The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
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Aspecting the Cosmos, Monday, Nov 13, 2023: Trusting and believing in ourselves is the most important part of selfcare.
New Moon in Scorpio:
Void of Course Moon: 09:03 PM EDT Nov 13 - 12:22 AM EDT Nov 14th - avoid lunar rituals during this time.
Midmorning the Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces. Relationship challenges, miscommunication/understanding. Focusing on creative endeavors or artistic pursuits rebalance any turbulent energy within us so that we can approach the situation anew.
Don't allow a need for stability to keep us from discovering a new path. Heightened intuition and instinct combined with penetrating understanding and mystique unveil mysteries when the Moon enters a trine with Neptune around 12:10 PM. Ten minutes later, the Sun in Scorpio oppose Uranus in Taurus. Increased tension between what the mind ( ego ) thinks and what the heart ( passion ) desires. Which will we follow? What is it we truly desire?
Late afternoon, Venus in Libra sesquiquadrate Uranus in Taurus. Be aware of past patterns that have brought destruction to relationships. Potential triggers. Early evening a sextile between the Moon and Pluto in Capricorn @ 6:03 PM, creating an opportunity for deep emotional connection and insight. Potential for fusing polarities in relationships or ourselves.
This evening a sesquiquadrate between the Moon in Sagittarius and Chiron in Aries will strengthen until perfection @ 11:39 PM. Creative endeavors provide an atmosphere of relaxation and appreciation. This releases our defenses and fear and allows us to step into empowerment, providing healing of the fear to be seen, heard, or act on our desires.
Degrees, Aspects, Houses, Time ( EST ):
Moon: 00SAG35, 5th
Saturn: 00PIS35, 8th
Aspect: Square
Time: 10:27 PM
Sun: 21SCO03, 10th
Uranus: 21TAU03Rx, 4th
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 12:20 PM
Moon: 25SCO01, 10th
Neptune: 25PIS01
Aspect: Trine
Time: 12:20 PM
Venus: 06LIB03, 6th
Uranus: 21TAU03, 1st
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 4:33 PM
Moon: 28SCO10, 6th
Pluto: 28CAP10, 8th
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 6:03 PM
Moon: 00SAG16, 5th
Chiron: 16ARI15, 9th
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 11:39 PM
Image: Trust by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman
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Surfing Rainbows on the Moon
It's time to be playful, let curiosity lead, and allow your imagination to help you dream without limits.
You are a powerful co-creator in this world, capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for. Even though you've come this far, you doubt whether you can ever achieve the life, the career, the relationship you really want. It's not that what you have isn't good enough, but is it all that it could be? Have you placed limits on yourself or others in your mind?
You have so much to give, so much within you that you have not even touched the surface of yet. Write down your dreams, your goals, your deepest desires for your life and play with them. Rehearse them as if you were there already. How do they make you feel? Have you considered who you'd need to become to experience all of this?
The only limits you have exist in your own perception. Imagine you are surfing rainbows on the Moon! Don't worry about how you'll get there, just don't limit yourself. Especially not now. Give wings to the vision for your life, and commit to fly. Let the Universe take care of the how. When you let your imagination soar, you discover that miracles can, and do, come true.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Happy New Moon in Scorpio!
Did you know you experience a Mercury return each year? It's when the Planet Mercury returns to the exact placement it was on the day of your birth ( although not necessarily on your birthday ). My Mercury in Sagittarius Return occurs @ 4:33 PM, 3rd House. If you have Mercury in Sagittarius, then you already have, or will experience your Mercury return at some point of its transit through the sign of the Archer.
But what is a Mercury return? It's when Mercury returns to the exact degree and house it occupied at the time of our birth.
First, let's learn about Mercury:
Mercury is considered the "Tiny Speedster" of our solar system. It's also the first planet from the Sun and the smallest. It is a terrestrial planet with a heavily cratered surface due to overlapping impact events. These features are well preserved since the planet has no geological activity and an extremely tenuous atmosphere called an exosphere. Despite being the smallest planet in the Solar System, Mercury is dense enough to have roughly the same surface gravity as Mars. Mercury has a dynamic magnetic field with a strength about 1% of that of Earth's and has no natural satellites.
The Romans adapted the myths and iconography of Mercury's Greek counterpart, Hermes, for Roman art and Latin literature. he was considered the god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication, travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, merchants, and thieves. Known as the "Messenger of the Gods" and the "Prince of Communication", Mercury's tricks kept him in plenty of trouble with the gods; however, he was so favored among them they found it difficult not to forgive his antics.
In Sagittarius, Mercury is in his detriment. This means that it's opposite the planet it rules and will take on more of Sagittarius' coloration ( traits ) than its own. Here Mercury is forced to conform to rules and regulations.
