Poetry competition CLOSED 6th March 2017 5:50pm
View Profile Poems by LostGirl18

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Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193


Paradise Lost

I'm looking for Eden to rest my tired head
a garden of paradise away from the pain
seeking the far land of milk and honey
distracts me from the living I have now
peaceful existence that's faded away
was it really that way in past memory?

The years pass and I'm still standing here
the lone man remembering what could have been
days of wine and roses are no more
replaced by the bitter dregs of thorns
ash cast to mark my place
on the transoms of life's flogging rack.

Follow the landmarks of a life wasted
beware the landmines of lives abused
and you'll find the exit from Eden
the gates require no flame armed guardian
they are bound shut by my own consequence
of acts carried out in foreign lands.

They will be no answer if dare knock
innocence was the attendant in the past
he is long gone, victim of long years
I wonder if Eden is just a memory
illusion of the wiles of retrospection
whispering that life had a better time.

Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193


Paradise Lost

I'm looking for Eden to rest my tired head
a garden of paradise away from the pain
seeking the far land of milk and honey
distracts me from the living I have now
peaceful existence that's faded away
was it really that way in past memory?

The years pass and I'm still standing here
the lone man remembering what could have been
days of wine and roses are no more
replaced by the bitter dregs of thorns
ash cast to mark my place
on the transoms of life's flogging rack.

Follow the landmarks of a life wasted
beware the landmines of lives abused
and you'll find the exit from Eden
the gates require no flame armed guardian
they are bound shut by my own consequence
of acts carried out in foreign lands.

They will be no answer if dare knock
innocence was the attendant in the past
he is long gone, victim of long years
I wonder if Eden is just a memory
illusion of the wiles of retrospection
whispering that life had a better time.

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765


The sunshine and the soft wind
Blowing through her hair in her
Dreams, she will always find

Her own paradise. The blur
That goes right through
Has her drinking sweet liqueur.

She has enough for two.
She needs her escape, a place
Of freedom and for you

To go with her. Her face
Calm and her body relaxed.
She always wants to trace

Every grain. She has climaxed
To what she calls heaven.
She wants to lie, collapsed.

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

A Dream come true?

I am suddenly conscious. In a fight for my life, tides hurling my body up a beach. Taking clumps of cold wet sand in my hands, I claw my way up.    
Finally safe enough to look around and see where I am headed, I am made breathless. A salt like white beach spreads in front of my eyes. White made white hot against the neon green of tropical trees and turquoise sky.    
Paradise...I find strength to stand and walk. I shed wet clothes, the heat of the sand against the pads of my feet making me aware how cold the rest of my body is.    
I am utterly alone. ..Paradise?    
I lay down fully in the hot white sand. The sand under my back and ass feels cozy toasty, the brilliance of the sun blankets me. I can feel warmth envelope every of inch of me. My tits, my cheeks, my rounded tummy. Yes..paradise..I sigh.    
I drift, aware of the temperature rising to an unbearable degree. The heat will bake me I realise. I am alone. Have no possessions or future in this place. This is lost. I close my eyes, decide to let the sun and the beach burn me to ashes.. in this paradise.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 24awards
Joined 9th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 233


Derelict on a temple floor
Ether earth surrounded
By the rich and the poor
And their half born prayers confounded

And all that he saw remained the same
With everything round him changing

Staring into space all day
They wondered is he holy
Wondered what he's staring at
And decided he was crazy

One day a girl pitied him
This fresh fruit pit of stone
With invite to her blessed home
To bathe to rest and eat

And all he saw remained the same
With everything round him changing

At appointed time instead
A stray mongrel dog appeared
And ate the food prepared
She was surprised yet

She laughed out loud
Bathed the dog with love
And in her bed it slept
And best friends they became

And all they saw remained the same
With everything round them changing

Though he and she never met again
They lived happily ever after
For she had seen the God in dog
And he himself in her

And all he saw now remained the same
Though everything had changed
For the sign he wore was the abuse all bore  
And his refusal to collude therein

Fire of Insight
Canada 10awards
Joined 15th Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 105

Alone in paradise.


Rush out of me in a force like white frothy foam from the sea.

I stop to catch my breath.

My shoulders ache and are bronzed from the hot sun.

For moments, I stand frozen, ensnared in time.

Emotions continue to bubble and boil over.

Far off into the distance, boats loll on gentle waves.

A pang throbs inside my chest and I inhale.

The fragrant scent of ocean air fills my nostrils.

I exhale, sharply.

Light begins to fade into an indigo sunset.

Salt water and sweat form a pool between my breasts.

It is warm even at dusk.

Laughter startles me from my daze.

Suddenly, I turn to leave.

The shrill cries of gulls follow me home.

There is beauty in every direction I choose to go.

My footprints leave an imprint on white sand.

It feels like the lonliest place on earth without you.
Written by LostGirl18
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Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417

SOME   (lyrics)

i want to see faces
with no traces
of the places
their from

you're from here
i'm from there
this isn't fair
it's dumb

my castle is tall
your portion is small
get against the wall
you bum

we shouldn't use pigment
to lable indignant
our souls get malignant
and numb

if we could build paradise
it would have to be nice
don't even think twice
just come

violence will stall
predjudice will fall
there will be justice for all
not some

poet Anonymous

Tristan Edgar
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 5th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 12


Love, It’s a peculiar thing, shown by vast commodities  or diamond rings. It kills as well as it heals but it's often said only for cheap thrills. But I must say the love I hold for you is not something you can knock out of a shoe. Our love holds me close and whispers sweet secrets in my ear. Secrets that you my dear need to hear. Love tells me that my forever is held in your hands, it humbles me, makes me see that I'm just a man. Every man needs a woman by his side. One that will be there for him when he may cry. And one that will mourn him when he one day dies. But such a relationship must be mutual for it to blossom into something useful. Lauryn, I swear on my life a love like ours is foreign. You hold the only key to my heart, you hold my world only you could tear it apart. I've given you all of me, everything that you see it's yours. You only have brought my life to a path that I will gladly travel before you, my world was nothing but unraveled. Baby, I am hoping that maybe, just maybe you're the one. To fill a hole In my heart as wide as the sun.  Lauryn love is a peculiar thing and I hope to give you all of the commodities and maybe one day….a diamond ring.
Written by EdgarAllanPoetry (Tristan Edgar)
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Tristan Edgar
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 5th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 12

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