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Poem of 2024

Dangerous Mind
Palestine 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2293


Ignoring All The Lunatics

We sang our songs, we banged our drum,
we skipped on down our dancing road,
the Sun was bright, our poems flowed,
we poured ourselves a glass of rum

and cried, 'A toast to Crazy June,
whose tears are trickling down her face
and dripping on her Mother's lace
beneath the ancient August moon!

She knew not how the Eagle cried
nor how the hunted wolf then ran
away from savage hunting Man,
or how the fish-tailed Mermaid lied,

and why the rose is bleeding red
she never thought it worth the ask,
but went on with her pointless task,
abandoned in her garden shed.'

So dancing on we drank our rum
until the day turned into night,
then laughing in the Lunar light
we sang our songs and banged our drum.




Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17136

Come Back
...love the pic, surreal

she sat at the curb
come home little Sheba
she whispered and then cried
for something gone forever

innocence, faith and jest for life
she didn't know how she stayed alive
lost in the burden of her loss
dancing alone in the shadows

she looked into her glass
sigh...one last sip

Dangerous Mind
Palestine 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2293

The Wine Of Poetry (Vendange Tardive)

She swirled the amber nectar round her glass,
then nosed the heady fumes that whirled within.
The sweet aromas of the highest class
assailed her senses, caused her head to spin,
and when she sipped and felt its molten fire
begin to surge around her burning blood
she knew the heat and flame of pure desire
for rhyme inside her –  never felt so good!
And then she looked across the World at me
and said: 'OK, I'll have a final dance.
I realise that life is short, I see
that all we have's a single Poem chance.'

She wryly smiled and then – no looking back –
she danced on down our Poem's dancing track.



(Never say die, Comrade 🍷🍷)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17136

A tale of long ago
...nice song

I emptied my glass freely on Christmas Eve
enjoying the sweet-pith taste on my lips
I emptied my glass with liquid cheer
telling myself its just a few tiny sips

I felt the earth move, the warning signs
I ignored it, tomorrow is a holiday
the warning signs persisted ...you're drunk
enjoying my liquid dinner, I didn't care

Christmas day was a long dream in fantasy land
chased by rabbits and randy goats
ran around a carousel with a green giant
I slept through the day into twilight

A quiet Christmas day with a woman
snoring on the sofa curtain still drawn
a cat stirred and a dog sighed
everyone waiting to be fed

Dangerous Mind
Palestine 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2293

Lookin' At The Future In Her Rear-View Mirror

He couldn't help liking her
even if occasionally
he wanted to strangle her;

then he grinned
and set off singing down the lane.
He knew she'd catch him up.





Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17136

Rocks and Scissors
...nice video, nice hair

I wonder about old friends
thinking about how they are
do they even remember then
when we played truth or dare

playing rock and scissors
and police and thieves
singing London Bridge is falling down
when a petticoat is peeking out

hiding behind a mango tree
eating stolen fruits with glee
joy under the tropical sun
sleeping on camp-bed under the moon

Dangerous Mind
Palestine 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2293


Lookin' At The Future In Her Rear-View Mirror 2

The night was cool, the moon was pale,
she walked beside him on the track,
he listened as she told her tale;
her mind was absent, looking back.

She spoke of all her childhood days
with friends who are now scattered wide,
remembered all her childhood ways,
her memories that never died:

when London Bridge was falling down
if snow appeared beneath a hem,
police who made the baddies frown
and tracked them down then captured them;

the nights spent out beneath the stars,
the moon a lantern, white and near,
the planet Venus, red, red Mars,
which spun above her, bright and clear;

and it was nice to hear her talk
and tell of happy childhood's time,
it brightened all that moonlit walk,
her happy thoughts put into rhyme;

then when her story reached its end,
her mind returned to present day,
she smiled towards her Poem friend,
they wandered on along their way.

Then in his turn he told a tale
about an early memory,
a tale to make her young heart quail,
when he was only small, aged three,

and playing with a nearby friend
within a messy garden shed,
'I'll race you to the other end!'
he cried, and laughing off they sped

across the stuff piled up inside,
the boxes, chairs, a sheet of glass,
all gathered there from far and wide,
a flotsamjetsam jumbledmass.

His friend ahead, he tried to pass
but slipped and smashed that glass instead;
his leg crashed through and then, alas,
a gushing stream of blood poured red

from severed vein. No adults there,
but still he screamed for Mum to come
and save him with a mother's care.
The only thing he wanted – 'Mum!'

Then down he fell in bloody gore
as all his world turned deadly black.
He lay there still and heard no more,
off on that Road with no way back ... ⚰️

He didn't die. An ambulance
with flashing lights and siren's blare
arrived. A neighbour'd heard by chance
his screams. The Docs took him in care,

they stitched him up and made him well,
then sent him home, as good as new.
The scar remained, no need to tell,
and so with that his tale was through.

