Poetry competition CLOSED 18th February 2015 8:43pm
Pathospassion (c.d.latin)
View Profile Poems by Pathospassion
RUNNERS-UP: Kou_Indigo and case28

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What Makes You Sad

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435

Poetry Contest

Make me feel your pain
Since I'm chronically melancholy, I want to experience the sadness in someone else, to not feel alone. If you can vividly paint me your woe and make me feel I'm not the only one lost in gratuitous emo despair, you win! Bring on the tears and get ready for a most non-uplifting contest...


Only one week
Old or new work
Two entries per poet
No collabs
Any length / style

Have fun!

poet Anonymous

Itt'z payneful tew bee a loozer

How dew yew dew itt!
17 tropheez inless
den two months!  
Dat'z a DeeU rekerd!!!!
Dew yew feel mai payne?

pee--s.  pls
tell me yer secrytt!
Should eye kreate an awlter-egoe?


Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435

LOL, rMill. Wonderful kick-off -- am I the subject of this fantastic piece?!

poet Anonymous

toniscales said:LOL, rMill. Wonderful kick-off -- am I the subject of this fantastic piece?!

Dankie Tonkneeskalez.  Whut gave U dat eyedea!!! Lol!

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435

Heh. Thank you so much, rMill. I'm just addicted to this site; it's kind of like a poetry MMO to me. I really don't like doing anything with my free time other than writing, it gets me out of myself... It's the only time I'm close to happy. But you're awesome and I love your stuff. Keep up the excellent work!

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

The Gloomy Room

Emptiness like a smoked cigarette      
where nothing but the ashes remain      
the stale smell of smoke lingering      
in the air of a room enveloped by shadows      
cast by the setting sun.      
The gloomy room sets the tone for my soul      
riddled with holes      
that can't be knitted back together      
pain that perforates my heart      
piercing it to its core.      
Reaching for the light      
I stummble blindly in the dark      
my soul bleeding what remains      
of the ruins of my being      
I pick it up with my hands.      
Raise it skyward and ask      
for my spirit to be lifted and filled with grace      
plead that the emptiness I feel      
be replaced with a gratefulness      
for a life given and lived      
I seek with all my soul      
to amount to more than ashes from within.  

poet Anonymous

September Wind

i remember when i got the word
that you were no longer with us
my heart fell heavy
disbelief and sorrow swallowed me
i always thought you'd be here
my childhood full of memories
the love and the wisdom
you spoiled me like no other

you were more than a grandma
or Nan as i affectionately called you
your love was so unconditional
and as pure as the driven snow
so many hospital visits
they occurred frequently
you had been sick since i was born
but you had the spirit of a warrior

diagnosed with lupus at age 35
the sun became your mortal enemy
two heart attacks
cancer and diabetes
then a stroke ravaged your body
but you always recovered
fought it with your soul
to be there for us children

i've never met a tougher person
doctors told you'd only live three years
after your first disease
but you made into your late 60's
i'm sorry you missed my wedding
i know you so badly wanted to see it
part of me felt you there anyways
but i missed your hugs and joy

your last visit to the hospital
i didn't come like an irresponsible brat
partying and writing
hanging with my friends was more important
i still regret never saying goodbye
and letting you know how much i loved you
at your funeral i cried
my calloused soul couldn't keep it in

i remember touching you your casket
and saying how sorry i was
but that will never be enough
i wasn't there when i should have been
it rained all day as we laid you to rest
never stopped an unrelenting down pour
just like my insides melting
with anger at myself

as we returned to the house
the home you and Pop shared
i remember the silence
not a word spoken amongst us
the rain still poured
but through the window the sun shined
very strong almost blinding
though it had been absent all day

i stepped outside for a smoke
the sprinkles of rain kissed my face
and a tear slid down my cheek
for i knew it was you from beyond
your spirit was in the sky
a slow breeze hugged me
and from that day forward
i remember that September wind

it was you Nan..
i love you so much..

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435

A most lovely entry from the lovely Crim... Can really identify with this piece. Thank you, let's keep up the great work!

poet Anonymous


sometimes i wonder
what would happen should
i run away
leave everything
and everyone
and be alone

would aloneness take
my heart and mend it
or shatter the broken pieces
into millions more

mended, i could be
loved and love
to the whole of time
and space

but broken…
broken i could scatter
to the stars
and the moon
and maybe a field of daises

i hear broken hearts
make the best fertilizer

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435

And another gorgeous entry from Dave... I'm reminded of the passing of my own beloved grandmother, and how I wasn't there either when she left, but off in my own self-absorbed world. Thank you, Dave.

poet Anonymous

burying a saint

burying a saint is not
pretty business
the day was gray,
cold and windy
the ground was soggy
and our sensible shoes
were much appreciated

tears flowed
it streaked the makeup
of the women brave enough
to wear it
lipstick smudging
mascara running
face powder spots on
black clothes

the pine trees swayed
and dropped collected
rain onto our heads
and coats
acorns and fallen leaves
made walking down the hill

burying a saint is not
pretty business
but it is business that must
be attended
by other saints
we took our turns,
the redeemed,
and tucked him in
to the morgan county hills
his body at home in his
native soil
his spirit at home
in Glory


Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435

My thanks to the radiant Goddess, whose entry undoubtedly touched me... Thank you everyone for sharing such personal beauty with me.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 13th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 18

A soldier's sorrow
   I looked out across the land
and saw all my comrades falling down.
Bodies of wounded and dead for I can
see were miles around, so I took a breath,
then I took a step with my rifle on my side,
then I charged into battle with fear in my
heart 'cause I knew it was time to die.
And just the other week I saw my baby girl.
She pleaded me not to leave, but I had to
save the world.
So I looked upon her face
and smiled as a tear ran down my cheek
o'my little baby Angela who I only saw last week.
Now it's months and months within the battle.
Many have done died.
Goverment letters were sent to their love ones
only to make them cry.
O'why O'why do we live like this in a world that
should never have been?
It's the world that we're living in,
a world that was forged from sin.
but the walking dead keep marching on.
Hoorah! Hoorah!
The walking dead keep marching on.
Hoorah. Hoorah.
souls who thought they were coming back,
now they find themselves all alone
in a shallow grave, far away from a place
they once called home..

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435

I think I'm turning this into a love-in, LOL. Bear with me, I'm a weirdo but I'm harmless. But such beautiful, talented poets! Keep it coming!

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435

Heartbreaking entry, Pensara. Thank you much for your participation...

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