Considered neuter, Mercury rules reason, ability to communicate, intellect, awareness, dexterity, rationalization, transmission, words, opinion and sensory perception. It's action is quick, uncertain, and at times, volatile. Deals with travel ( especially short trips ), brothers and sisters, children, clerking, speaking, writing, bookkeeping, secretaries, neighborhood activities, letters and mailings, means of transportation, trade, emotional capacity and technique.
Where you find Mercury in your chart shows how and where you communicate best.
3rd House:
This is the natural home of Gemini, ruled by Mercury ( Virgo is also ruled by Mercury in the 6th House ). This is a house of side x side relationships and awareness. This house reveals the local environment we live in, such as speaking and writing. It also indicates means of transportation, including short trips. It shows the ability of our mind to learning and to new ideas, our ability to relate to our environment, and our taken-for-granted skills. It indicates the conscious and objective portion of our mind and primary school teachings.
Mercury in the 3rd House
Because Mercury rules the third house, he is most comfortable here and the 6th House of Virgo. Both Mercury and the environments of the third house favor all forms expression as well as travel. Intellect and reasoning ability also dominates this home. However, because Mercury is in his Sagittarian detriment, he will assume more of Sagittarius' coloration than his.
Mercury in Sagittarius
If you want to know about Mercury in Sagittarius transit, you can read that here:
This post is in reference to a return; therefore, it's natal in nature.
Independent is the keyword for this natal placement. We are sincere and have a great sense of dry humor. Impulsive, we often speak without considering the consequences. We have intuitive flashes of truth, but, due to an overabundance of interests, are apt to scatter our mental forces. Our mind does not need sharpening, only directing.
Generous, progressive and honest, we hate to deceive anyone. Because we are concerned with attitudes more than facts, we are interested in higher education, philosophy, religion, and politics. We relish intellectual status, tend to be a nonstop talker, and love travel of any kind. If there are many difficult aspects to our Mercury, we will have a tendency toward oral sermonizing or toward being overly pedantic in our own attitudes.
Pressing a bit further, my Mercury is out of bounds ( OOB ). Those whose Mercury is OOB do not communicate within the standards of dominant culture. they return texts or e-mails when they feel ready. OOB need extra time to process. They aren't concerned with offending others with their statements because to them they are just being honest because they care enough about you to be honest. These people don't fake it. You know exactly how they feel, though you may have difficulty understanding them at times due to obscure diction.
Undeniable genius is associated with OOB Mercury, so they often make surprising statements or observations. They are smart enough to know what you expect from them in a dialogue, but this doesn’t mean they'll choose to play along. It depends on how much they care about you.
For all my Mercury in Sagittarius friends, if you'd like to know the exact day and time of your Sagittarius return, DM me for more information.
I wish you much love and success on your journey around the Sun!
Image: Hermes/Mercury by Jaheka
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Aspecting the Cosmos: Tue, Nov 14, 2023:
Early morning, Moon in Sagittarius conjuncts Mercury in the first house, uniting our emotions and thoughts. Avoid emotional attachments. This is a bonding aspect that can forge openness and trust between friends. Perhaps even new ones, as the first house signifies beginnings.
Late morning the Sun in Scorpio sesquiquadrate Vesta in Cancer. Resist the urge to push our will onto others, even if we think it's what's best for them. Partnerships are intended to be an equal energy exchange, each nurturing the other. If you feel imposed upon, it's time to use your voice to establish boundaries.
Early afternoon Venus in Libra square Vesta in Cancer. Miscommunication and/or disagreements about beliefs, i.e. - religious or philosophical and/or finances. Uncertainty and doubt can affect our decisions. If unsure wait for clarity. Thirty minutes later, OOB Moon inconjunct Jupiter in Taurus. Increased emotions and sensitivity. Misunderstandings. What we think or believe is personal perception not universal truth. Practice the sacred pause and take some time for yourself.
Late this afternoon Mercury inconjunct Vesta. Intellectual or philosophical conversations that may prompt us to adjust our current views. Domestic interactions which may renew a relationship.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):
Moon: 06SAG28, 1st
Mercury: 06SAG28, 1st
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 9:03 AM
Sun: 22SCO00, 11th
Vesta: 07CAN00, 7th
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 10:53 AM
Venus: 07LIB00, 9th
Vesta: 007CAN00, 6th
Aspect: Square
Time: 12:56
OOB Moon: 08SAG57, 10th
Jupiter: 08TAU57, 3rd
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 1:31 PM
Mercury: 06SAG59, 8th
Vesta: 06CAN59, 3rd
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 5:19 PM
Image: Hestia, Greek goddess of home and hearth ( Roman goddess Vesta )
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New Moon in Scorpio, Nov 13, 2023: Detoxification, Protection, Cleansing, Improve Health and wellbeing.
