
I'm Not Racist,  And So Are You

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

For change to happen we must get involved. We .must talk about what needs to be done to create a better atmosphere a better environment
What are the issues that keeps racism alive?

"To end racism simply stop talking about it"  Morgan Freeman
" The only thing  wrong with the blacks in America is they don't have their fathers"
Denzel Washington

Are the people at the forefront of these protest like the doctor who doesn't want his patient to get well?
Apart from BLM is there a real race issue and what is the cause what is the solution ?"

Freedom of expression is welcome

poet Anonymous

There are currently 6 threads and 3 comps about this very issue. Do we really need another one? Really?

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Miss_Sub said:There are currently 6 threads and 3 comps about this very issue. Do we really need another one? Really?

Hi Missy sorry I've been away most of the day I intended to get it started I have no problem taking it down and adding it to the Government thread

My main objective is to discuss racism in general and or prejuidiced and bigots
This sounds so stupid but there is really no way to say it
If we could get Non whites to comment
That would be good I will give it a day or two before I pull this thread
Johnny won't mind the discussion all on the Freedom thread
Thanks for commenting Missy
I do appreciate you being up front and honest
Much Love V

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Frayed Edges of the Same Cloth

I turn my eyes,  contrary to
the usual reflection of sufficient
light, now reveals an
 antagonistic view.
Distorted, frayed edges
between the continuum,
from black to white,
bewilders clarity. 
Overwhelming silence, from
 those to whom benefit
seems granted 
Separation begins as
protracted controversy rises
 from those of common descent 
Turmoil, destruction cries
in the night, an echo against
the skin  of a broken drum 
Deafening silence,  befalls
a portion of the ones whose
various hues a  blending of
dark pigment offer nothing 
Closing their eyes they turn
 away from the clan  
Away from sullen features,
 they hold tight a believed
perception of fabricated
Together they mingle high
 above counting coins watching
those scramble after the  
ones that slipped away. 
Written by Valeriyabeyond (Dhyana)
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There are some African American who believe if you don't speak of racism it won't exist
It is only alive because it's being talked about -Morgan Freeman

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

There is injustice and oppression. The arrogance comes from thinking that whites are just doing peachy-creamy. Deluded pale-skins fluff themselves on the idea that they have powers they don’t. And then go all “fierce.”

Classy moralizer - this is a really intellectually weak individual - in reality. Less free and powerful than those they apologize to. I always giggle and wrinkle my nose hearing about how some people are confused by a person’s color. It’s like the world isn’t round to them. Do they even know they are on an earth full of 7 billion people??

Privilege vanishes for the poor, unkempt, mentally ill, emotionally damaged or arrested - outcasts of all types can be thrown away easily.

When your kids constantly say nobody knows what it’s like to be them... nobody assumes it’s because of the color of their skin. We all can feel dangerously alone. Rejected and forgotten!

How emotionally unhealthy is all this rude talk for the borderline personalities of all colors, right???

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

EdibleWords said:There is injustice and oppression. The arrogance comes from thinking that whites are just doing peachy-creamy. Deluded pale-skins fluff themselves on the idea that they have powers they don’t. And then go all “fierce.”

Classy moralizer - this is a really intellectually weak individual - in reality. Less free and powerful than those they apologize to. I always giggle and wrinkle my nose hearing about how some people are confused by a person’s color. It’s like the world isn’t round to them. Do they even know they are on an earth full of 7 billion people??

Privilege vanishes for the poor, unkempt, mentally ill, emotionally damaged or arrested - outcasts of all types can be thrown away easily.

When your kids constantly say nobody knows what it’s like to be them... nobody assumes it’s because of the color of their skin. We all can feel dangerously alone. Rejected and forgotten!

How emotionally unhealthy is all this rude talk for the borderline personalities of all colors, right???

