Poem of 2024
Forum Posts: 17128
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
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...the sex pistols didn't really catch here but Savage Garden did for a while. Have you ever sung in karaokes?
did you hear him sing
he crooned it so well
I blushed, he sang a song
that calls my name
I turned to her
you think he likes me
She laughed yes he does
I was hopeful
But he didn't like us
he had a wife and kid
he was singing for his child
the name the same as mine
she laughed softly
moonbeam playing on her barrettes
a shooting star
illuminated her face
she turned to him
as the breeze blew her hair
off her face
...the sex pistols didn't really catch here but Savage Garden did for a while. Have you ever sung in karaokes?
did you hear him sing
he crooned it so well
I blushed, he sang a song
that calls my name
I turned to her
you think he likes me
She laughed yes he does
I was hopeful
But he didn't like us
he had a wife and kid
he was singing for his child
the name the same as mine
she laughed softly
moonbeam playing on her barrettes
a shooting star
illuminated her face
she turned to him
as the breeze blew her hair
off her face
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2285
Dangerous Mind

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Lookin' At The Future In Her Rear View Mirror:
'Have you ever sung in karaokes?' she asks him
He smiles, then thinking sadly of his tale,
remembering of certain songs he's known,
he casts his mind back through obscuring veil
of tears, and years that have so swiftly flown,
to when in city-centre pub she said:
'Go on! Get up and sing a song for me!'
and so with fearful, trepidatious tread
he walked up to the stage, unhappily,
and though he couldn't sing a single note
he chose their song* and then began to sing
across that crowded bar, with love to float
the words above the voices and the ching
of money tills towards his only love
who sat and watched and sang those same words back
to him. And soon the noisy push and shove
of drunken people in that bar grew slack
and they began to listen as he sang
the love that overflowed his heart for her
while she returned his love in words that rang
out true and quietened all the drinkers there.
Then when the song was done, the music still,
he went to where she waited with a kiss,
while all the pub again began to fill
with noise. He didn't hear. Her kiss was bliss.
The music's silent now and doesn't play;
for something came and took her song away.
The wind was sighing softly through the trees
and sharing secrets with their rustling leaves
as, high above, the Moon with light so pale
began to listen as she told her tale.
*The song:
Forum Posts: 17128
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
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A moment in Time
...I love that song. Lovely to think it is you and your beloved's song too. Awesome!
there was a moment in time
when nothing seemed to rhyme
nothing seemed to go right
even dreams were out of sight
nothing seemed to be amazing
or even slightly interesting
the boredom was immense
the disappointment intense
a letter from a pen-pal
arrived giving me a boost
unfortunately she wanted to stop
writing to me on that day
cos she had a new pen-pal
from nearer her home
way out in Australia
she needed the money for her stamp
she laughed softly
looking far away
into the horizon
the moon shone
unto the valley below
...I love that song. Lovely to think it is you and your beloved's song too. Awesome!
there was a moment in time
when nothing seemed to rhyme
nothing seemed to go right
even dreams were out of sight
nothing seemed to be amazing
or even slightly interesting
the boredom was immense
the disappointment intense
a letter from a pen-pal
arrived giving me a boost
unfortunately she wanted to stop
writing to me on that day
cos she had a new pen-pal
from nearer her home
way out in Australia
she needed the money for her stamp
she laughed softly
looking far away
into the horizon
the moon shone
unto the valley below
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2285
Dangerous Mind

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Lookin' At The Future In Her Rear-View Mirror:
She doesn't ask him a question this morning
... and so he wonders what to write about,
and then remembers of a message sent
a while ago, and if he's worked it out
correctly 'doggy-bag' today has meant
she's said to one she loved her last goodbye.
She's parted from her for that final time
and watched her soaring up to Heaven's sky,
her Spirit singing of their friendship's rhyme.
He sends a Hug on softly beating wings
across the world to her. It's flying now
and when it holds her tight he hopes it brings
a little comfort, hopes it can, somehow.
But though those two so sadly are apart
they'll live forever in each other's heart.
The wind was sighing softly through the trees
and sharing secrets with their rustling leaves
as, high above, the Moon with light so pale
began to listen as she told her tale.
Forum Posts: 17128
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128
for when the voices are silent
for when there's no inspiration
there's that poem waiting to be written
there are the words waiting to be spoken
the hush of a sabbatical
from walks under harvest moons
shared thoughts some theatrical
of some unfortunate events
Screens are for these silence
to keep the meanders still
until the time tick again
movies play on the reel
for when the voices are silent
for when there's no inspiration
there's that poem waiting to be written
there are the words waiting to be spoken
the hush of a sabbatical
from walks under harvest moons
shared thoughts some theatrical
of some unfortunate events
Screens are for these silence
to keep the meanders still
until the time tick again
movies play on the reel
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2285
Dangerous Mind

