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Introduce yourself....

Strange Creature
Joined 25th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 3


Twisted Dreamer
Joined 26th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 103

Wow. Thats intelligent.

My name is Jenna Balkin.
I live in a small country town of Australia, NSW with my Mum, Step dad, and two younger siblings.
I am soon to move to Victoria, as i'm really in need of a fresh start.
I am Christian, and I don't mind the judgement of others. I am who I am, and I have my beliefs. I love a good chat about religion, but not an argument.
My favourite posession is my Red Celica Convertible. My favourite colour is Green. I love to write poetry, mainly fantasy or life events. I love photography, drawing and singing. All kinds of music! Mainly 80's. And bands such as Aqualung and Crash Symphony. I think that's enough Someone else comment with something about themselves!

Strange Creature
Joined 27th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2

Hi  Everyone,

I'M From Australia bit of an outlaw been writing a few poems will post them up when I get time look forward to reading others and getting comment's


Strange Creature
Joined 28th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 3

Found it at facebook and thought it was a good place to explore. It all points to have a long life and a very nice flow.
I'm from the terrible yet wonderfull town of chaos, Mexico City. Once a wondering travel, now stablished and being exploited in a full time work, which gives me alot of time to be literary creative...
Cheers to all and pleased to met you!!!!!

Lost Thinker
Joined 28th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 3

My name is Louise, i'm from the South East of England and i have been writing my whole life. It took me a long time to discover poetry but once i did i never looked back and it has been my salvation ever since. I started writing all my poems into one book when i was fifteen and have been slowly filling the pages ever since. I love to write, it expresses my inner most self, it is my saving grace in times of sadness and despair and it captures my memories in times of happiness and serenity.

I am a newly wed, i married my husband in June this year after being with him for more than five years. Being in love is the best thing to have ever happened to me.

I'll put up some of my poems soon, i hope you guys will like them but i'm sure you'll all agree that writing poetry isn't about what other people think - we do it for ourselves or else we'd go insane.

Louise x

Strange Creature
Joined 23rd Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 4

Hey all, pleased to meet all of you!
It's just been about a week since i joined this site, and I'm in love with it! Murari here, from India, btw.
Poetry for me is a medium, and at the same time a vent. The power that words have is unquestionable.
Expect no light-hearted poems from me. They will all be dark, bitchy and full of sorrow and hatred. And I don't think I'll ever read flowery poems anytime soon.

Lost Thinker
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 4

My user name is Miassa, and thats what i generally go by,
i was invited to this site because the admin liked one of my poems

Lost Thinker
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2

HI!  My name is Ash or Egg.  I am a young writer who is looking to be noticed by other greats, like yourselves  I am going to post my poetry, when I get used to this system XD  

Lost Thinker
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2

Um I am more of a upbeat person when it comes to poetry.  So when you see my work, I hope your not too harsh on it.  I do write dark, but sometimes I don't.  It's my mood ;D

Lost Thinker
South Africa
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 4

Hello, Ladybriar here - my poetry reflects my moods and most of it is written about specific stages in my journey...If it gives you pleasure, or food for thought then my aim is accomplished.  Cuidate

Strange Creature
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 1

Im Damien n i hail from 'round Gympie way, QLD.
I have always loved writing poetry, with it being used as an instrument to vent my thoughts and feelings
to events and traumas in a flowing, sometimes scattered way. Though my writing is mainly focused on 'dark',
if the mood strikes, windows of optimism can be found within my belly. I look forward to sharing my fruits
of life with you all!!

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 416

I'm Karra from Texas.
lol. a texan gal:)

Strange Creature
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 1

Hey, I'm Em Also so this advertised on facebook! Great idea!

Strange Creature
Joined 30th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2

Hi, I'm Guilan from Brazil. I was advertised on deviantart... :p

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 30th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 8

Hi I'm Coral I saw the ad from facebook and got curious Nice to meet all of you

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