Poetry competition CLOSED 14th January 2016 4:21am
Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
View Profile Poems by Jade-Pandora
RUNNERS-UP: calamitygin and Windy_Days



Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Poetry Contest

Write your definition of a true player
What is your definition of a true player/playboy/playgirl/casanova?
Tell me what you think a player is.

~ Women can be players too so women are welcomed to write about it as well
~ Make the poem sound interesting
~ You can reference a song or movie
~ The poem can't be too long or short

NOTE: I don't want anyone to talk about beating women or have any kind of gender bashing this is competition is meant for fun not to hurt people
You have one week so get started!!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047


Silly boys.      
Think they want jello and g strings,      
some dumb blonde his buddy brings.      
Then one night he really gets down.  
Baby now I'm in town.      
Rum n coke.      
Downtown bar full of frat boys.      
Yum. Which will be tonights fun toy?      
Taking the one over there.      
With the sweet eyes and curly hair.      
Between legs.    
The young girls are still circling,      
Get the fuck back while I'm working!      
Take him to my house.      
Gonna turn this bitch out.      
Cock's hard.    
Im going down on all fours.      
He's sprawled out on the floor.      
My sweet young thing is just shaking. Ha! So pretty ripe for the taking.      
Titty's out.    
I hold it and tell him to suck.      
No! You'll fuck when I say fuck!      
These young boys are so easy.      
To teach how to please me.      
Cunt spread.    
I back up on that dick.      
8' long and real thick.      
Lay back and just ride.      
Dont care who's inside.      
So close.    
Scream I'm ready are you!?      
Dont you dare stop till i'm through!      
Both of us creaming.      
He cries fuck! Am I dreaming?!      
Wipe up.    
He reaches for an embrace.      
I cant even look at his face!    
He wants me as a lover?    
Im already on to another......................      

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

seeing great poems so far :)

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 3awards
Joined 20th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 89

A list of rules never spoken
the players code must never
be broken
its a contest between you boys
who can get the most toys
who can tag her arse best
again and again before the rest
a true player known to tag and only release
if it causes the notches on his belt,
to increase
the players ode to smash pussy & get blowed
"bitch please,
don't talk, just swallow my load"
they do it doggy style if you're
considered a toad
high fives from his mates will flow

As Stevie said in 'Dreams"
"thunder only happens when it's raining,
players only love you when they're playing,
say women they will come and they will go"

Is your man playing you, do you know?
some are so good it doesn't even show
just looking for their next blow
so I say before they go
never mind.. he's a
C  U  Next Tuesday
      Written by TinaLouise

poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
Joined 1st Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 1

Title: A player's apology (It's not a definition of a player, but it's a poem I wrote a while ago about when I was player)

I'm Sorry,

I'm sorry for the girls that tried,
I'm sorry for the girls who said that I'd never get with that guy
So me being me I took it as a challenge and watched their well put together walls fall to their demise
I'm sorry for only texting you at 2:27 in the morning,
knowing that you'll reply saying, yeah you can come by
And I'm sorry I lied and said that I just wanted to chill
but in reality I just wanted to get in between your thighs
And when you would say no, not tonight, i thought maybe, just maybe we could sit and watch the night sky
I was out the door, without even a goodbye

I honestly just thought you would've realized when there was a "no dogs allowed" sign outside the coffee shop, and I stayed behind.
Oh, and I'm sorry when my friends would point and laugh at you
and I'm sorry for following suit
You know I had to keep my image or else I was screwed

Wait, just hear me out..

See, when you were alone, crying one night, not having a clue
I sat in my room with adderal, xanex, and zoloft too.
Wanting to do this for you
The guilt was troubling, I took them all, a favor for you
And as my body stiffened and my stomach lining disintegrated I whispered, it'll be over soon
So I am here to say,
With a life once saved
When I tell you that I'm sorry, just remember that day.


poet Anonymous

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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


He was the light that showed me
only what he knew I should see,

the light that revealed back onto him
what I otherwise smelled in the dark.

He was the light that warmed me, and
then went out, denying me that warmth.

The light that guided, leading me
forward, to where there was only pain.

He became all that I made of him,
blinding me, of knight taking rook.

If I had chosen a path more worn for
the ease it offered to those inclined.

Yet my trust, in spite of the scorn,
moved me to tears as he saw me reach,

taking his hand, using him as my sight,
remembering a photograph in reverse,

of what I felt and sensed, but could not see;
the casa to his nova, of a love perverse.

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 18th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 2

The player finally plays alone.

Your soul is empty,

your spirit waned,

'tis the reason you

play this desperate game.

A master of words, they slip

from your tongue, soothing

the edges whilst you have your

fun. The world is created

through images of flesh,

and you consider them this or,

perhaps a bit less. You play and

you take your feelings so fake.

A whirlwind of fantasies out rank

life's realities. But when day break

comes and you're all out fun, you're

going to realise whilst you were playing the field

with nothing to build, she passed you by, that single one.

geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

playerz  soliloquy  

I do not understand, player?

let me try to explain… again…

it’s a smile or a nod
or the way they stand
just gotta… be aware…

of everything…

I can tell in half a minute
less than a sentence
if it’s yes!... or no…

if it’s stay… or… go

I just talk
looking at the response
touches her hair, her face

head down… eyes up…

by the second drink…
deal's already done…
just working out... the details…

90% is them... purely them

thinking I may be
the knight, the one forever,
the one they keep

half-right… she’ll keep one night…

so… they want
to hate the player...
or the game…

but the playmate’s the one...

that says, “yes…” "prick!..."
“don’t call me anymore…”
"please... come... back..."

I just let them think...

that explain it… player?!

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

To our wonderful host, MsRockyJackson!  You created another competition that held so many possibilities in what everyone submitted -- a number of ways in unique expressions on the subject.  I thank you for allowing me the honor of placing.  And I enthusiastically congratulate the others who placed: calamitygin, with her spirited take, and , to Windy-Days, with a twist shedding a different light, one seldom inked - and welcome to DUP!

And my admiration to everyone who joined in with their offerings!

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Thank you Jade, you and everyone else on here had very good pieces on here so it was quite hard to pick which one should win. :)

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Thank you Mzz Jackson! Ever so much..
A strange piece to write, was a sad piece for me. Not how i enjoy sex...

But there were excellent pieces here
Congrats to everyone!
A fun comp to read and enter..think that's three this month maybe of yours i have really thought was cool lil doll....and have stretched myself with entry..the 3 scenario one...fab. Thanks for them.

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 3awards
Joined 20th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 89

thanks Ms Jackson.. Congrats Ms J & Windy_Days.
Jade love your work hun, congrats xx

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