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(I've filled the gap before 'Screens'☝️Scroll up☝️
The Road Goes Ever On.
Filling The Gap: He reposts the poem above☝️ he wrote before she posted 'Screens', and explains his reasoning in the poem below 🙃
He wrote his moonlight poem yesterday
then took it down, rewrote it, posted it,
then took it down. The poem didn't say
exactly what he wanted, just a bit.
But then today he thinks that she may think
he didn't bother, didn't care to write
a poem, had abandoned her, to slink
away and leave her standing in the night.
So, even though that poem was all wrong,
he posts it back, to show her that he'd tried
beneath that shining Moon to sing a song
in verse, that inspiration hadn't died.
The Road goes on and all roads have their end.
It's always best to walk it with a friend.
The wind was blowing softly through the trees.
He finished speaking, gave her hand a squeeze,
as Moon shone down with silver's palest light.
They walked together, through the velvet night.
The path dipped down into a flowery dell
and she began her latest tale to tell.
Forum Posts: 17128
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128
...silence and peace goes together, tranquility without the sounds. Glad you're alright
the little cat sat in a quiet corner
all alone she seemed to be lost
she had just lost her mother
the mother who loved her most
her mother was a gentle dog
who loved her when cat-mother
abandoned her at birth
dog-mum took over and loved her so
dog-mum died after giving birth to stillborn
the kitten went around the house
not mewing just looking around
tired she curled up in a corner
I cuddled her
gave her a treat
shared a sofa pillow
but I will never be mum
in every shadow that flits through the night
is a reminder for her how life is short
the soft light plays on her long hair
as she looks up the gigantic trees
soft breeze ruffles their leaves
like sighs of falling gossamer webs
she felt that when in sorrow they part
comfort accompany her in moonlight curve
...silence and peace goes together, tranquility without the sounds. Glad you're alright
the little cat sat in a quiet corner
all alone she seemed to be lost
she had just lost her mother
the mother who loved her most
her mother was a gentle dog
who loved her when cat-mother
abandoned her at birth
dog-mum took over and loved her so
dog-mum died after giving birth to stillborn
the kitten went around the house
not mewing just looking around
tired she curled up in a corner
I cuddled her
gave her a treat
shared a sofa pillow
but I will never be mum
in every shadow that flits through the night
is a reminder for her how life is short
the soft light plays on her long hair
as she looks up the gigantic trees
soft breeze ruffles their leaves
like sighs of falling gossamer webs
she felt that when in sorrow they part
comfort accompany her in moonlight curve
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2285
Dangerous Mind

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My Dad (he's the one on the left🙃). He's also an Alexander, the original ajay, if you like. My middle name's Richard, so I suppose I'm an imposter, an arjay☹️
The Long And Winding Road
It's Frothy, Man!
When he was small, he liked to sip the froth
that foamed atop his Father's pint of beer,
pretend to be a man, but he was loth
to taste the bitterness beneath. He'd hear
his Father laugh and then encourage him
to drink it down. 'Go on!' he'd say. 'It's good,
and though I know to you it now seems grim,
you'll like it in the end and so you should!'
Our boy, disbelieving then, sipped away
and found in time his dear old Dad was right;
and now there's rarely ever any day
in which a beer does not give him delight.
And so we learn that in Life's merry dance
it's best to give what may seem bad a chance.
Then stretching up he held the shining Moon
and plucked it from that starry velvet sky
and tossed it to her. 'Quick! Catch this balloon!'
he cried, 'And hug it tight. No reason why!'
She hugged the Moon, which shone with palest light,
and then began her tale while looking back
as side by side they walked on through the night
along the pathway of their memory track.
Forum Posts: 17128
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
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...that's a nice photo. Disneyland? Which Disneyland have you visited as a child?
I often wonder at life's meander
of the roads not taken
phone calls I didn't answer
words left unspoken
there were opportunities not taken
due to pride and prejudice
many promises broken
wrong person to kiss
Looking back with regret
as the shadows of heaven
grow longer with sunset
I should have done all a little different
gentle breeze invigorating air
engulfed her being comfortingly
caresses her cheeks almost lovingly
wan moonlight dappled shadows
under the canopies of trees
she glances, smiling, at her companion
and walks on
...that's a nice photo. Disneyland? Which Disneyland have you visited as a child?
I often wonder at life's meander
of the roads not taken
phone calls I didn't answer
words left unspoken
there were opportunities not taken
due to pride and prejudice
many promises broken
wrong person to kiss
Looking back with regret
as the shadows of heaven
grow longer with sunset
I should have done all a little different
gentle breeze invigorating air
engulfed her being comfortingly
caresses her cheeks almost lovingly
wan moonlight dappled shadows
under the canopies of trees
she glances, smiling, at her companion
and walks on
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Dangerous Mind

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Not Disneyland. That pic. was taken in Bulgaria. I've a similar one somewhere with me Mum in it.
I wasn't with them.
Alas, I never got to go to Disneyland as a child. Too expensive, I'm afraid ☹️
... and that has made no difference whatsoever, Bobby Frost 🙃
The path snaked its way through the forest,
then decided to split into two.
A poet came by and stood wondering
whatever on earth he should do.
'There's a massive absence of signposts,
and I don't know which road to take.
Both the right and the left look inviting,
I hope I don't make a mistake.'
Now the way to the left was narrow,
not many had chosen to take it,
the walk would be very hard going,
and only a fool could mistake it,
but the path to the right was frequented
by many a pair of shoes,
and for any sensible person
this would be the right path to choose.
However, our boy was a poet,
not for him the sensible way!
'I'm a poet, not a sheep!' he decided,
and took the left without further delay.
Well, he was stung and scratched by brambles,
and in mud he had many a skid,
but he thought in the end it'd be worth it
after all, this was what Frosty did!
So he squelched his way through this quagmire,
and conceive his surprise when
the path took a sudden twist to the right
and joined the well-travelled road again!
'Bugger! and blast it!' he thundered.
'Of poems I've had my lot!'
then he went off to be a banker,
like T. S. Eliot. 🙃
The wind was sighing softly through the trees
and sharing secrets with their rustling leaves
as, high above, the Moon with light so pale
began to listen as she told her tale.
Forum Posts: 17128
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128
..I have always wanted to go to disneyland since I was a child and discovered fairytales by Disney. I went to Japan Disneyland at last as an adult. I was fascinated and I hope I can see another one...
down the meandering path of life I went
in the past still blushed with ambition
meeting the one I thought was the one
hoping we'd go forever hand in hand
he wasn't the one alas and alack
I wrote a poem on a book
all about him and how I felt
but the ache was over in three days
there have been many along the way
a smile a touch and a silent goodbye
it was always me that pulled away
when the grip got too hard and intense
she laughs, skipping forward
the moon shone on in its ethereal sky
constellation of stars
gazing down at the dreamlike garden
where memories abound as spring's blooms
..I have always wanted to go to disneyland since I was a child and discovered fairytales by Disney. I went to Japan Disneyland at last as an adult. I was fascinated and I hope I can see another one...
down the meandering path of life I went
in the past still blushed with ambition
meeting the one I thought was the one
hoping we'd go forever hand in hand
he wasn't the one alas and alack
I wrote a poem on a book
all about him and how I felt
but the ache was over in three days
there have been many along the way
a smile a touch and a silent goodbye
it was always me that pulled away
when the grip got too hard and intense
she laughs, skipping forward
the moon shone on in its ethereal sky
constellation of stars
gazing down at the dreamlike garden
where memories abound as spring's blooms
Joined 21st Mar 2023
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Dangerous Mind

