The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
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Across the Northern Hemisphere, now's the time to catch a new comet before it vanishes for 400 years
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — A newly discovered comet is swinging through our cosmic neighborhood for the first time in more than 400 years.
Stargazers across the Northern Hemisphere should catch a glimpse as soon as possible — either this week or early next — because it will be another 400 years before the wandering ice ball returns.
The comet, which is kilometer-sized (1/2-mile), will sweep safely past Earth on Sept. 12, passing within 78 million miles (125 million kilometers).
Early risers should look toward the northeastern horizon about 1 1/2 hours before dawn — to be specific, less than 10 or so degrees above the horizon near the constellation Leo. The comet will brighten as it gets closer to the sun, but will drop lower in the sky, making it tricky to spot.
Although visible to the naked eye, the comet is extremely faint.
“So you really need a good pair of binoculars to pick it out and you also need to know where to look,” said said Paul Chodas, manager of NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies.
Source: AP
Image: This image provided by Gianluca Masi shows the comet C/2023 P1 Nishimura and its tail seen from Manciano, Italy on Sept. 5, 2023. Stargazers across the Northern Hemisphere should catch a glimpse as soon as possible because it will be another 400 years before the wandering ice ball returns. (Gianluca Masi via AP)
© Provided by The Associated Press
ajay said:
Ha! Good for you, A. 👍😎👍

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✨Aspecting the Cosmos: Thu, Sep 07, 2023:
Recap on Inconjuncts since we have two today: Inconjuncts occur between planets that are totally unrelated to each other. They share neither the same quality nor are they both active or passive. It's much more difficult to integrate energies without some type of adjustment on both sides.
This adjustment could be our attitude, a habit, or a repetitive pattern. For example, Neptune represents the spiritual or escapist urge based on intuition, while Venus represents our social urge and sense of value, based on affection. If we have a low sense of value, we are more likely to not establish or maintain healthy boundaries. This is where the escapist urge comes in through the rose-colored glasses of illusion or delusion.
Don't become a doormat to keep the peace. Venus rules Libra, who is currently hosting the South Node. Draw on the strength of Aries, currently hosting the North Node, for the courage to establish healthy boundaries that maintain a personal sense of value without becoming a bully. This may result in a loss, but a loss of self is much greater and cannot contribute positively to the collective as a whole.
Right on the heels of the above is Pluto Rx backpedaling through Capricorn and Ceres in Libra. When forward, Pluto represents the destroying or reforming urge through transformation, while Ceres represents abundance and gain through harvest. Again, Libra is hosting the South Node, so there's a karmic energy at play here. What repetitive pattern or habit do we need to firmly break through courage and strength without becoming a bully?
Do we recognize our own contributions in the circumstances affecting us? Or do we play the victim and feel there's no hope of change? Because there's always hope, we just have to be brave enough to initiate it without becoming the monster we hate.
Degree, Aspects, Time:
Neptune Rx: 26°PIS36'
Venus: 12°LEO23'
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 12:34 AM
Pluto Rx: 28°CAP09'
Ceres: 26°LIB39'
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 3:47 AM
Painting: COURAGE by Marcin Mikołajczak
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Reconciling Astrology with Spirituality
"Spirituality is always about identifying with something that lies beyond our personalities, yet so much astrology is endless “me, me, me.” Can the two ever be reconciled, and if so, how?" ~ Steven Forrest, Evolutionary Astrology
"As above so below" is the entire theory of astrology. The sky above is a part of us below, and we above are a part of the Earth below. The infinite Universe is the presence of God in each person's chart, the same as the spaciousness between words that form sentences, or between notes that form music.
The nothingness is an everythingness required to form anythingness.
We recognize space; however, cannot define it beyond the term "space". It's a binding agent for energetic formation. And even in that formation is contained space to differentiate the various particles contained within. When I look at someone's natal chart, I note the shape of the chart, the space between placements, and the "empty houses" of space where lessons are not prevalent in this life.
We can learn as much from that which is empty, waiting to be filled, or having been fulfilled than we can from that which is definitive. Is that not spirituality outlined by astrology?
I have seven empty houses in my chart. It's the space that points to where I need to look. It's the space that says, this place has no consequence to your birth outside of aspectual transits. I know some astrologers won't agree and that's okay.
