Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd August 2015 4:34pm
case28 (Alexander Case)
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Best of best ... Part I (most reads)

Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2082


Semi naked, laying on my bed
Looking out the window
Cooing sounds float through the air
As I watch leaves dance in the breeze
Butterflies flutter on by
While a leaf, perfectly shaped as a heart
dances on a vine before my eyes

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 15th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 65

Playing w Lucy

Lovely I tell her
Shattered are bones
Stop this ruckus

Flowers and harmony
People surround
Offering their empathy
Or sympathy of sounds

Over and out
Up or down
Clacking a chime

Directionless the road is
The compass of gold
Pushing past regrets
Of a beaten show

Thankful to have made it
Scared to share
Shall this be between us
While the lightshow prepares

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1799



So I rented a room last week @Dup.com                    
Did you know it comes with free poetry                    
and a view.....            
My first night at the Inn I ventured            
downstairs, hey? did anyone know            
Madame Lavender opened a Bar & Grill ?.        
I also hear the good Doc, gives free          
medical advice too  "/                    
A few regulars were scattered about                
some were having drinks while others                
were dancing enjoying the cool menthol stylings                
of John Feddeler,  
who was at the piano playing                
My Way from Sinatra.          
I pulled up a stool and knocked back a few.        
and Xmar82 were discussing          
and debating their own points of views          
while Hashman,Lance,and Sadsmiles,                  
were all laughing it up            
waved for me to come            
join in the convo already in progress.                    
"They' good peeps like that."                    
Some of my gal pals walked in          
not long after I got there.                  
Flowergirl,Crimsin,and Enigma,                  
and oh yes, ScarlettA came too !                  
Johnrot,came by for a frosty few,                  
alongside CraicDealer,Roachmill                
and Poetspeak,                  
who drank vodka,"cause he don't like beer "/                  
I have been up for almost 1 1/2 weeks with less than                    
1 hour or two a day worth of sleep,                  
I am as manic as an Eskimo with a heater.                    
I have acute insomnia since I checked                    
in last Monday.
I am as Bipolar as Bananas in Pajamas                    
and that stupid fucking purple dinosaur.                    
I raise my cup,
please take a bow                    
best insomnia Hotel around.                  
Note: This was spawned from my insomnia and                
the inspiration is from                
Madame Lavender who wrote a                  
Dup story a few years back ")          

Written by Zazzles
Published 6th September 2014 11:01pm  - Last modified 17th August 2015 7:10pm
likes 11 • reading list entries 2 • comments 22 • reads 283

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 15th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 65

Here, Alone

Ignite, flames surround
So beautiful, the light
Exquisite, yet fierce
Shaded the dream
It was just you and me
The storm in passing
Parading around
Remember this moment
And don't make a sound
Tempted from pain
Let this fire build up
Burn down the empire
Hear the birds sing
Message in a bottle
As beauty fades
Eternity has served
As time is erased
Painting the canvas
With gentle strokes
Illuminating the sky
Signing the declaration
Wavering my soul
So talented the child
So tortured the heart
Divided by space
Showing brittle bones
Forever I'll stand,

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 20th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 218

When we were kids.

Remember when we were just kids?

Might we return to one of those old days,
during the spring of our lives?

I know our bodies have grown, matured
it's now the winter of those same lives,
but there was a conversation I want to replay.

It was out behind the shed,
under the lilac in spring,
with the warm afternoon sun,
encouraging us to lay side-by-side.

We talked of important things;
What purple smelled like.
What color warm was.
How friendship felt.
What that thing called love was all about.

That was the spring when you looked at me and ask  
what made me a boy, different from you, a girl.

I looked back at you and said something about
you wearing different clothing that I did
but that I didn't know why.

You wondered if we traded clothes,
would that mean I would then be a girl and you a boy.

We decided to try that.
All we had to trade was shirts, pants, and underwear.
We stood face to face and began to undress.

There was no shyness between friends.

We unbuttoned, button for button, and our shirts were off.
Then pants, except, I remember I had a snap and zipper and yours just pulled down.
It was under our underwear that we first saw the difference.

I saw that you were missing some parts that I had.
You saw that I had extra parts.

We sat down to talk about the differences we had seen.

You ask to look closer and I said sure, go ahead.

You ask could you touch and I said ok, if  you want.

You ask did I want to look closer and I said sure, if it was ok.

And I ask, could I touch and you said ok.

After a while we got tired of looking and touching and got dressed again.

Funny thing was, we put our own clothes back on.
It didn't seem right to trade clothes any more.

All that summer we talked, and looked, and touched.
And we watch the big kids, especially down at the swimming pool.

I ask about the big girls and their big boobs.
You ask about why the big boys' parts got bigger around the big girls.

Your mom told you that you would get bigger as you grew up.
My dad said the samething to me.

We never did get it all figured out.

Then that September you moved away.

And now, after all these years,
we meet here in the lobby of this resort.

We wouldn't have recognized each other
if you hadn't heard the clerk refer to me by name
and where I was from.

What I want to know is,
do you remember that summer?

I know it is winter now,
Could we pretend that the sun coming in the window in my room
is like the sun under the lilacs then?

