is the accessibility of meaning?

I think a lot of my inspiration comes from just living. I like taking my experiences that I know others have gone through or are dealing with themselves and expressing them in my own unique way. As I move forward in life I encounter new obstacles that provide continuous subject matter as long as I keep living my life I’ll keep being inspired.

Should one have to work hard to solve the poem?

I believe some poems are easily relatable and understood but every poem and poet is different. Sometimes digging a little deeper to discover the meaning of a poem can be very entertaining and can keep a reader intrigued. If everyone wrote about the same thing in the exact some way that would create stagnation and poetry is a perfect platform for individual expression providing an abundant supply of variety.

Why do you recommend Deep Underground Poetry?

I would definitely recommend Deep Underground Poetry. I find a sense of unity with DUP I’m surrounded by so many fellow poets that appreciate my poetry and constantly challenge me to be an even better poet. Before I joined DUP the majority of my poetry was centered around the same topics but after reading and interacting with so many other poets I definitely found the resolve to broaden my poetic horizons. I’ve even dared to write in genres I know I would have been more hesitant to write in such as erotica but now I can spin a poem out about virtually anything. DUP has made me become a bolder and daring poet and I’ve truly enjoyed my time as a member.
5th August 2:28pm
admin DU Webmistress

Poet of the Week: gothicsurrealism
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Our next Poet of the Week catch up is with gothicsurrealism!

Why did you choose Deep Underground Poetry?

I chose Deep Underground Poetry because the name struck me as the perfect title for a poetry/prose website. ‘Deep Underground,’ that name is very inviting to a surrealist like myself whom has had hurdles in the past with finding the right audience for my work. I immediately thought Deep Underground Poetry would have the target audience for my work and I would receive a great number of feedback and critiques, as well as followers. I’m also looking to build credit for myself as a writer, aspiring to be an author as I will be looking for a book deal this summer. The book will be a compilation of my poetry and short stories. The current working title for the manuscript is Gothic-Forest.

Do you think social media contributes to the well-being poetry?

I believe social media contributes finely to the well-being of poetry because it allows writers of any talent in the art of literature to freely express themselves to any audience they wish, then receiving responses. It encourages those who feel hidden from the critical world to spill their thoughts and feelings whether it be writing for therapeutic reasons, honing their skills for a novel manuscript they’re slogging through or, just for pleasure. There’s too much undiscovered talent out there.

Who is/are your greatest poetic inspiration/s?

The co-founder, theorist of Surrealism and French writer, poet, Andre Breton, author of Surrealist Manifesto, defining Surrealism. At the outbreak of World War II, Breton was forced to flee France for the Americas as his work was banned by Fascism, however, Breton persevered in his journey to explore this taboo genre of art, theater and literature. Breton held a disdain for the established artistic tradition. For me, Breton was a courageous pioneer in both art and literature. I myself can identify and feel a kinship with Breton as I have founded my own literary genre called Gothic-Surrealism.

What inspires you personally to write? How important is the accessibility of meaning?

The inspiration for me personally to write is for therapeutic reasons. I have made the confession on both DUP and my personal website:, that I suffer from schizophrenia. The disorder hinders many aspects of my life including school, however, it makes me a very creative thinker. I’ve been writing since I was ten years old, first song lyrics, then for the girlfriends I had in high school, then onto my twenties for therapy when I was diagnosed. I believe it draws me to Surrealism and to the Gothic genre, it allows the accessibility of meaning for me to understand myself and make it through life positively.

Should one have to work hard to solve the poem?

As a surrealist writer, I am intrigued by Andre Breton’s philosophy on writing, “…a mind’s arrangement with regard to certain objects is even more important than its regard for certain arrangements of objects…” (Brophy, 120). I’m drawn to my subconscious being dictated by words rather than my mind creating a meaning from words, I believe this creates a very different and unique art, and that’s how I view writing, as an art and not analytically. I like to distance myself from the restrictions of interpretation. I love writing a piece that the reader can interpret in multiple ways and find the interpretation best liked by them, this for me is very rewarding.

Why do you recommend Deep Underground Poetry?

I recommend Deep Underground Poetry because it allows non-mainstream, non-conservative writers to practice their taboo art without fear of embarrassment and, or harassing criticism by any audience. The name of the website is what hooked me in and I have never regretted it! I have viewed many constructive criticisms on DUP. I have also viewed many positive reviews from members to others that make me feel a very positive atmosphere is present here, almost like a safe-zone for writers who believe their work belongs deeply buried and never shown to the world. I personally have appreciated the comments to my work, both constructively critical and positive feedback. I recommend Deep Underground Poetry to any serious writer looking to hone their skills and, if need be, to confess their inner artistic talents to the world.
1st August 8:42pm
admin DU Webmistress

poetry 2941
It's only our freakin' birthday!

Deep Underground Poetry (in it's current form) is 10 years old today.

We're not legal for drinking yet, so let's just get some cake down us!
Edited 5th August 2:27pm
admin DU Webmistress

Poet of the Week: Tallen
poetry 2936
Our next Poet of the Week catch up is with Tallen!

Why did you choose Deep Underground Poetry?

I saw a lot of great poetry on Facebook and so thought I'd check You all out. On Facebook, I follow a lot of Poets (who are not in DUP) and I guess I wanted to share some of my spill in a Group atmosphere.

Do you think social media contributes to the well-being poetry?

I definitely do. Social media enables writers worldwide to share, collaborate and inspire one another.

Who is/are your greatest poetic inspiration/s?

Geoffrey Chaucer and Theodor Seuss Geisel

What inspires you personally to write? How important is the accessibility of meaning?

Emotion. I consider myself to be a very sensitive individual and when I get strong emotions about something I have to write, else it builds up and come out of me in a negative manner. Spilling ink is a great outlet.

Being available for others when they don't understand a spill, for me, is not that Important but I would never turn anyone away. I get PMs all the time about my Ink.

Should one have to work hard to solve the poem?

Because I believe while each reader might " get " what I meant originally in a write I also believe each person will relate in different ways and so while one person may see a different meaning from another (or even me) that is OK. Interpretation should be flexible, IMO.

Why do you recommend Deep Underground Poetry?

I have already recommended DUP to many Poets on Facebook.
I do so, because there's a wide range of Poets, Helps, and experiences. Writers are approachable, good-humored and incredible. And even it one doesn't write there is a ton of ink to read (I'm only on Pg 16 in the Writing & Poetry Forum) & I figure the reader will one day be tempted to spill and that is awesome.
25th July 12:28pm
admin DU Webmistress

Related submission no longer exists.
Don't Miss Out! It's Our Podcast Episode 3
8th July 9:18pm
admin DU Webmistress

Poet of the Week: Eerie
poetry 2877
Our next Poet of the Week catch up is with Eerie, who has been a member of Deep Underground Poetry for just under a year. Her writing includes a diverse range of subjects and styles and she also regularly gives great feedback and encouragement to other members.

Why did you choose Deep Underground Poetry?

I stumbled on DUP while looking for a writing forum to join. I signed up and liked the layout of the website. People were friendly and after reading and posting for a couple of weeks I decided to stick around.

Do you think social media contributes to the well-being of poetry?

Social media can certainly be used as a tool for writers to share their work on a larger scale. I’m not sure that it contributes to the well-being of poetry, but it’s easier to be seen by fellow writers and/or those who enjoy reading poetry.

Who is/are your greatest inspirations?

Until recently, I have never particularly enjoyed reading poetry, so I really don’t have anyone (poets) to name as inspiration. I have always been more interested in writing something in the historical fiction genre so in that case my absolute inspiration is Ken Follett.

What inspires you personally to write? How important is the accessibility of meaning?

I am inspired by life. The struggles, the triumphs, the oddities, the experiences. It doesn’t matter if it’s great or mundane. Inspiration for writing is literally everywhere.
The accessibility of meaning is, in my opinion, not important at all. A writer lays down a string of words that mean something to them. The reader finds what it means to themself.

Should one have to work hard to solve the poem?

It’s writing, not math. It’s not a problem to be solved. I see no reason to attempt to dissect poetry. There is nothing wrong with not knowing what the writer felt or why they wrote a piece. Read it and allow your own feeling to form.

Why do you recommend Deep Underground Poetry?

The site is well put together and easy to navigate. If a person enjoys writing there are a wealth of things to involve oneself in. Peope are welcoming and for the most part it feels pretty inclusive. If a writer wanted to stretch their writing legs, DUP is a pretty good little place to do it.
Edited 7th July 2:40pm
admin DU Webmistress

Update: New Reading Challenge...
Consideration is a brand new reading challenge just launched. You can earn a trophy for completing it.

Poems for consideration are submissions seeking friendly feedback or honest critique, which have not yet received any comments. This challenge requires you to leave a comment to provide feedback.

You can find all available reading challenges here:

Discussion and Debate Forum
This forum has been closed to new threads for a while now and I have just removed it from the forum listing page. You can still access threads you've taking part in via your Forum Catchup page. The place for (respectful) debate and in depth discussions is now the Rhyme and Reason group:
For more general chat and discussions, please continue to use the Speakeasy forum:

HadesRising and David_Macleod have left the Guardian of Shadows team and I'd like to extend an absolutely massive thank you to both of them for all their time and dedication. Hope to have you back on board one day! I'd also like to welcome back lepperochan who has just retaken the purple.

Edited 5th July 2:06pm
admin DU Webmistress

Poet of the Week: Josh
poetry 2863
Our next Poet of the Week catch up is with Josh who has been a member since February 2017. Josh is an avid reader and student of poetry, and a regular Top Critiquer. His work often tackles the subjects of writing poetry itself and being a writer.

Why Did You Choose Deep Underground Poetry?

I had looked for some months at various on-line poetry forums and chose DUP for two reasons. (1).As a tech/web-averse type person I could find my way around the DUP website with relative ease. It's very well organised; very 'uncluttered'. (2).I liked the range of categories which catered for all tastes in a non-judgemental way but with appropriate safe-guards - and I thought to myself "this feels like a poetry-site with poets-as-ordinary-humans primarily in mind".

Do You Think Social Media Contributes To The Well-Being Of Poetry?

If you mean 'Poetry Social Media', then short answer, yes. I strongly believe in inclusion. It gives everyone a chance to test their poetic muscles and inclinations in a friendly space, and that is a good thing.
Part of the Social Media element of DUP seems to be to provide a variety of mutually supportive networks for people going through the ups and downs of life. Inasmuch as the poetically inclined are thereby helped to stay reasonably sane, and have opportunities to hone their craft via competitions, groups & forums etc, then I would reckon this contributes to the well-being of poetry,

Who Is/Are Your Greatest Poetic Inspiration/s?

I tend to find poets inspire me to live my life more fully (rather than to write poetry 'as inspired by...'). For example, Mary Oliver's question "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" (last two lines of her 1990 poem 'The Summer Day') and her 1986 poem 'The Journey' were instrumental in me making a determined change in life. Other poets who have had a similar influence include Wilfrid Owen (1893-1918), Philip Larkin (1922-1985), Yehuda Amichai (1924-2000), Stevie Smith (1902-1971), Wyslawa Szymborska (1923-2012), and Simon Armitage (1963- ).

What Inspires You Personally To Write? How Important Is The Accessibility Of Meaning?

Personal Inspiration? I write poetry to stay sane - it's as simple as that. I'm not sure if this counts as being 'inspired' to write; more a pragmatic necessity. Sometimes I challenge myself to write a poem of a particular form (a quatern, villanelle, sestina, etc); my brain seems to like that sort of thing.
Accessibility of Meaning? All humans are constructing meaning all the time from the signals they pick up from their environment, and then run through the unique filter of their own minds. I try to follow the dictum that poetry is not generally written 'to make a point' but to inspire others feel their way into a scene which is the subject-matter of the poem. For me, poetry is essentially an emotional engagement. Whatever the poem "means" is the reader's own affair. Thinking a poem through more 'rationally' can come later - but such thinking will be better informed from having 'felt' the issue more acutely in the first place - from having read the poem.
Emotions have had a bad press for centuries. Poetry provides a way to welcome their vital role back into our lives in a wholesome and healing way. In other words, poetry can act as a catalyst for growth in consciousness whereby meaning reveals itself gradually as we become emotionally more mature. In this sense I see 'accessibility of meaning' as secondary - a default mechanism that will happen in its own time.

Should One Have To Work Hard To Solve The Poem?