Yes and thank you for involving yourself on this thread
It is intended for equality across the board all colors all race, religion, all countries, man,  woman ,transgender, gay, straight, I'm sure I left something out so forgive me.
I am not denying BLM there are other threads for that which I support

This is for comments just like yours Edible
Making people aware and allowing anyone to say whatever they need to about justice and equality
Pros or cons

Thank you sis keep them coming

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Good morning Lepp I have just sat down with my .orning coffee and saw your comment on the other thread
I was happy to see your response
Yes this thread is for all countries every form inequality .
You made some admirable points on how a mature spirit views his environment
I'm going to re read before I comment BRB

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

My goal here is to place these ideas of unconscious bias in the minds of those who may refuse they are affected by things happening around them. 
Subtle cognitive errors beneath  cognitive mechanism affect memory and emotional responses they make ethical people make decisions that seem unethical to some and start upheaval in the world consciousness 
Making one wonder WTF were they thinking .
Diversity equality and inclusion 
Is the dialogue the world needs right now

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

A Few Key Characteristics of Implicit Biases

Implicit biases are pervasive.  Everyone possesses them, even people with avowed commitments to impartiality such as judges.
Implicit and explicit biases are related but distinct mental constructs.  They are not mutually exclusive and may even reinforce each other.
The implicit associations we hold do not necessarily align with our declared beliefs or even reflect stances we would explicitly endorse.
We generally tend to hold implicit biases that favor our own ingroup, though research has shown that we can still hold implicit biases against our ingroup.
Implicit biases are malleable.  Our brains are incredibly complex, and the implicit associations that we have formed can be gradually unlearned through a variety of debiasing techniques

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

To say we are not racist is not entirely truthful
We all have some type of bias even if we dont practice it even if we don't see it, it is still there
Imicit is not always negative it can be positive
If you harbor an image in your head of your sweet loving  grandmother unconsciously you will feel that sweet loving connection when you see someone with the same style of dress or hair or annerisms
You are then more likely to get along with that that person due to implicit bias
Implicit bias is not the same as the programming I spoke of earlier
Imicit bias cannot be directly identified therefore it cannot be purge from your unconscious simply because you don't want it there
Below is an imicit bias test for you to take privately
The categories are sex,  race, presidents
Take one or two see how you do

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2277

Painfully woke white people yanking TV shows off the air and tearing down statues aren’t helping the racial justice cause, according to the founder of Black Entertainment Television. He says black people “laugh at” these displays.
Removing Confederate statues does nothing for black people, billionaire TV magnate Robert Johnson told Fox News on Wednesday. “It’s not going to give a kid whose parents can’t afford college, money to go to college. It’s not going to close the labor gap…and it’s not going to take people off welfare or food stamps.”

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

drone said:Painfully woke white people yanking TV shows off the air and tearing down statues aren’t helping the racial justice cause, according to the founder of Black Entertainment Television. He says black people “laugh at” these displays.
Removing Confederate statues does nothing for black people, billionaire TV magnate Robert Johnson told Fox News on Wednesday. “It’s not going to give a kid whose parents can’t afford college, money to go to college. It’s not going to close the labor gap…and it’s not going to take people off welfare or food stamps.”

Agreed drone
these attempts to " make it right" are not going to fund colleges, or put food on the table,  but it is bringing an awareness to an issue,
We have been taught to believe that these monuments are in place to honor our heroes .
There is nothing  heroic or honorable about erecting   a statue as a "tribute to the brave, defenders of our rights"
The right to own humans?

Everyone is so proud to be an American
Land of the free
More free than other nations yes, but we are oppressed with false belief that we are great.
That our history is great
Our history is not great it is riddled with holes mended with lies and omission
The Democratic system we have is shitty at best
If we have proved anything in the last couple hundred years we have proved that if you keep on faking it, it will crumble
No one had a clear grasp of what they wanted America to be.
They had ideas with an open ended future,  a drawing straws  mentality to see what comes next or what falls in place
George Washington didn't have a plan he had the beginning of a great idea then what
He admitted there were no plans for the black man when he wrote
" How can we set the black man free if we are not free ourselves?"
Right there he set himself apart
He didn't include the freedom of the black man in his letters.
He didn't think to put the black man before himself
He turned his head
Justice,  government, everything needs a Revamping which won't happen until the people begin to think differently

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