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Why do the trump haters get to have all the say??

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 327

Surprise guest
Thought Provoker
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Now do the one of George bush snr saying new world order.
Sorry, I can't help it.

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 327

RyanBlackborough said:Now do the one of George bush snr saying new world order.
Sorry, I can't help it.

This one?


Surprise guest
Thought Provoker
Joined 11th June 2024
Forum Posts: 48

Yeah I've never seen the whole speech, thanks.
That made it even worse that's biggest load of shit I've ever heard. Considering everything that's come after that and how they treat veterans and even citizens after all the disasters.
Fuck me, these people are sick.
You're all good though, regardless of whether or not we agree.

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 327

RyanBlackborough said:Yeah I've never seen the whole speech, thanks.
That made it even worse that's biggest load of shit I've ever heard. Considering everything that's come after that and how they treat veterans and even citizens after all the disasters.
Fuck me, these people are sick.
You're all good though, regardless of whether or not we agree.

Yeah it sure seems like things started going downhill from there.

More and more I'm thinking that there's never going to be one system of governance that winds up getting the prize for best type when all of them are subject to degradation and collapse from just the tiniest amount of corruption sabotage.

Plus I just read that Russia is missing some 100 or so mini nukes...


Surprise guest
Thought Provoker
Joined 11th June 2024
Forum Posts: 48

I wouldn't doubt they sold them honestly. Then if whoever got out of line the Russian could probably still detonate them and they have that ship that acts a "dead man's hand".
U.S. had a few broken arrows around too, Probably not 100 but like I said before, "soup" information might not bob back up when I need it. I like Russian people they have an interesting perspective, I like most people really.  (sometimes I don't feel like I do. Ultimately though if comes down to it I do like people).
There's a lot to unpack about this world and I know I come across as absolutely unhinged but I had a pretty big epiphany some time ago and it completely changed my view on everything in this world. Plus some smaller ones before and after.
People don't want to hear it but most of this world is a lie.
That's the easiest way to put it. There's way to many threads so it's easier if people go down that road their own way.
Anyway I'll shut up now.

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 327

RyanBlackborough said:I wouldn't doubt they sold them honestly. Then if whoever got out of line the Russian could probably still detonate them and they have that ship that acts a "dead man's hand".
U.S. had a few broken arrows around too, Probably not 100 but like I said before, "soup" information might not bob back up when I need it. I like Russian people they have an interesting perspective, I like most people really.  (sometimes I don't feel like I do. Ultimately though if comes down to it I do like people).
There's a lot to unpack about this world and I know I come across as absolutely unhinged but I had a pretty big epiphany some time ago and it completely changed my view on everything in this world. Plus some smaller ones before and after.
People don't want to hear it but most of this world is a lie.
That's the easiest way to put it. There's way to many threads so it's easier if people go down that road their own way.
Anyway I'll shut up now.

We're all subject to epiphanic moments if we just try to encourage the "overview effect" that the astronauts enjoy because they've seen the planet from a distant enough perspective.

Suddenly the petty squabbles fall away compared to the importance of bio-spheric sustainability, even as our own personal spheres try to overwhelm our overrated individuality.

That being said I enjoy the challenge of pan-optically deciphering world events and making my comparisons accordingly.

For example, it's a telling thing to realize how much psychological damage 911 did to Americans with roughly 3000 killed in that event, compared to the estimated 227,898 deaths in the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami...


...proving that nature is often more deadly than humans, but tsunamis aren't tragedies that conveniently leave us with someone to blame, an unfortunate human characteristic, and weirdly manifesting itself on social media posts as a kind of meme race to see which implemented political philosophy killed more humans...capitalism, religion, or communism. So much so, that I'm waiting for the meme suggested body count to exceed the total number of humans that has ever existed...LOL !!

We love to exaggerate, at the very least, eh?

But now it is my turn to put a sock in it:)

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 832

RyanBlackborough said:Yeah I've never seen the whole speech, thanks.
That made it even worse that's biggest load of shit I've ever heard. Considering everything that's come after that and how they treat veterans and even citizens after all the disasters.
Fuck me, these people are sick.
You're all good though, regardless of whether or not we agree.

Well since Republicans are the only ones to respect citizens and ESPECIALLY veterans, you must be referring to Democrats who diss veterans at every chance possible.

And now Camel Toe's administration has stated that they spent all the FEMA money on bringing in new paid democrat voters to the tune of 1.5 billion and there is nothing for the disaster victims.

As well as stealing 230 billion from Medicare to fund EV tax credits.

As well as sueing states for removing non citizens from voter rolls.

As well as giving kickbacks to democrat leaders in Springfield Illinois to take over 20,000 immigrants into a town of less than 50,000.

As well stealing the election, not certifing and overthrowing the government.

Every way that my country can by raped is being done by traitor democrats...

But 40 year old presidential speeches are far worse according to the Jim Crows trying to not get strung up in a tree for treason.

Do you execute traitors in your country? ..


Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 832

So in the last week the Biden Harris Nazis regime sent 8 billion to Ukraine, 8.7 billion to Israel and 563 million to Taiwan .. that is over 17 billion in foreign aide..

Then that cunt Nazi Kamala stated families in NC and Tenn will get $750 per family just like Hawaii a year ago

Plenty of billions divert to import and buy new voters for 3 years

But when a disaster happens. No military help, no government assistance and a piss of a check after people DIED.

MURDERED by Democrats

No wonder this thread is cluttered with 40 year old speech crap. Traitors covering up their treason..

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 832

To support Harris for President is a vote for Nazis to continue to rape this country. Period

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