The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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RiAN said:A very powerful card and reading , yes I can see that whirlwind energy represented in the card. For me looking at this card i see two main energies colliding and collapsing at the same time. It reminds me of magnetic fields and how the magnetic fields can change, even also in our life process, even in our bodies.
I will read your channeled message again to let it sink in, I also drew a card of the fairies deck which was the Dark Lady
This card corresponds with your reading as the Dark lady is a lot about the Dark and naked truth, about not bandaging each challenge we might face but let its natural process heal us
much enjoyed your words, your words
I always enjoy how our readings coincide! Exactly, in regards to putting a Band-Aid on wounds. Sometimes what a wound needs is fresh air and a chance to naturally heal vs being trapped under a scar.
Anonymous said:<< post removed >>
Ohhh nice! Great moniker! I received the above yesterday from a friend who makes grids and various crafts from wood ( I really hate how distorted this photo appears ). She knows I love the moon, and felt led to make and send me this one, along with a beautiful specimen of a Snow agate sphere orb white chalcedony druzy agate ( that's a mouthful, isn't it?! ).
I already have a beautiful black Moonstone Orb I use for New Moon Ceremonies, now this one I can use for Full Moon ceremony along with my Selenite orb! Snow Agate is a new find from in Indonesia, and is known for its properties of release and purity. It will assist you overcome negativity and anger, as well as abetting the release of stress and/or tension. It is a great stone for mental clarity as it links with your Crown chakra. It is stone to help boosts angelic and spiritual communication. It will be a PERFECT addition for my altar!
Can't wait to see what's in yours!

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Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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Well, Dang, RiAN! I couldn't wait to finish my own reading/meditation, etc., so I could hop on here to read your new deck selection! I want to say I am surprised, but I am not; I am more pleasantly pleased at the affirmation of the card.
Firstly, the Snake is one of my spirit animals, and I have a stone with its image on my desk at all times ( I'm certain you've seen it in some of my images ). It's a black snake carved on white stone to symbolize the purity of the spirit ( contrary to Christian belief it is evil ;but, that's a different story for another time ( and possibly wine )). I was presented this stone at the Cherokee reservation in the NC mountains, so it's very special to me.
Secondly, I typically don't share my personal pulls here; however, today I feel led to share to demonstrate the synchronicity of the cards, regardless of the deck, regardless of the reader, regardless of the location. In this instance, Norway and the US. And do not think, Dear Reader, that these messages are limited to me; they most certainly are not. The Universe works for the greater good of all; therefore, what is applicable to you is such, and truth.
The Shaman's Dream:
No. 51 STARS IN THE SKY: Limitless Possibility/embracing opportunity
We can already note the synchronicity of this card with RiAN's pull. Look at the spirit figure sitting on the arch of the bridge. Eventually, the person is going to have to choose which way to walk, as they cannot survive in this liminal space indefinitely. Note the lines of energy connecting the spirit self with the sky in the form of stardust, reminding us that we are made of the same limitless possibilities as the stars we gaze upon.
We could spend a lifetime gazing up into the beauty of expanse shimmering with various pulses of light from stars and planets. However, we all know too well that daylight will come, the stars will disappear for a time, and we must tend to our own physical needs. We must choose what to wear, what to eat, what action to take to manifest our dreams, and so forth, if we are to survive.
While the night provides us a glimpse of endless possibilities which mirror our own here on earth; it can be overwhelming trying to decide which star to choose out of so many. But, now is the time to choose the brightest star and focus on the now. Be present in that moment before gathering your most cherished dreams, and make small movements toward calling that glittering potential into reality!
How do we do that? Choice. Which brings me to Moonology:
Queen of the Moon:
No. 8 Waxing Crescent 6: THE PATH
Now look at the figure preparing to manifest her dreams by climbing that ladder of possibility one step at a time. Notice that the Moon phase even coincides with the current phase of the Moon, which just moved into Second Quarter Waxing Crescent today in the sign of Leo ( transitioning to Virgo @ 4:59 PM ).
This burgeoning Moon denotes the perfect time to manifest the first steps of your chosen path. The way is open for us; it's even illuminated! It's time to take action - which means it's time to be courageous, and the Moon in Leo provides the courage you need to decide the course that we're dreaming.
We're approaching the end of the tunnel and the path is not only visible, but it is also inviting us forward. So, instead of standing there in doubt and uncertainty, it's time to take a step, even if that step is only picking the brightest star in your night sky before the sun rises to illuminate opportunity!
So thank you, RiAN, for the affirmation of my own reading this morning. I actually made a decision yesterday after a reading; however, the thief of doubt always visits afterward. This mornings reading, coupled with yours, is a clear indication for me ( and others ) to move forward with my own decision!
Much love to you and DU for a beautiful day! xo