Source, help me to see what greatness lives behind the shadowy lessons I am receiving. My wish is to learn fully from these lessons to elevate who I am and who I am becoming. I embrace and accept all parts of me and know that I am not striving for perfection. But in the pursuit of living my greatest life in alignment with my purpose, I pray to receive the guidance necessary to get me to the next phase of my journey. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So it is.
In the Middle of the Bridge
Sometimes we get stuck seeing the world in a particular way. Maybe you’ve been indoctrinated to see things from a specific vantage point due to your past experiences. After all, society conditions us in the same way, encouraging us to follow the trodden path of "this is how we do things." Maybe you've been comfortable throughout your life without finding it necessary to be open to different perspectives. Things have worked well so far, so why change?
You are being invited now to see things from other points of view. It is the appropriate time for you to engage in deep listening as you learn from other people and situations that are completely different from your own. This is a Divine orchestration and a celebration of nuance and complexity that will expand your capacity for understanding, love, and compassion. Stay open to whatever you may discover; trusting it will change you for the better.
This is also a brilliant moment for creative endeavors that will surely surprise you as you meet the Divine halfway across the great divide. Allow these innovative ideas and new perspectives to expand your heart. This is a beautiful moment of exchanging gifts for the highest good. In the Middle of the Bridge, just know how truly blessed you are.
(Card and message are from the Dream Weaver’s Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid.)
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Aspecting the Cosmos: Wed, Nov 15, 2023:
Early morning Mercury in Sagittarius sextiles Venus in Libra. Open connection between our mind and heart. Open dialogue with others. New beginnings and friendships. Mutual appreciation and admiration.
Late morning the Moon in Sagittarius inconjuncts Uranus in Taurus. We may want to guard our thoughts lest we become our own emotional undoing. Sudden or unexpected changes in finances or domestic situations could trigger doubt and insecurity. Know your worth.
Early this evening Moon square Neptune in Pisces. Emotionally limited. Heightened sensitivities. Uncertainty & doubt. Avoid the escapist urge and instead sit with our feelings in an attempt to discern their origin.
Late tonight Mercury inconjuncts Jupiter in Taurus. Limitations. Misunderstandings. Domestic tension. Financial issues. Double check our bank account and re-evaluate our budget.
Mercury OOB:
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):
Mercury: 07SAG52, 1st
Venus: 07LIB52, 11th
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 7:48 AM
Moon: 20SAG58', 12th
Uranus: 20TAU58', 5th
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 10:52 AM
Moon: 25SAG00, 7th
Neptune: 25PIS00, 10th
Aspect: Square
Time: 5:57 PM
Mercury: 08SAG47', 5th
Jupiter: 08TAU47, 10th
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 10:34 PM
Image: Sanatio, Spirit of Healing by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman
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All the Shoes Fell From the Sky
Sometimes when good things are presented to us, we keep our guard up because we’re still expecting the worst to happen. We exaggerate our fears, or we get triggered and begin to speak about what is missing, what does not work, what could go wrong, or why we shouldn't attempt something. We may genuinely want something but push it away, rationalizing that we won't get it perfect.
This mindset is actually a way to exert control over an outcome. You can neither fail nor succeed when you keep yourself suspended, staring at the proverbial shoes falling from the Sky. It's easier to remain in stasis than to take the risk and move toward your dream or take action to build something better.
This card gently tells you it's time to shift your thinking. Nothing will ever be perfect, and there will always be a shoe that drops here and there. That's life. If you don't step forward toward your dream, you'll regret it. So, summon your courage, and the Dream Weavers will weave their magic of protection around you and shower you with love. All the Shoes may fall from the Sky in some other universe but not in yours.
(Card and message are from the Dream Weaver’s Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.)
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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LunaGreyhawk said:For some reason, it wouldn’t let me upload my photo of the card, saying it was too big (it was way under the 4mb limit).
It does me that way sometimes, Luna. Try opening it with Paint and resizing that way. I am loving Colette's new deck, by the way. Her oracle messages are always so succinct and right to the point.
It does me that way sometimes, Luna. Try opening it with Paint and resizing that way. I am loving Colette's new deck, by the way. Her oracle messages are always so succinct and right to the point.
Ahavati said:
It does me that way sometimes, Luna. Try opening it with Paint and resizing that way. I am loving Colette's new deck, by the way. Her oracle messages are always so succinct and right to the point.
It’s an incredibly beautiful deck, and I’ve felt so connected to it since I first opened it 😍
It does me that way sometimes, Luna. Try opening it with Paint and resizing that way. I am loving Colette's new deck, by the way. Her oracle messages are always so succinct and right to the point.
