Poetry competition CLOSED 24th May 2016 10:07pm
RevolutionAL (Alistair Plint)
View Profile Poems by RevolutionAL
RUNNERS-UP: seekingkate and Jade-Pandora

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 4awards
Joined 20th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 83

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about waiting for something or hoping for something to happen
Write a poem about waiting/hoping for something to happen.
It's supposed to be from your own experience, but if not, then perhaps from someone else's person's perspectives

-No collabs
-Only one submission
-Don't plagiarize someone else's poem

Have fun, and get emotional if you want, haha

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

your silent smile...

I want to
wake up everyday
laying next to you

I want to
be the first thing you see
and the reason for your morning smile
watching you wake up next to me
I say "good morning beautiful"
with my morning breathe
you wrinkle your nose
with a silent smile
you take my hand then,
roll over and pull me in
I kiss your neck and
hold you tight

and you say
"good morning baby"

I silently smile

I will


DUP link : http://deepundergroundpoetry.com/poems/218737-your-silent-smile/

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

Lotus and the Mud

All Rights Reserved

Pungent, sticky, putrid and mucky
Slimy waters devoid of fresh spring
Cold surface under the shadows
A palace of wet, dirty abode.

From it's heart blooms pink
An eye catching pure spirit
With strength so great
That no darkness could fade.

Clean soul resides in it's heart
In darkest hour, it remains intact
Fragile skin and tantalizing petals
Can't hide that lurking femme fatale

The Lotus within us will always be ready to fight
Waiting for the bright light to fully bloom in might
Hope is the path that we travel at night
Leading to a morning that reveals a beautiful sight

Each of us at one time or another
Would go swimming in the dark
Mad face dirty and full of mud
Vile taste of bitter marked our beginnings

Like the tensile flower we would survive
Ugly scars would in time be the art
Reborn in timeless frames
Of the canvass of our so called life.

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

A Moment In Time

The electricity shut off  
in the darkened apartment  
roaches scuttling here and there  
a poignant reminder  
that the lady of the house    
has long since checked out.  
Hungry she goes to the fridge  
once, twice, three times  
just to get lost in her mind.  
Stripped of her family and dignity  
she removes her clothing and steps outside  
rubs herself in mud hoping this will cleanse her.  
Finally the men in white come and take her away  
strap her to a table as she screams obscenties  
as she struggles against her restraints  
screaming to both heaven and hell to anyone who will hear her.  
Poison dripping in her veins  
she flows in and out of consciousness  
later she is released to the ward  
where she is warned the walls have ears.  
She has dreams of her family    
just awaiting her release  
as she starts to come out of the haze  
she completely shuts down knowing this is only a dream.  
Just wanting to go home and find her family whole  
only to be released to find it in pieces  
insanity no longer a place to shelter  
this is a moment in time in the life of a schizophrenic.  

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Said  Leo To Sagittarius

As the night sky
the will to find your

and I lay in wake
staring up
every word
you wrote

I conjure the image
of our smallest
joined by red thread

How taunt that thread
as I scream
and you count us

free falling
to everlasting




and love

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

YO, we need The Troop; this crime ain’t passing
Bet you a Clean Glass, Snyder’s Ass ain’t lasting
White Dodge-Red Dodge-Who’s Dodge in Crime
State Twerps as perps - Cruising
to D’Vine

So, stump your doobies - Bounce off The Stoop
All in for This Win... We’re that Grim Reaper Troop
Sure as hell keeping Justice, keepin it calm in the loop
Yet unlike Snyder, ain’t having it “known as ooooops”
Done heard from this case some Conflicting Tales -
While from here backwards been sounding like fails -

YO, we need The Troop; this crime here ain’t passing
Bet you a Clean Glass, Snyder’s Ass ain’t lasting
White Dodge-Red Dodge-Who’s Dodge in Crime
State Twerps as perps - Cruising
to D’Vine

So we rollin-out, prolly skip them Jails  
Kidnap The Gov. then tie ‘em to some rails
Look, who's playin; people pay attention - We
snatchin The Gov. forget about his pension
And NO, this ain’t about any High-Tech Lynchin  
The poison in the water, ain’t a Media Invention

YO, we need The Troop; this here crime ain’t passing...
Bet you a Clean Glass, Snyder’s Ass ain’t lasting
White Dodge-Red Dodge-Who’s Dodge in Crime -
State Twerps as perps - Cruising
to D’Vine

BUT, First-a-reverse; we gotta take care of thirst  
It’ll be Zero Cal Pals...Chapter and verse  
Ain’t seen this much lead since
Flint drank “ODDLY” or
never seen a Gov. who was sooooo

YO, we need The Troop this crime ain’t passing
Bet you a Clean Glass, Snyder’s Ass ain’t lasting...
White Dodge-Red Dodge-Who’s Dodge in Crime -
State Twerps as perps - Cruising
to D’Vine

