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Forum Posts: 3367
Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
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read me a fortune
ley me a line
tie me a knot
in your handkerchief
cast me a circle
call my name to the sky
light me a candle
i may be gone away soon
for a while
ley me a line
tie me a knot
in your handkerchief
cast me a circle
call my name to the sky
light me a candle
i may be gone away soon
for a while
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17586

Burning a little Frankincense while blessing a new deck. 🙏💙
Thank you to all sharing their wisdom and knowledge here. 💜

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Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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Thank you, RiAN! It's a beautiful deck for channeling. I have wanted a combined one of ascended masters, archangels, gods, goddesses ( from myths, legends, spiritual texts, and world religions ), Twin Flames ( Odin/Freya; Saint Germain/Portia, Shiva/Kali, etc. ), and enlightened beings.
There are plenty of decks out there for each; but that's not what I really wanted. This one is an excellent resource for education as well as receiving/channeling downloads.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17586


^ I get majorly dopamined after finishing a poem [ nonsense ]
mmmmm . . . dark chocolate . . . . .
mmmmm . . . dark chocolate . . . . .
Forum Posts: 3367
Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

reading for dup:
the underground is not healing as it should. though it is protected, more needs to be done. there is one who stands apart from the others and prevents healing taking place.
take heart in the fact that we are strong. summer is coming, bright days are ahead. there are obstacles ahead particularly in the month of may.
defence must be approached from an unconventional angle, and this defence is strongly linked to spirituality. astral travel and seership will be instrumental in bringing peace and combating challenges.
Forum Posts: 3367
Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
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and now we wait to see if i am correct
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17586
Thank you for that interesting read, anna. Can't say I know much about that type of reading, as I stick to the light side; however, it will be interesting to observe your prediction. ( I garner that means you'll be around with us then? )
I am enjoying dark chocolate and wines after completing a task!
I am enjoying dark chocolate and wines after completing a task!

Forum Posts: 3367
Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
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i am not sure what you think is dark about ogham but you are welcome.
(i might be)
(i might be)
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17586

Current phase: waning 4th quarter in Aries with Saturn ruling. It's been a good day to wear blue and burn Magnolia! As many know, the New Moon is tomorrow evening at 10:31 PM, which means that tonight, in the final hours of the waning moon, is a PERFECT time to seek Hecate. I have posted this before but feel led to repost.
Seeking Hecate
First, who is Hecate ( Hekate )? She is an ancient Greek mythological triple-form goddess who first appeared in Hesiod's Theogony in the 8th century BCE. She represents liminal spaces, i.e. - doorways, gateways, entrances, crossroads, and midnight, thus identifies with the Moon, underworld, spirits of the dead, and both medicinal and baneful plants.
She is known as Keeper of the Keys and is a light bearer, unlocking the secret portals of wisdom and carrying a pair of blazing torches that can illuminate the path. Whenever we feel we are in a liminal space or crossroads, and can't make a decision in regards to the direction to go, you can connect with Hecate for her guidance.
Many work with Hecate during the new Moon, I associated her with the fourth quarter Moon, when the shadows are deepening, but not completely gone, since Hecate herself is associated with light. Moon placement is very important in working with Hecate. The fourth quarter Moon represents letting go, a time of endings, banishings, cord cuttings and so forth. Thus, when faced with a decision in a liminal space, the fourth quarter Moon is a perfect time to let go of the old while stepping into the threshold of new, as it's right between the apex of the last full Moon and the quiet new beginnings of the new Moon.
When faced with indecision, Hecate is there as a guide to protect you in shadow work, be that of the dark night of the soul, or shadow ritual.
My ritual is a simple visualization and journey through a forest to a cabin in the woods. I find a key along the way, and when I reach the cabin I note the key fits the gate's lock. When I approach the door, it is slightly ajar, and a woman's voice says, "Be welcome and enter". I enter and sit across from a woman before a fire.
The ultimate quest of this is to find the key that will unlock the door to the guidance you are searching for. To find that door, you must journey inward. Your inner knowing already has all the answers you seek.
She asks what it is I seek, I lose myself in the dance of fire. I close my eyes, and last time I fell asleep. In a dream Hecate handed me a white feather. That was my key to the knowledge I was seeking. My people ( Cherokee ) are of the belief that a white feather represents spiritual purity and power. Such feathers could only be worn by spiritual leaders such as clan mothers. Other legends claim it represents the crown chakra, wisdom and blessings connected with the moon.
Regardless, if you try this, pay attention to what message Hecate has for you: a word, image, or feeling? What is the basic truth of the matter?
What does Hecate place in your hands? Whatever that is, is a talisman to help you make a decision or guide you on your next steps.
Make certain you record your visions/dreams in your journal! The sooner the better, as you remember more as you're writing!
Happy New Moon prep, All! xo
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17586
anna_grin said:i am not sure what you think is dark about ogham but you are welcome.
(i might be)
Well I've certainly been sending positive vibes along with divine intervention requests for the greatest good. . .
It's not that I consider ogham dark ( unless you're sacrificing a chicken or infant ), but the message itself was somewhat ominous in nature. I tend to avoid such in my readings. That's all. It reminds me of a meme I wish I could find that defines the difference in oracle and tarot readings! Oracle is all like, "Everything will be okay!" and Tarot be all like, "Gurrrrl, you in trouble!"
I think it's a fascinating modality, just like Tarot. But, just as Cartomancy ( mentioned by Val ) it hasn't been on my radar. I'm still learning runes and probably will be until I die!
(i might be)
Well I've certainly been sending positive vibes along with divine intervention requests for the greatest good. . .
It's not that I consider ogham dark ( unless you're sacrificing a chicken or infant ), but the message itself was somewhat ominous in nature. I tend to avoid such in my readings. That's all. It reminds me of a meme I wish I could find that defines the difference in oracle and tarot readings! Oracle is all like, "Everything will be okay!" and Tarot be all like, "Gurrrrl, you in trouble!"

I think it's a fascinating modality, just like Tarot. But, just as Cartomancy ( mentioned by Val ) it hasn't been on my radar. I'm still learning runes and probably will be until I die!

Forum Posts: 3367
Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
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ah okay. i dunno how I’d avoid ominous if ominous is there but I don’t think it’s too serious myself. also I’m still learning