Space is the binding agent between all things astrological and spiritual.
Note: The above are not Steven's views but my own.
Image: Carcosa by Joakim Nordin
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✨Aspecting the Cosmos, Fri, Sep 08, 2023:
💫The goddess of beauty, Venus in Leo semisquare the goddess of wisdom and warcraft, Pallas in Virgo. A semisquare is a reactive aspect, a passing irritant like a road rage driver that causes us to want to commit murder for a split second. Whatever pushes our buttons today, try not to react, or it will become larger. Try, instead, to honor the sacred pause so that it leads to a response.
Even if that response is choosing to let it go - it's better than a knee-jerk reaction that enflames the situation.
💫On the heels of the above, a trine occurs between the Sun in Virgo and Jupiter Rx in Pisces that portends expansion ( Jupiter ) of the higher mind and abundance combined with our identity ( Sun ). We may receive a revelation!
The only caveat is becoming indolent in the calm! It's okay to rest; however, taking advantage of such energy would benefit us greatly! Pick something to study! It doesn't have to be anything deep! But it will prove beneficial!
Degrees, Aspects, Time:
Venus: 12°LEO33'
Pallas: 27°VIR33'
Aspect: Semisquare
Time: 5:07 AM
Sun: 15°VIR33'
Jupiter Rx: 15°PIS33'
Aspect: Trine
Time: 7:12 AM
Painting: Contemplation by Andrew Atroshenko
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Have you ever heard of the Zodiacal Light?
On cool, moonless September mornings before dawn, you might have an opportunity to search for the zodiacal light. It’s a triangular or cone-shaped pillar of faint light that stretches upward from the horizon, and it’s easiest to observe around the time of the equinoxes in March and September.
The zodiacal light is sunlight reflecting off of an interplanetary dust cloud. This dust fills the inner solar system out to the inner fringes of the main asteroid belt, just past Mars.
In September, Northern Hemisphere skywatchers should look for the zodiacal light in the east during the hour or so before morning twilight begins. Southern Hemisphere observers will want to look to the west in the hour following evening twilight.
Relatively dark skies give you the best chance to observe it, and the Moon will be absent from pre-dawn skies during the latter half of September, making zodiacal light easier to spot north of the equator during that time.
Now, most of this dust orbits the Sun in the same plane as the planets do. So it’s like looking out, into the disk of the solar system. It’s thought to have several potential sources including comets, the planet Mars, and asteroids.
Image: In the foreground of the featured image are the Pinnacles, unusual rock spires in Nambung National Park in Western Australia. Made of ancient sea shells (limestone), how these human-sized picturesque spires formed remains a topic of research. A ray of zodiacal light, sunlight reflected by dust grains orbiting between the planets in the Solar System, rises from the horizon near the image center. Arching across the top is the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy. The planets Jupiter and Saturn, as well as several famous stars are also visible in the background night sky. Credit & Copyright: Jingyi Zhang
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✨ Aspecting the Cosmos, Sat, Sep 09, 2023:
A favorable aspect this morning between Pluto Rx in Capricorn, and Pallas in Virgo. Pluto is fusion and transformation while Pallas is the protector and artisan. While a trine suggests easy flow and awareness between these two deities, as we discussed in yesterday's trine between the Sun and Jupiter, there is also a temptation of indolence. How can we use this energy beyond basking in it?
Pluto signifies our transformation and backpedaling through Capricorn heralds a review. Pallas in Virgo's wisdom is enhanced by this intellectual and strategic placement. Let's review our actions while we have the chance. Try to recognize a pattern or trigger that keeps repeating. Instead of asking, "Why does this keep happening?" ask, "What can I do to change it?!"
Then be still and listen.
Pluto Rx: 28°CAP07'
Pallas: 28°VIR07'
Aspect: Trine
Time: 10:09 AM
Painting: Peace Be Still by Michael Dudash Artist
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Just do it.
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Happy Dakini Day! 💃😘
I am thrilled to announce the Dakini for the Month, Betsy Sonrisa!
I met Betsy on a conscious commons website and immediately noted her giving and supportive nature. I am so excited for you to know her too:
My name is Betsy Sonrisa. I am 65 and I have had the wonderful opportunity to navigate quite an expansive journey.
I was raised in a very toxic, hypocritical religious environment which engendered a deep yearning for Love, and connections with the natural world. I wasn’t introduced to spirituality until about 20 years ago and I have faltered through some fairly toxic forms of spirituality, landing in a profound relationship with Spirit as a very intimate and personal relationship.
I am definitely a wide-eyed student open to learning new concepts and ideas that can bring us together in Love and help us combat the divisiveness that prevails in many areas.
I grew up in the foothills of Northern California where my grandmother raised most of our food in her garden, orchard, dairy cows, calves, pigs, chickens, turkeys and rabbits. I was also fortunate to have been raised with horses and have had the opportunity to do some amazing work with horses as therapy animals.
My first experience outside of the U.S. was when I was 19 and traveled to England with my husband who was in the Air Force. In my 50’s I gratefully took advantage of opportunities to travel to Mexico, Teotihuacan being a truly spiritual intimation. I also traveled to Peru and Machu Picchu another extremely mystical experience, Medellin, Columbia, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, and a 3-week adventure in Italy traveling from Florence to Naples, to the Amalfi Coast and Saturnalia in Tuscany, Pompei, Venice, and finally Rome. I mention my travels as I believe they provided me an educational opportunity around different cultures and the lived experience of communicating with people without sharing the same language or cultural background.
I have also facilitated a domestic violence women’s group and done some really lovely work with autistic children and horse therapy. My friends Love me and often tell me my home ( 27 foot travel trailer…lol) is a spiritual sanctuary.
Sometimes we focus on the spiritual aspect of gods and goddesses so much that we forget those humans who currently serve the path and set an example in human form. Dakini can also refer to a female sangha, teacher, or student who might be an exemplar of the path.
Betsy definitely fits that category.
Thank you, Betsy, for your love and contribution to the quality of life here on Planet Earth. Your gift to humanity has not been overlooked. Nor have you.
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✨Aspecting the Cosmos, Sun, Sep 10, 2023
💫 Venus, goddess of love and beauty, conjunct Juno, goddess of marriage and commitment. While many look to Venus to ascertain love interests in a natal chart, it's actually Juno who reveals what we NEED to sustain a long-term relationship. Juno also provides a glimpse of what sort of partner they might be.
For example, if your Juno is in Scorpio, then you would thrive in an intensely passionate relationship that possesses regenerative qualities. Sex may be very important to you; however, not as much as the penetrating soul-fusion that Pluto-ruled natives require.
If in Gemini, then it would be practically the opposite, as Gemini. Therefore, someone intellectual, curious, adaptable, and with the quick-witted ability to express themselves that Mercury-ruled natives require.
A conjunction is the most powerful aspect formed by two celestial bodies, and the second house is one of freedom, values, finances, and possessions. It's the natural home of earthy Taurus ruled by Venus. Venus also rules the 7th house, the natural home of Libra, and Juno's most comfortable placement.
💫 As Venus is currently hosting the South Node in Libra, it's imperative that we heed any aspects it makes through January 2025. This is one of the most powerful in regard to relationships. You can see how this conjunction is interweaved beyond mere placement and degree. These two powerful goddesses working in conjunction can produce deep, meaningful connections between two people.
💫 Late afternoon/early evening, Pluto Rx in Capricorn will square Juno in Leo. This is a bump in the road that can be conquered if both parties are willing to compromise in order to restore balance. This can mean a friendship, a business relationship, or a deep partnership.
Both parties must ask themselves: How bad do I want this?
Venus: 12°LEO55'
Juno: 12°LEO55'
Aspect: Conjunction
House: Second: Freedom, values, finances, possessions,
Time: 1:04 AM EDT
Pluto: 28°CAP06'
Juno: 13°LEO14'
Aspect: Square
Time: 5:05 PM EDT
Painting: Whispering Noon by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema
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Words have a magical power to create your future. When a being is not awake then words can amplify existing suffering and limitations. This is because the being does not understand the power of complaining which tends to reinforce existing conditions. Sharing with the intention for greater understanding, insight and healing has a different power. Words are a declaration to the Universe. Be aware of the words you speak, to yourself and others. Your unconscious mind and the Universe are always listening!