Look here, we’re water boarding Snyder if he’s needing a drink
Giving him a straw as he thinks about His Stink
But NAW, jus kidding, man, we know about Our Roots  
But, really we ain’t about NO friggin law suits  
Puttin the work in; gonna be NO jerkin - ‘cept for
that chicken,
that we’ll be hurtin

Bottled Water - drink, bathe & potty???
Flint Families at Risk, but
still act mildly

YO, we need The Troop
this here crime ain’t passing
Bet you a Clean Glass, Snyder’s Ass ain’t lasting...
White Dodge-Red Dodge-Who’s Dodge in Crime -
State Twerps as perps - Cruising
to D’Vine

Pipes corrupted - Water interrupted -
Snyder done nuthin, except that he muffed it  
But, tell me why My Family, why they gotta ruff-it???  
Get me that trunk, I’m here ‘bout to stuff it

Whatchu mean, can’t make Snyder drink??? After all
this was his friggin stink?  He’s the Real Hazard
Tell y’all what I think -
This here Joker got Flint on the brink  

SO YO, G.R. Troops; tell me what y’all think???
Snyder tryin to play-it like he hasn’t-a-link?
But NO Sir, we got water, it's
brown in the sink
So get the lead out YOU Silver-headed Fink!!..

Cuz, you the super-blooper who didn’t void that awful drink!!


Strange Creature
United States
Joined 4th July 2012
Forum Posts: 2

A Lettter to Society
Dear Society,

Every 10 days I give myself a shot full of a hormone that was too scared to be produced at birth. Every 10 days I inject myself with a drug that gives me a painful high. Every 10 days my skin bleeds and when the moment is over I document a picture of what my addiction is doing to me.

To the girl I used to be… I’m sorry. I’m sorry you didn’t get to see your 19th birthday. I’m sorry that you have to suffer because these changes are happening so slow. I’m sorry that I didn’t prepare you for war internally and externally. I’m sorry that when people ask about you I have to let them know she doesn’t exist anymore. I’m sorry to let you know that you never had a place with me. I’m sorry that when you started to develop I immediately wanted to take every part that reminded me of you away.

To the man I am now… I’m sorry that you get scared whenever you have to go out alone. I’m sorry that even though you are fighting so hard people still misgender you. I’m sorry that people do not respect you yet. I am sorry that I cannot yet afford to have her removed from the body that she attached herself to 18 years ago. I’m sorry that people still do not see you as you are, but I promise you one day you will pass society’s expectations of what it means to be a man.

To any Trans* person out there, do not give up. Your time is coming too. I know it's a painful waiting process. Be strong. You can do this. I'm here with you.

Strange Creature
Joined 19th May 2016
Forum Posts: 4

Hoping one day you'll turn around and notice me in the crowd,
Hoping one day I'll be happy,
Hoping for the next person who texts me is them,
But I'm just hoping for it to happen,
Even if it takes forever I will be there to receive what I am hoping for.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2082

Winter White Sadness

Diana Krall is Berlin.    
Her dulcet tones remind me    
of winter white sadness standing    
behind cold, cold glass    
watching trains pass,    
no matter how much hope I held,    
I’d never see him again.    
is time and place,    
a different space.    
©  Kate Adams  11/5/16    

Jasmine Moore
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 11th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 154


Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047


I felt him
In silent watch hoping
He would open me....

With blooming words
Of intellectual intercourse

And tongue teasing
My ear
With charm and wit
Beyond my foolish years...

"Oh Captain my Captain"
I remember
It was September...

The other girls made up their faces
For football games
And the heirarchy of lunch seat places....

I was absorbed by
His teaching me Poe
And Dickinson's poetry....

And then one day I wound up in
His car
Hand roaming thigh
In the parking lot of his favorite bar...

I cried there
Feeling like a child..
Then reeled at him
My emotions wild...

Told him he might not be a boy
But no real Man either..
And that I was not his toy!

Thought Provoker
Greece 12awards
Joined 11th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 393

Ten minutes life

It’s not that I’m normally shaking like a fool
it’s not that my heart bits  need to be heard
I have no problem keeping my tears from falling
I always breathe without making any sound
I never sweat nor do I stutter.
It’s these ten minutes
that you made me wait for you
that changed me for an everlasting while.

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Artemios said:Ten minutes life

It’s not that I’m normally shaking like a fool
it’s not that my heart bits  need to be heard
I have no problem keeping my tears from falling
I always breathe without making any sound
I never sweat nor do I stutter.
It’s these ten minutes
that you made me wait for you
that changed me for an everlasting while.

Art...lovely doll....kisses

Thought Provoker
Greece 12awards
Joined 11th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 393

calamitygin said:

Art...lovely doll....kisses

Thank you dearest!


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