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(What's your favourite Disney film? I like the Jungle Book, for the jazz, and Snow White, for the kinkiness. 🙃)
... and as we wind on down the road
Our boy discovered Girls and realised
that Life was not straightforward, after all.
For girls were complicated. They surprised
him every day and often would appal
him with their reasoning. Eventually
he got the hang of them, and five girls in
he married her and they lived blissfully
together. No hearts had happier been.
But then one day an evil Shadow fell
when Mr C., between them and their sun,
appeared in dark malignant splitting cell
and suddenly his lovely girl was gone.
With barely time so quick! to say goodbye,
he'd held her in his arms and watched her die.
And then the lonely years dragged slowly past,
and all was black in yearning for his wife.
He missed her so. Their love had flown so fast
and she was far too young to leave this life.
He never thought the sun would shine again,
that shadow would forever light obscure,
and cold would blow in freezing winds of pain,
that sadness would grow greater evermore.
Then in a dream his Love appeared and said,
'Now go. You can't stay in the past with me.
My time has gone but yours still lies ahead.
I'll always live inside your heart, you'll see.'
He found a Dormouse🐭 love, a brand new start,
and now he lives with two girls in his heart.
The path went winding through the forest night,
the Moon above was pale in velvet sky,
the stars were twinkling on in pinprick light,
and Universe need never question why.
So on they walked unrolling their whole lives,
the cuts, the sticking-plasters and the knives.
Forum Posts: 17128
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
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How beautiful 🌹
...my Disney favourites are Bambi and Mowgli of Jungle Book. I cried when Bambi's mum died. And I love Mowgli's song Bare necessity. Ever wished you lived in a situation in movies just for a couple of minutes? Such as Jurassic park or Shakespeare's Midsummer's Night Dream?"
Linda and I went to a dance
wearing our best gowns
mine was borrowed from her
tucked in with a pin to fit
we sat through a Bacardi-coke
waiting for the new year to enter
two singles on blind dates
two men who liked each other more
when the clock bonged twelfth
we had a group hug and cheek pecks
The men held each other longer
we had a giggle and left soon after
in a taxi with just the two of us
going home to tea and biscuits
going to sleep in the living room
watching late night TV
or was it watching us
How beautiful 🌹
...my Disney favourites are Bambi and Mowgli of Jungle Book. I cried when Bambi's mum died. And I love Mowgli's song Bare necessity. Ever wished you lived in a situation in movies just for a couple of minutes? Such as Jurassic park or Shakespeare's Midsummer's Night Dream?"
Linda and I went to a dance
wearing our best gowns
mine was borrowed from her
tucked in with a pin to fit
we sat through a Bacardi-coke
waiting for the new year to enter
two singles on blind dates
two men who liked each other more
when the clock bonged twelfth
we had a group hug and cheek pecks
The men held each other longer
we had a giggle and left soon after
in a taxi with just the two of us
going home to tea and biscuits
going to sleep in the living room
watching late night TV
or was it watching us
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2285
Dangerous Mind

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Was That It?
'Let's go to bed!' she said, and our boy smiled,
a virgin still at fifteen years of age.
Now, finally, he'd leave behind the child,
become the man who'd strut the adults' stage,
and eagerly he bounded up the stair,
his girl in hot pursuit, as keen as he
at last at last! she'd flung aside all care
to understand Life's sexy mystery.
The two young lovers fell upon the bed
and tearing clothing off were naked soon.
Our boy was hard and hot between legs spread
and dancing to old randy Adam's tune.
He'd waited fifteen years to begin it.
Alas, our boy then came within a minute. 🙃
(Thank you, Debbie. xx)
Beneath October moon the path wound on
among the forest trees and grassy ground,
and now three-quarters of the year had gone
these two had nearly walked the year around.
The lantern of that silver moon shone pale.
He waited for her to begin her tale
From that relationship, our song:
Forum Posts: 17128
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128
Are We there Yet
...nice that you have a good memory of your first time. Have you ever thought about living abroad for a while?
books were my doorway
to all the worlds I wanted to visit
I sat in a corner or under some trees
fleeing with my imaginations
The old Gods Laughed
Jarret's Jade and Fairoaks
I read through Centennial
glad it was so thick
There was AJ Cronin
his books cost 60p then
it came to us more dear
we never could afford that
I got these books from the library
folklores and horror stories
Charles Dickens and EA Poe
later Stephen King and Dean Koontz
the wan moon shines down
in that ethereal land
silver in the sky
walking on
the dewed grass
smiling as she remembers
...nice that you have a good memory of your first time. Have you ever thought about living abroad for a while?
books were my doorway
to all the worlds I wanted to visit
I sat in a corner or under some trees
fleeing with my imaginations
The old Gods Laughed
Jarret's Jade and Fairoaks
I read through Centennial
glad it was so thick
There was AJ Cronin
his books cost 60p then
it came to us more dear
we never could afford that
I got these books from the library
folklores and horror stories
Charles Dickens and EA Poe
later Stephen King and Dean Koontz
the wan moon shines down
in that ethereal land
silver in the sky
walking on
the dewed grass
smiling as she remembers