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Weekly Oracle Card: 6. Natural healing power
The best way to bring healing and balance back into a life that is out of sorts is to spend a day in nature. Healing spirits and helpers work hand in hand with Mother Nature, and the goodness and compassion they share is in everything she has to offer. Beauty can be found in everything that is natural, and everything that is natural has the power to heal.
Spirit healers and helpers can get closer to you when your mind is open to the natural world, and this is why you must allow yourself to wonder in a place where your mind can relax and the healing spirit can fill you with much-needed peace.
Rejoice in Nature's Vast Garden.
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Today is Grandparent's Day in America, where I'll be treated to Sunday dinner by my children and grandprecious - who is now a young man @ 13 years-old! To all those blessed with children and grandchildren, may your day be filled with much love and happiness!
Many don't get to experience this. My mother passed away when I was 18, so never met her grandchildren. I am truly blessed with this experience to not only meet mine but watch him grow and be an integral part of his life.
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Three asteroids are transiting into new signs this week, plus a New Moon, Mercury stationing direct, and daily energy updates through Saturday, Sep 16th! Phew!
Now off to dinner! Have a great day, everyone! xo
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Aspecting the Cosmos: Monday, Sep 11, 2023:
Today's only aspect is very apropos for the twenty-second anniversary of 9/11. It's going to be a very emotional day for a lot of Americans. I can definitely remember exactly where I was at: my desk while working.
The Sun in Virgo will inconjunct Chiron in Aries @ 9:23 PM. We've got Earth and Fire here, who share neither the same quality nor element; therefore, it's going to be much more difficult to reach an adjustment from each to re-establish balance. Or perhaps peace. Inner peace.
The angel number 11 can indicate a potential imbalance. In this case, it's more than likely between our ego and emotions.
In essence, Chiron is the Wounded Warrior who could not completely heal his own pain; however, he learned so much about medicine that he started a healing temple. This asteroid points to where your own painful experiences give you training and how you can use that understanding to help others.
The apostle Paul also had a thorn in his flesh that refused to heal; what did Paul do with that wound? He was the perfect reflection of Chiron's true influence. He siphoned wisdom from the pain and used it for the greater good of others.
(2 Corinthians 12:7 KJV) “And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.” (Emphasis added)
Perhaps the 'thorn' is a reminder that we, too, are human and subject to the very behavior we are apt to judge at times.
No one is perfect. No one is without a 'thorn'. Some spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to 'heal' something that may not be meant to heal in the traditional sense of the definition. Or in this lifetime.
Perhaps the term healing should be re-examined. Perhaps healing should take on a different perspective. Perhaps healing is the very integration of the 'thorn' by believing we are to coexist.
There are many wounds carried by descendants of the victims of 911. Because of these tragedies, their life was made difficult, and perhaps those difficulties became a thorn of resentment in their heart.
May those who have not yet drunk from the chalice of forgiveness find the strength to taste deeply of a peace that negates the arrow's poison.
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National Hispanic Heritage Month: Maria's Story Part I
Sponsored by Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, Inc. Phoenix Alumnae Chapter and Arizona State University Lambda Chapter, the Maria Gomez Dream Scholarship is in memory of our sister who lost her battle with cancer in 2014.
Maria was born in Delcias, Mexico and migrated with her parents to the US as a child. Raised in Phoenix, Maria graduated from Alhambra High School.
A first-generation college student, Maria graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting (2010) and a Master's in Taxation (2012).
Maria was a DREAMER who never let any obstacles hinder her education. A student leader, she cared deeply about her community and believed in giving of her time and talents to make the world a better place.
After successfully attending Phoenix High School, Maria graduated as a student leader. However, to attend college, she had to find alternative funding.
Maria's dream was to be the first college graduate in her family. However, her family was unable to fund her desire for higher education, so Maria turned to scholarship programs and work in hopes of attaining her dream.
Because of hard work and the generous award of scholarships, Maria's enrolled in Arizona State University and was even a member of the homecoming court.
Through this scholarship, we honor her legacy by supporting students in their pursuit of education as they prepare for success in college, career, and life.
For more information and ways to donate, please visit:
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