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A forum to condemn the actions of Israel

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14549

nikkimoe said:Israel is an apartheid state.

Cant talk about what the nazis did to their ancestors when they are doing the same to the Palestinians. I haven't any respect for any American citizen that chooses to move there and steal others land. Talk about giving an inch and they take a mile. European jews without any Arbrahamic blood shouldnt even be there.

He had a knife. Scream that and you can kill at will the Palestinian of your choosing.


I dont buy Israeli products and i refuse to sell anything to israel from my ebay.

Much respect, lady. I think the boycott (given to the world by the Irish ) is the only way to go

forget rockets, violence

boycott Israeli products is a commendable stance

*hat tip*

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1856

lepperochan said:

It’s a hot topic no doubt. I think we’re all mature enough to talk it out. could be wrong aha

thanks much for your thoughts Nikki

and for the vid Kitty

You are humbly welcome my poet

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14549

Just to add, one of my best friends on this site Aish  served in the Israeli army and was a US marine. she is Jewish and thought me a lot about her culture and her reasons for serving in the army

A lot of the times the army or soldiers in an army follow orders. hence the term Jarhead. I understand that

it’s complex and worth talking about. it’s not worth us pulling each other’s head off over, it’ll make no difference to any of the innocents

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14549

on reflection, it’s also true I have a good friend for a long time in Nikkimo, (oppols for the spelling) who is an Arab, and a proud one at that. she also told me of her culture, if you’re interested I spoke to her for some time on the podcast

we are all people of cultures. peoples of gods or science. I think that’s fantastic

I think, and it’s just an opinion: irrespective of religions of cultures. the ‘people’ of Palestine are people, just like you and me. they are oppressed, murdered, tortured, jailed at will by a very vicious government. who, to be fair are surrounded by enemies. I don’t think it justifies their actions

I am absolutely open to be schooled

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5404

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>
G'day Bobby!

How can you justify bombing infants and women sleeping at their homes as defending your nation? Really dude?

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14549


I found this to be a frank summary of the happenings, without bias. I would recommend it

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2273

I think it's funny
with a cynical
Heart Breaking Laugh
When Children
are being bombed
into fleshly Bits
like bits of rare meat
on a plate
It's like watching
our Favorite Episodes
part 2 on the news
repeated Again
next week
Same Scenario
Different country
Different faces
of little arms
legs faces
And all that bright
with purple bits
We Don't SEE
on our screens
You See
We have been trained
to be
Just Spectators
with embolden
Hollow words
That mean nothing
to those children
in lands
Far away from you
You see
One Must Be
One Must See
The Full
In Color
at the core
in your face
on our screens
For Our Rage
to begin

To Grow

Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5689

Just to toss in a different viewpoint:

From a Biblical standpoint, the borders of Israel extend much further around, than they currently do today:


That said, if one ascribes to that view, then technically, Israel is defending themselves from basically being wiped off the map, by their enemies who want to see them destroyed .  

Why ?  Well, biblically speaking, we have to look at the story of Jacob and Esau,


twin sons of Issac, who was the son of Abraham. Abraham was known as the father of Israel , God's country, and through his lineage, Israel would become a nation and receive the blessing of God.  The firstborn son was to carry the lineage blessing and when Jacob and Esau came along , Esau was born first but through some deception by Jacob and "don't give a crap" attitude by Esau, Jacob carried the lineage:


Nutshell version:  it pissed off Esau that he gave away his birthright even though it was through trickery, but he would've squandered it regardless. Jacob became another father in the lineage of Israel and Esau became the father of the Arab nations, and ended up passing down that hatred for his brother, Jacob, through the generations, down to today, where the Arab nations main beef with Israel is that they stole their land <-- see that ?  Stole the land, stole the blessing of God, all starting with Jacob and Esau?

So now, I would say that yes, the original birthright was there but Esau forfeited it because of his attitude, so God chose someone else to lead the nation of Israel who would do it the way God wanted it done in order to form the nation.

So that's the backstory behind the wars still going on today between Israel and the Arab nations .  If you were a parent and going to leave your house to one of your children, in your will, wouldn't you choose the child who you know will take care of it and not let it fall into disrepair , regardless of the fact that you still love all your children?  

Same thing with God-- he chose the one who would take care of his house (land , country) even though he loved them both and one threw a tantrum even though he wouldn't keep up the property.

It's kind of like the Hatfield's and McCoys-- generations of feuding and it's gone on so long that no one even remembers why they're still fighting in the first place other than they've been bred and raised to keep hating the other side because of one ancestral feud.

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14549

Thanks, Lady. I’d almost forgotten about the god perspective. religion is powerful and invites extremism. I think a lot of the suffering in Palestine is down to Zionism rather than the Bible, or Christian-Dom

but, just to pull us back into realty.

this is not the bible, or  the Torah or the pages of any other book written by man in the name of a god

It’s suffering. it’s a 73 year old concentration camp where men women and children are routinely murdered tortured and prisoned at will  for no crime other than being an Arab

There are no consequences for an IDF soldier who snipes a child in the head. nothing.

whoever’s god thinks that’s cool is a bit of a dick if you ask me.

I find it funny how every life matters except Palestinians. how those who cried at the feet of African Americans have lost their tongue and their spine

I hope a solution is found soon. one which gives the two states equality in everything from resources to basic human rights

or, if Israeli administration  insists to continue its occupation and its oppression of its neighbour

I hope they get what they deserve


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