After all of these years,
I would still like to know,
what you think --
purple smells like,
and what color warm is.

When you left I learned what the absence of friendship felt like.

Over the years, remembering you, I think I know what love is about.

And, if you've grown the same,
(the look in you eyes says you have)
then I have one more thing to say ---

Along with the looking and touching,
Might I add --
I'll let you play with mine,
if you let me play with yours.

poet Anonymous



Black tie-dye canaries stall the
hands of time cradling infants
still umbilicalled in the
hanging garden’s euphemism
Cataclysms and Catholism
may be the answer to a self-imposed
self-apocalyptic junk-alcoholic veering
down the tracks @ a 125 miles per hour
but I can’t see the moon trying to eclipse
the sky for it is fucked as I am fucked
LA must be a logical place harboring
my body as an epileptic earthquake
the Richter scale reads:  10+10+10, and
I wished my superficial girlfriend would stop
reading me bedtime stories gauged with
animalstic fairy tales of skid row; I feel
barbaric and I want to conquer Germania
just to fuck with the demon dogs in her head
but she constricts and I have flash backs of
birth of contractions of gestation of copulation,
and I can see my mother poetically broken by what took
an eternity to create merely took seconds to destroy-
and the roses smell pretty, still

poet Anonymous


A Junkie's Abyss

Someone broke into my body
and stole every breath of me
every emotion of me
every memory of me
leaving my body no more
than a justifiable corpse
dumped into a hypodermic river of
equal discrimination
and condemnation  
with nothing to grasp
with nothing to hold
scathing me the ineffectual wanderer
wandering constant into a junkie’s abyss
of the unknown only known
by the tar tracks on these splintered arms
that at one time used to embrace those with love

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

Don't embrace the emo.

I'm sat alone for another night.  
I thought it would please the wife...    
My knife.    
We've stopped sharing DNA.  
It's my favourite image to see him at the kitchen sink  
in a pair of sweats. Six Am.  
My favourite scent is the smell of toast that he put in for breakfast. Six-fifteen.  
I hate my reflection in the morning, I look like Russell B and we sit over tea  
and toast talking about films, books, politics.  
[I hate that topic...]  
I devour the way he looks at me so intensely for about a minute, in dead silence, and then smiles.
I adore the way he moves around me without touching and makes every hair on my body raise.
I relish in the music that we both thoroughly enjoy and the life we could have; but don't. Six Pm.
Have you met the wife?  
My knife.  
She's an old flame, a strange companion, a delight at night.  
We've stopped sharing DNA.  

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

Bad girls aren't all bad.
Show gratitude    
for the attitude    
I'm giving you. [I deserve respect]    
[There is] Madness-- behind the eyes.    
[I am] Lazy.    
The past is hazy to me now.    
[My] Broken Ferbie,    
say the words    
I need to hear    
before I spark up    
on hate and fear.  
[Started smoking too young]
I'm delusional  
and I'm confrontational.  
You mustn't see [because I'm so brave]  
the little girl playing with love.  
Little girl  
videos of  
every living, loving thing [In her minds eye]  

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

The truth is harsh, sense it
The truth is sharp, feel it
The truth always cuts
The truth bruises and scars
The truth always hurts
The truth will make you cry
The truth will make you scream
The truth is poison injected
The truth insults freely
The truth will not set you free
The truth will bind you with force
The truth will chain you in shackles
Nobody tells the truth
Nobody wants to hear the truth
Nobody can handle the truth

“The truth is a fib, told by a liar full of spite and amorality
 signifying evil.”

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983


Men say I love you when their minds on sexual vice
Women say I love you when a cuddle will suffice

Men say I love you so you'll do as your told
Women say I love you instead of being bold

Men say I love you when they want to set up home
Women say I love you when they're scared of being alone

Men say I love you when they want to steel your money
Women say I love you even when you start acting funny

Men say I love you with presents they've been buying
Women say I love you even when they know you're lying

Men say I love you while still paying for a whore
Women say I love you when they should walk out the door

Men say I love you when you're pregnant and they're proud
Women say I love you when they hope you'll stick around

Men say I love you when they've beat you when they're pissed
Women say I love you when they'd rather have been kissed

Men say I love you when with force they climb on top
Women say I love you when they want the pain to stop

Men say I love you when they don't want you to go
Women say I love you when the love left long ago

I say I love you as I loved you in my youth
You say you love me and I see that it's the truth

I say I love you through our pain and joy I've seen it
You say you love me, I've seen your eyes, I know you mean itL

poet Anonymous


Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

It's not a wonder that these represent some of the most read work on DUP.  A few things also:  I'll PM everyone once the competition is over for your first three choices, outside of your own work.  Please wait until the competition is over to form your decisions.

Again, many thanks.

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 315



(Most read that is neither Erotic nor Dark and Bloody)


Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 315

sometimes the dance of life  
has its own tune  
whispers shifting  
without rhyme or metre  

drifting through life  
with out a guide  
another dream  
and shadows fly  

another day passes  
another song is over  
another book read  
another interview over  

one more dream for me  
again to see love  
in someones eyes  
it's life that matters  


(Second most read that is neither erotic, nor, dark and bloody nor extreme)

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