Poetry competition CLOSED 8th July 2017 6:53pm
View Profile Poems by MadameLavender
RUNNERS-UP: David_Macleod and Trixareforkids

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Strange Creature
Joined 8th July 2017
Forum Posts: 2

Could I perhaps be a contender?

poet Anonymous

Privileged said:Could I perhaps be a contender?

Very sorry, the comp has been running for a month and is almost over. Maybe next time.

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 2nd Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 2597

Kaleidoscope Mind

I spy with my little eye
ironies dense as diamonds
mysteries thick as amber with
little enigmas trapped inside
vulnerabilities piled high and wide
like geodes at an amusement park gift shop
just waiting to be cracked open
and tragedies colorful as the rainbow
trapped inside the atmosphere

choking on the smoke
chewing on the lead
painting the earth with oil
changing the landscape
crewing the boat party
sailing off the turtles back
biting my tongue
bleeding heart
beating its drum rhythm


limiting lie


and justice
is no piece of mind
your manners Little Miss
taking what I'm given
working four score

and seven years ago
I penned
not a declaration
but a first draft
of dirge
to our codependency

dear John/Jane reader
it's not you
it's me
or at least
my shadow
mostly tripping
to the light's fantastic
are warm
needs must I swim
before I drown
in the undertow
of word soup

poet Anonymous

The Winners

Firstly, give yourselves all a massive round of applause for the most enjoyable competition I've ever run. All of the entries have been phenomenal. Thank you.

Secondly, I'd like to thank Jack (The_Silly_Sibyl) for being my second pair of eyes in helping me judge this final round. Be sure to tell him he's a stella chap too.

So, the results are as follows. A maximum of 30 points, 15 points from each judge:

MadameLavender 13 + 14 = 27 points
David_Macleod 11 + 9 = 20 points
Trixareforkids - 10 + 8 = 18 points



(Drinks are on you!)

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 2nd Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 2597

Congrats Madam L and David.  

Missy, this comp hurt my brain, and I thank you for that.

Cheers all!

poet Anonymous

Trixareforkids said:Congrats Madam L and David.  

Missy, this comp hurt my brain, and I thank you for that.

Cheers all!

Yeah. I like to make people work for their trophy some times. It clears out the cobwebs.

Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5727

Ah Jeez...lol--thanks so much for the win and for giving me a run for my money , everyone who contributed ! Drinks--I have some extra water bottles in the refrigerator...

Thanks for hosting, Missy, thanks to the judges and congrats to all the participants !

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Can't say I am not disappointed but all the same I was happy to be in such good company throughout this competition. It was certainly an inspiring competition

Thanks to Miss_Sub and the judges - you inspired me to work real hard and that's always a good thing :-)

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

Congratulations Madam Lavander!
My white flag was raised early on and I must say it was exciting to see for whom. I enjoy the experience and lucky to compete with all of you.

Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 839

Missy, thank you for a fun and challenging competition. Hats off to the winners.

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