It’s an incredibly beautiful deck, and I’ve felt so connected to it since I first opened it 😍
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Aspecting the Cosmos: Thu, Nov 16, 2023: When we find the courage to say goodbye the Universe will present a new hello.
Early afternoon the Moon in its Capricorn detriment will Oppose Vesta in Cancer. Domestic matters, family and children come to the forefront. Creativity and fun can loosen a rigid structure. We can balance our home life with our dreams and goals.
Late afternoon, Moon Trine Jupiter in Taurus. Limited resources. Expansion of business opportunities. An ending can be transformed into wonderful beginning if we're willing to let go. When we find the courage to say goodbye the Universe will present a hello.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST )
Moon: 06CAP48, 11TH
Vesta: 06CAN48, 5th
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 2:37 PM
Moon: 08CAP41, 8TH
Jupiter: 08TAU41, 12th
Aspect: Trine
Time: 5:48 PM
Image: Adar Rhiannon by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman
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When Coyote Calls Your Name
Sometimes you find yourself confused about your direction. You might have been so sure you were meant for this situation, this love, this job, or this thing, yet you're forced to walk away. All the signs had been pointing to potential magic and fulfillment, but somehow things are not turning out the way you expected or wanted.
When Coyote calls your name, you're being given a great gift. This apparent loss, detour, or change of course has been set in motion to give you what you truly need. The Dream Weavers know the truth in your heart. They know the perfect reflections of your greatest dreams are already available and woven into the fabric of your life, just waiting for you to discover them. But they are meant to come in a different form than the one you've become attached to.
In this moment, it's important for you to surrender your expectations and trust in Divine timing and form. When Coyote calls your name, you will know this way was the best way for you after all. Your life is woven true, and the new threads of your experience sparkle.
There really was no loss or disappointment at all—only a new, meaningful adventure and a beautiful story to tell.
(Card and message are from the Dream Weaver’s Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.)
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Aspecting the Cosmos: Nov 17, 2023: Today we'll end where we began; those who take advantage of the energy will reap the rewards.
Early morning the detrimental OOB Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries. A good day to focus on health-related issues stemming from negative habits. Emotional waves. Potential triggers. Stumbling blocks that can be transformed into steppingstones if we take advantage of the day's incoming energies!
Less than an hour later Dignified Mars in Scorpio trine dignified Neptune Rx in Pisces. Communicating our dreams, wishes, and goals with friends creates a safe atmosphere to set a plan in motion to attain all of the aforementioned. Mars supplies the energy and courage to pursue our desires, and Neptune the intuitional direction.
Midmorning, Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune! Self-confidence in decisions. Open the heart to receive spiritual love from the Universe. Circumstances beyond our control are met with a clear, concise, and conscious mind. Spiritual ego-infusion.
Midafternoon Moon trine Uranus Rx in Taurus. Emotional epiphany that serves as a release of something. Increased interest in the metaphysical and creative endeavors. Desire to do the unusual and break with tradition.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST )
Moon: 16CAP08, 3rd
Chiron: 16ARI08, 6th
Aspect: Square
Time: 6:40 AM
Mars: 24SCO59, 11th
Neptune: 24PIS59Rx, 3rd
Aspect: Trine
Time: 7:20 AM
Sun: 24SCO59, 11th
Neptune: 24PIS59Rx, 3rd
Aspect: Trine
Time: 9:52 AM
OOB Moon: 20CAP53', 10th
Uranus: 20TAU53 Rx, 2nd
Aspect: Trine
Time: 2:51 PM
Image: Archangel Raphael by
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Weavers Share Their Magic Tea
When the Dream Weavers share their Magic Tea, it's a sign to remember the Divine quality of inspiration. You know the feeling: one moment you're walking, taking a shower, or driving your car, and suddenly ideas come pouring through your mind and heart. You feel like you could explode with hope. These are gifts from the Divine, from Source, the Conscious Universe, or any other name you claim to describe Spirit. These gifts come unbidden, and may answer a query you forgot you even asked!
Inspiration is a feeling sense and comes with its own intelligence and logic. It's as if you've been staring at a complicated series of locks that have kept you away from the next manifestation of a destiny you've always known but just couldn't get to. Suddenly all the locks just begin turning, pins click into place, and the door swings open to let the light shine in! Now you have inspiration in all its Technicolor glory.
Did you think the Dream Weavers would keep their Magic Tea all to themselves? You just need to stay receptive and follow through on your curiosity, then watch the magic arise to greet you. Inspiration wants to give you a gift.
Let it.
(Card and message are from the Dream Weaver’s Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid)