Poetry competition CLOSED 26th April 2015 6:17pm
David_Macleod (14397816)
View Profile Poems by David_Macleod
RUNNER-UP: LordCreepy

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The knights of the night

Strange Creature
Joined 10th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 8

Poetry Contest

In this competition you get to express your personal perspective of a Knight hero or Knight villain,in a poem.  In an evening setting Who either guards and guides you  or who is out to get your head do remember to give certain description to your knight.Goodluck

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 8th Jan 2014
Forum Posts: 13

It was a dark and dreary time
Where shadows danced about
Whispers felt sharp knives
But impossible
to cut through the tension

No flashlight
No protection
Just the power of my legs
Silence, would have been better
Than these movements in the air

I slip it out
Of my pocket
And watch it shimmer in the moonlight
I fiddle with it
I like to play
I want to try wearing it on my wrist

Then she comes
Drenched in red
She pushes me against the tree
Im confused
By the confidence that she oozed
Lacing ther fingers around my neck
I didnt even see her as a threat

My head is hazy
I cant feel
Could it be that i am dead?
This true beauty
Bending before me
Grabed my toy from my wrist

Before i faded
She slaped me
And whispered "you need help"
This mystery
Under the moonlight
This true lady
Had just saved me from myself

poet Anonymous

What an original concept, I`ll return with an entry!

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 29th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 51

Not sure if this fits, exactly but this is what I came up with...

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 29th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 51

The Axe

There was an unsuccessful Bard
who only knew three chords
So when he'd try to entertain
the crowd would soon get bored

He knew that theoretically
he could play many songs
But when he tried to strum a tune
it always came out wrong

And one day he decided
it was time to face the facts
He'd have to find a steady job
but then he found the axe

And from the time he touched the strings
those chords made perfect sense
His singing got much better, too
which made his songs intense

He played until his fingers bled
and made the maidens weep
Because he'd put the pain he felt
into each melody

He must have wrote a hundred songs
just based on those three chords
And when he learned another three
he wrote a hundred more

He heard tell of a fearsome troll
that terrorized the town
They told him of a treasure, too
and where it could be found

He traveled til he found it's lair
the map they gave him helped
And played such a sad melody
the monster killed itself

Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

         knight errant

how far, those stars
that twinkle, shameless, in the grasp
of the mighty midnight sky

how small I am,
reaching with ardent arms
toward that enchanted enigma
to harness one star, perhaps two,
in all that desperate multitude.
yet I embrace only
a rusted knight’s lonely wish…

all that desperate multitude
blinking, winking
like a painted meretrix
to attract a knight, or a dragon
emperor, or a knave;
who would settle, in their isolation,
for a  minstrel. or an ogre

two stars, who hear the distorted songs
of this blunted knight, weary of mundane wars,
fallen under the breathing fire
of marauding dragons.

eastern star, western star –
how distant, one from the other
and from me.

two stars that light my way
they direct the winds that strengthen me
their tears: amrita that sustains me –

belabored and broken
loveless and lonesome


Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Day and Knight

He was ‘The dark One’
The Knight of Nights
All lived in fear and trembling
The sharpest of heavy broadsword
Armour, they say, forged in hells fire
A black charger called Legion his mount
His only friend and companion
A man of night shadows
A man of tales of bloodlust
Murderous intent and practice
All challengers swiftly despatched
Under cover of darkness as they slept
A man on no honour, slitting throats
As they slept in their warm beds
A blanket of fear enveloped the land
And nightmares became a bloody reality
For any and all other knights
A man with the agility of a black cat
No defences were ever adequate
To prevent this master of death
From bringing about their end of days
A man firmly of the night
A lover of all dark activities
A brawler, a hard drinker
A seducer, a rapist, a dealer of death
A terrorist of his day at night
Proud to be evil and feared
The stuff of Knightmares

Snuffed out, one morning at dawn
By the chivalric jousting technique
Of an young inexperienced apprentice knight
The apprentice of The Knight of Days

Lost Thinker
Joined 14th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16

Arise All Nations,
Arise All Kingdoms,
The Profits have all spoken,
The Anti Christ has come,
His Wicked Tongue is Deceiving,
His face is made for Porn,
His Come to Conquer all,
Before Christ is born,
he Rides in on a Dark Horse,
Eyes Red as the fire from,
Arise all the Nations,
Arm the mass before He comes,
He comes to whisper poison,
He comes to rape your wives,
He comes to rule your children,
To take there parents lives,
Bow down and kiss the ground,
For Christ will surely come,
Come to save the nations,
Before he comes to town,
As the Skies light up all around us,
And the clouds open up,
He shoots an arrow into heaven,
And the the skies all close shut,
Bow Down every nation,
For God has forsaken us,
The Knight of revolution is coming,
With a brass plated bust,
With his snake tongue he rules us,
His sword will Peirce all,
His wings spread wide,
he Blackened the cursed sun,
He will ever fall,
Battle has been won,
The anti Christs name is government,
And the God he killed is freedom,
His tongue preaches common sense,
But his will is to rule the kingdom,
The religion he preached is consumerism,
Jesus Christ is revolution,
Arise before the dark Knight,
Is our only real solution,

Strange Creature
Joined 10th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 8


poet Anonymous


In the absence of a Hermit`s moon
The gardens of my heart
I grew a thornless rose

Of scented sentences
My feather scribes the words
Wrapped in satin sheets

Yearnfully yours
O, knight with sapphire eyes
And cloak of dark around me

Wear me your robe
Lend me your thoughts
And hands

My lips, of rubies
Offer you a haven of delight
Do not go, into the starlight

my knight

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409

[k]nights of anomaly

will hear him  
the same way

mixing extremities

hymns in broad basal bass
with pitchy
midnight whistling howls

starts off gradual

dull wooden beats
smoothen well
in series of concise drops
shrill n sonorous drill notes
in scurrying flows

starless eyes 

his instrument in friction
bangs on indifferently
line of converging pillars
as if in salvation awaits
of whatever brutal
execution turns  

a high metal routine
drumming wild albeit a tune within
upon lampposts
with flickering souls in trap
between secrecy of nightish shadows
and sparsely diffusing dim lights

his caress~cautionary opera
score awaken~dreamy visions
in bioscopic streaks unseen

rare flash whites marring deep blues

Paul S...
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 29awards
Joined 13th June 2013
Forum Posts: 251

Errant boys...

At dusk, Sir Egremont
and I would eat our fill

at a nearby burger joint...
the Holy Grill...

poet Anonymous

Delighted to see there are still knights out here
:)  .)

Strange Creature
Joined 10th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 8

and now for the main event.What we were all waiting for

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Moonlit Darkness -
Based on some of my past-life memories…

Moonlit darkness must so be given its’ leave…
To supplant the light of day for spans of hours!
This is my time, as a zealot who must believe…
That shadows lend passion their very powers.

As the moon looks down, upon the dark lands,
Which I survey before me, pondering deeply…
Of mysteries few might touch with mortal hands,
I ready my spirit with a measure of might steely.
The light of the moon shines upon my fair face,
Illuminating my angelic features and blue eyes…
Paler than my pale hair, that light’s divine grace.
What solace do I seek in those far starry skies?
Past this midnight hour, there is such stillness…
That the living world seems as a realm of death!
At least it is not a season known for chillness…
For I am anxious, and await with hectic breath,
Whatever the darkness brings my knightly soul.
My armor is as white as the fair lunar radiance,
But, not stainless, for battle is a knight’s role…
Whether with words or with a sword or lance!
What, will this singular evening, bring unto me?
I will face the night, and embrace my destiny…
As ready as ever, so that my will might so be,
Enacted, upon this world, with noblest dignity.

Androgynous knight beneath darkest of eve…
Am I, a bringer of both order and chaos pure!
My sword shatters fate, and cuts its’ weave…
Destroying, only to build perfectly once more.

My sword, waits unsheathed, my mind ready…
Whilst I hear the crickets, beyond the forests,
Calling to the silence, near battlefields bloody.
War brings with it not an end of grim contests,
But eternal memories, of horrors, best untold…
Save, by the dead alone, had they still voices!
Let history remember if it can who, was bold,
Whilst I concern myself: with present choices.
I hear a wolf howl somewhere far off, distant,
And bats circling and shrieking like lost spirits.
For times to change, one must be oft patient…
And let darkness descend, not ever to fear it.
In hours like this, I think of so many thoughts:
Things I desire, things I love, what I wish for.
I forget the battles and why they were fought,
For they art less, and my dreams art more…
More, than blood and darkness put together!
I confess to the night, and the night hears all.
Tension is building, but so still is the weather,
That one couldst hear a single tree’s leaf fall.

Moonlit darkness must so be given its’ leave…
To supplant the light of day for spans of hours!
This is my time, as a zealot who must believe…
That shadows lend passion their very powers.

Am I the angel that I appear to be so often?
When I love, I am like unto Heaven’s bliss…
To make maids blush, their hearts to soften!
Even when I pour my heart’s fire into a kiss,
I give my all, and couldst not do a thing less.
Yet when my sword is drawn, I am a devil…
One no priest can exorcise, nor a god bless.
Passion makes me thus, not good, not evil…
And so I shall be passionate this night again.
The night is always passion’s supreme time!
Whether for making love or for slaying men,
It is a moment fit for bards to tell in rhyme…
The glories thereof; such being ever diverse,
As art the souls, of we, who dwell on Earth.
Fiery is, my nature; a blessing and a curse…
For in fire one is tested, shown their worth!
I prepare to unleash my fire, upon the foes,
Whose shadows I spy moving not very far.
They will taste Hell’s fury, know its’ woes,
Until, they regret, their desire to make war!

Androgynous knight beneath darkest of eve…
Am I, a bringer of both order and chaos pure!
My sword shatters fate, and cuts its’ weave…
Destroying, only to build perfectly once more.

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