He walked beside her on the track,
the night was cool, the moon was pale.
They wandered on, still looking back.
Her turn to tell another tale.




Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17136

Old Diary Read
...old song, good vibes

remember when the morning light
came with a cool breeze
the eastern sky a gentle glow
we under the same sky, gaze

she turned to him smiling
a ripple of sorrow in her eyes
there was a ghost in her dreaming
a happiness laced with sadness

time is so fleeting, she whispered
holding the flowers up against him
a non-existent memorial shared
singing a duet in her dreams

watch petals unfurling in sun's embrace
treasure each moment with grace
melody of pages memories sweet
a corona of stars in her eyes

pages of memories turned today
a diary closed almost forever
read again and how silly
the entries were ...


Dangerous Mind
Palestine 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2293

One For L.

Living on,
forever in her heart.




Dangerous Mind
Palestine 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2293


... and then there were the times
when he was young
and he used to go shrimping with Dad,
in the sea off the coast of Liverpool,
the two of them wearing big boots
and pushing theit nets in front of them,
scooping up all the wriggling shrimps
hiding under the sand.

One day, Dad slipped
and fell in, disappearing
beneath the skim of the sea.
He remembered the quick alarm,
the panicky feeling,
at the sudden absence of Dad,
the silence
broken only by the cries of the birds.

Of course, his Dad reappeared,
dripping and cursing and swearing,
like Neptune rising from the deep,
and they were soon laughing about it,
even if Dad was all wet and soggy
and left a wet bus seat, travelling home.

He never forgot that quick alarm,
that panicky feeling,
at the sudden absence of Dad,
that silence.

He tells her of it now
and gives her hand a squeeze
as they walk along their road.




Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17136

The Loop

she was happy
until he left
And then she got busy
shutting down her heart

she asked herself
what her shortcomings were
was it age, her looks, clothes
I told her no he was the flaw

She didn't believe me
she loved him so
she turned away from me
to the wall and started to go

Her body shut down
her life was bent on
moving on and leaving
going away from grieving

Zie, you left quietly
no goodbye
If you did what would I say
except shout you're too young
to die🕊️🕊️🪽

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17136

ajay said:
One For L.

Living on,
forever in her heart.





Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17136


remember when silver moon beams
danced on our hopeful faces  
our laughter filled our world
of words and wishes yet untold
you wondered if they would stay
the moonbeams glimmered in your eyes
I smiled at you and said they better do
we were in love with our first boyfriends
they left didn't they and remember why
they went with our vivacious friends
we cried together so broken hearted
for a week anyway and then we partied
our ex-boyfriends were dumped
for boys with new cars....
we were so young then
and I thought we'd live
to be a hundred together

We were two girls on a rooftop
dreaming of love

Dangerous Mind
Palestine 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2293

☝️Old pic.🙃

Lookin' At The Future In Her Rear-View Mirror:
The Crunch!

He watched her walking slowly by his side,
relating stories, happysad to tell.
He knew she felt so very bad inside
and wished he had a spell to make things well.

Instead, he told of when he bust his nose
and had to go to hospital to stay.
His nose was really smashed up, goodness knows –
at least that what he heard the Doctor say.

'We'll have to break it, sadly, once again,'
the Surgeon said, while looking satisfied.
'We'll bash it with a hammer. There's no pain.
You'll be unconscious. Don't look terrified!

'Then when it's broken, I'll grab hold of it
and simply push and shove it back in place.
Your bones will grind and crunch a little bit
and when you wake you'll have a swollen face.

'There'll be a lot of blood and gore, no doubt.
but we'll have bunged some packing up your nose,
so all that blood and gore should not leak out –
not much of it, at least – we can suppose.'

Well, Operation Day at last came round,
our boy was trembling like an aspen leaf.
His knees were knocking with a clacking sound,
his heart was full of fear and heavy grief

and cunning plans were rushing through his head
of ways in which he could escape his fate;
he thought perhaps he'd hide beneath his bed,
in order that he'd miss his dreadful date.

But off he went –  HE DIDN'T WANT TO GO!
They smashed him with a hammer in the face!
The story has a happy ending, though:
his broken nose is now back in its place.

The night was cool, the watching Moon was pale,
and now it was her turn to tell her tale.



(It was a cycling🚴 accident ☹️)


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17136

...love the hair, no mullet...?

she loved crabs
had them steamed
deep fried
or in tomato sauce

Crabs weren't my favourite
but I ate them anyway
just so she felt alright
I much preferred her curry

our stay by the sea
was memorable wasn't it
waves crashing on the beach
you lost your wrap-around sarong

what a sight to behold
You hit me cos I laughed so hard
to see you in your stark glory
playing tug o war with the wind

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