This question relates to the above paragraph on accessibility. Short answer, no - because reading a poem is primarily an emotional experience, not an analytical challenge. Longer answer, ... but if you want to delve into it more deeply, to allow the poem to examine us, then a "good poem" will have sufficient depth to keep on finding 'deeper stuff'. But what is this 'deeper stuff', where does it come from, and how is it communicated?
Two possibilities. (1).Read Ruth Padel's "52 Ways of Looking at a Poem" (Vintage, 2004). As a professional poet she analyses 52 'professionally-good' poems, and explains why they are considered 'good' ones; i.e.: how to properly "solve the poem". It requires considerable knowledge of the mechanics of poetry, poetry in general and of 'historically significant' poems. This academic approach to poetry is interesting but it scares me. Hence (2).I favour Robert Frost's suggestion of "A poem begins with a lump in the throat; a homesickness or a love sickness. It is a reaching-out toward expression; an effort to find fulfilment. A complete poem is one where an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words." IE: Poetry is essentially an emotional journey for both writer and reader. For me, that is enough in itself. It doesn't need to be "solved". A good poem will do its work subconsciously on the reader. Does a child have to 'work hard' to 'solve' a fairy-tale? No, s/he just enjoys it - and years, decades later it might have some deeper impact.
On this issue of "solving poems" I'll give the last word to Emily Dickinson - "If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry. If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry."

Why Do You Recommend Deep Underground Poetry?

Accessible, inclusive, friendly, plenty of learning opportunities, and very well organised.
27th June 10:27pm
admin DU Webmistress

Poet of the Week: IHate_BlackEye
poetry 2832
This time our featured poet catch up is with IHate_BlackEye, who has been a member of Deep Underground Poetry since 2014. He has much to say in his writings, IHate_BlackEye tackles just about every topic there is. To delve into his poetry and prose, you can't help but feel that you're reading a journal in poetic form.

Why did you choose Deep Underground Poetry?

I had just separated from my wife and moved to Portland Oregon with a 5 year vast array of narcotics addiction. I needed somewhere to open up in a dark forum for poetry, my web search of dark underground poetry came up with the website and I’ve been using it to help me cope. Unfortunately the excitement from coming down and becoming more vulgar and writing without a filter makes me chase the highs, to write the lows.

Do you think social media contributes to the well-being poetry?

I feel social media is almost a crutch for starting poets. I hated reading and still find it mind numbing. When I started to write I was listening to a lot of rap and decided that I didn’t want to read other famous poets works because I wanted to squeeze any natural talent I had before being influenced by someone who is undeniably better. I’m nearing my final writers block and I am now starting to open to more poets. That’s why I’m not to active on forums if you haven’t noticed 😅. So to me it’s a double edged sword, if your not careful you’ll be painting your pictures with the mind and style of a legend.

Who is/are your greatest poetic inspiration/s?

I lived on the street for a little less than half a hear and honestly some were hard to understand but few broke me down so hard I cried. They smiled and told me “you’ll feel love in a poem, even pain, but when you hear it from a heart of social undesirables who smile through the pain and dose to feel numb to the worlds cold and unforgiving culture for someone fighting for life and acceptance daily. It’s those words you never hear, that make people reconsider all the hate they put into total strangers on a bus, but even more on the homeless in the streets. We do what we do to survive, people just think we get high but street culture is far more unforgiving for a none user, it’s a must in order to gain trust and enter a clique to be safe. If your straight then your not helping the hustlers make ends meet and they’ll see you out as useless waisted space”

What inspires you personally to write? How important is the accessibility of meaning?

I find inspiration in depression, pain, comedowns, and love. Sometimes I come into a relationship using heavily but romancing them until they can’t take me anymore. Then I write them a poem and some art that makes me sad to have lost the connection but glad I’ll forever remember it. It’s important to access meaning in anything, I just feel if you can avoid meaning then it’ll explain itself.

Should one have to work hard to solve the poem?

I spend 3-9 months on each one, I revise a few, and I fall into hard emotions for weeks.

Why do you recommend Deep Underground Poetry?

Yes, it’s the only site where people can post whatever they want about anything they’ve suffered. Most sites are positive based, but this ones got a serious undertone feel that you won’t find anywhere else. It makes you want to write the worst but you also know positivity is a second option, instead of it being a primary option like most others. I’m an obsessive depressive poetic drug addict. I know I’m a downer, but if you know the hustle, the streets, and speak slang. You’ll see that I’m spilling some real controversial verses that have in real life gotten me in a few hostile situations, I might be at risk but it’s the life I once lived and to you all it’s my gift.