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Poem of 2024

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16838

...the sex pistols didn't really catch here but Savage Garden did for a while. Have you ever  sung in karaokes?

did you hear him sing
he crooned it so well
I blushed, he sang a song
that calls my name

I turned to her
you think he likes me
She laughed yes he does
I was hopeful

But he didn't like us
he had a wife and kid
he was singing for his child
the name the same as mine

she laughed softly
moonbeam playing on her barrettes
a shooting star
illuminated her face
she turned to him
as the breeze blew her hair
off her face

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1681

Lookin' At The Future In Her Rear View Mirror:
'Have you ever sung in karaokes?' she asks him

He smiles, then thinking sadly of his tale,
remembering of certain songs he's known.
he casts his mind back through obscuring veil
of tears, and years that have so swiftly flown,

to when in city-centre pub she said:
'Go on! Get up and sing a song for me!'
and so with fearful, trepidatious tread
he walked up to the stage, unhappily,

and though he couldn't sing a single note
he chose their song* and then began to sing
across that crowded bar, with love to float
the words above the voices and the ching

of money tills towards his only love
who sat and watched and sang those same words back
to him. And soon the noisy push and shove
of drunken people in that bar grew slack

and they began to listen as he sang
the love that overflowed his heart for her
while she returned his love in words that rang
out true and quietened all the drinkers there.

Then when the song was done, the music still,
he went to where she waited with a kiss,
while all the pub again began to fill
with noise. He didn't hear. Her kiss was bliss.

The music's silent now and doesn't play;
for something came and took her song away.

The wind was sighing softly through the trees
and sharing secrets with their rustling leaves
as high above, the Moon with light so pale
began to listen as she told her tale.


*The song:


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