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Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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Well I must say I was initially shocked to see this card from an Oracle deck! You're right in that there is always some card that signifies transformation in every deck, it's just that in oracle decks it's not typically called 'Death'.
This card has never shaken me, anymore than the tower or hanged man. On the contrary, it signifies metamorphosis. Just as the caterpillar dies to the cocoon, so, too, does the cocoon give way to the butterfly. The end result is beautiful to behold despite the struggle to arrive.
Of course I am a Scorpio; therefore, Death, metamorphosis, transformation, and so forth aren't intimidating, but welcomed changes viewed positively as evolution, or, upleveling and genuinely changing for the better. I don't view death as an ending but beginning.
Ironically, this card also played into my personal pulls today, RiAN! So I'm loving all of this affirmation. I am in the midst of a major upleveling and look forward to seeing the outcome of determination and hard work!
Thank you for sharing. xo
This card has never shaken me, anymore than the tower or hanged man. On the contrary, it signifies metamorphosis. Just as the caterpillar dies to the cocoon, so, too, does the cocoon give way to the butterfly. The end result is beautiful to behold despite the struggle to arrive.
Of course I am a Scorpio; therefore, Death, metamorphosis, transformation, and so forth aren't intimidating, but welcomed changes viewed positively as evolution, or, upleveling and genuinely changing for the better. I don't view death as an ending but beginning.
Ironically, this card also played into my personal pulls today, RiAN! So I'm loving all of this affirmation. I am in the midst of a major upleveling and look forward to seeing the outcome of determination and hard work!
Thank you for sharing. xo
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616
Tyrant of Words

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Moonology ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
T-Minus 6 Days and counting! Who is getting excited about the Full Blood Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius next week? We are less than a week out, and I'll be sharing some information this weekend about the significance of this moon, as well as ritual tips and suggestions!
The current phase is Second Quarter Waxing in the Earthy sign of Virgo, who relieved Leo yesterday evening around 5;00 PM EDT. It's a perfect day to wear white and burn Mulberry to enhance those lunar energies.
A Waxing Moon is ideal to draw things toward you! Being she's in the sign of Virgo, that means both favor accomplishment of details and instructions while focusing on health, hygiene, and daily schedules.
Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, which favors expansion, money, prosperity, and generosity. It's an overall great day to tend to organization and future plans to manifest what it is you want and/or need in your life!
Today's Card is from Queen of the Moon!
No 20: Waning Gibbous 4: Beauty
"I see beauty everywhere and it raises my vibration."
There could not be a more true affirmation than the above. Engaging with beauty certainly contributes to a positive outlook. Be it in nature or manmade through art, poetry, or music, beauty manufactures the reminder that the world is not lost, regardless of whether or not we feel lost.
When we feel less than enough, or unworthy, we have a choice to make: believe those lies society tells us ( whether direct or through marketing/advertising of perfectly photoshopped models ); or, focus on the beauty in the world, which is a direct reflection of your own inner beauty.
For every negative there is a positive to counterbalance beliefs. Beauty isn't make-up or fancy skin care, or society's current ideal. It's the natural formation of a mountain touching the sky; it's the rolling blood of an ocean through it's body; it's the intricate hand in a painting; it's the melody in music, and so forth.
Whenever I feel "less than", regardless of the reason, I seek out beauty. It can heal even the most broken of us. Real beauty is hypnotic, yet in reality, has less to do with youth than it does with the spirit coming through the skin. The word Charisma comes from the Greek 'Karis' and 'ma', meaning the spirit shining through.
Each one of us possesses a beautiful spirit filled with uniqueness which will provide confidence if we recognize it. Each of us is desirable and the world has need of our gifts. We are perfectly formed to be who we are meant to be in this life, so don't become obsessed with the external influences of mass marketing, or the competitive/jealous natures of others who would hold you back out of their own fears and doubts.
Remember that the external is fleeting. We may become unhappy and chase an ideal that is impossible to uphold; or, we can become obsessed with our inner self; with the spirit within, that it shines forth in beauty, confidence, and love.
Namaste for a beauty-ful day, Sweet Souls! xo

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