Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd February 2015 8:53am
Quill-in-Heart (Tony Pena)
View Profile Poems by Quill-in-Heart

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Moths and Butterflies

poet Anonymous

JJJay, new enough for me! I guess I'd say "new" can be anything written in the last month and not entered anywhere else previously...

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435


Lunch Break

sunlight drips
like light in an open mouth
tiny daisies
sunlit centers
feather-light petals of white
like fairy lashes
glittering, verdant moss
imperial moths and butterflies
they thrive in these gentle shadows
like sheltered hearts
beating their wings
of a breathless music
pain leaves me
like wisps of fog
it slips away as a dress
slides to a woman’s feet
I start the motor
listen to its silky purr
then drive away

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483


She danced gracefully
to her partner's delight
Floating like a butterfly
in kaleidoscopic flight
Mesmerizing everyone
until she was out of sight
Fractured hips she got
out of that horrible night

imprisoned in days of sorrow
The dancer in her
can't quit tomorrow
Back in the limelight,
although her moves exude confidence
While the audience watch in silence,
She can't hide
under pretentious eyes
Undeniably, her belly
is filled with butterflies

Written by EngrVV 1/30/2014

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 20th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 218

thank you

Tony Pena
Fire of Insight
United States 12awards
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1078


A can of mothballs
in a mildewed pantry
with enough camphor
to eradicate  Mothra
and every other beastie
bug from New York
To Tokyo.
Larvae just dust
in mother's closet
of motel linens.

A butterfly net
with moldy mesh
hangs in the mud
room beside a vest
with pockets full
of dead monarchs .
Neighbors swear
she stabbed her
husband to death
when he sold her
collection of pinned
butterflies on EBay
for a song.

poet Anonymous

This was a toughie! I can't torture myself with trying to pick runners up..nice work, ALL and thank you!

Congrats to Tony, at the end of the reads, his is the one that lingered heaviest.

Burningdesire, you can always add your work to your collection- I like it too and think you should add it

Tony Pena
Fire of Insight
United States 12awards
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1078

Wow ! Thank you so very much, Miki . Given the high quality work of the participants I am truly humbled.

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

Congrats Tony and thanks Miki for a challenging comp!

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Absolutely super super super write Tony! Nailed it! Bravo!

poet Anonymous

Tony,congrats,very creative inspiring poem...

Tony Pena
Fire of Insight
United States 12awards
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1078

Thank you so much, Lobo and Mourgana. It means a lot to me coming from such talented peers

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 112

congradulations on your poem,,,,

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