Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd January 2015 7:19am
View Profile Poems by PrototypeD
RUNNER-UP: m_abbott1999


Kill'em with kindness

Pariah Shadow
Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1633

Poetry Contest

A rap battle, with a little twist hehe.
There is to much hate, and I like people getting along, but I like rap battles so, I am gonna start a different rap battle, one where it is against the rules to insult, that's right folks, the person with the best compliment wins, go back and forth, telling each other how awesome the other one is, kill'em with kindness!

Rules: Must rhyme (obviously), the winner will be the person who I feel had the most creatively rhymed compliments towards others, go back and forth as many times as you want.

Two weeks, have it everyone!

I'll start with a little rhyme to give you something to start with then y'all have at it.

Love and kindess
yeah that's what you reek
And im sure you'll get
all you seek
cause your one tip top
master of hip hop
and your rhymes are on time
on the drop of a dime
yeah your the best, master
no one ever drops rhymes faster.

poet Anonymous

So is this a comp where only boys can romp?
I'll give three glad crows for your caws, Shadow;
It's a twist to call for a charity ball
Don't keep the tender gender flowers on the wall
There are many here who have little fear
of dancing with a stranger where the devils stomp
But what poet so bright would dare to step in light
to share the madness of these sugarbombs in flight?
Crow with dove now flies, let your praises rise
And coax a shadow silver, change groans to glad sighs.

(If this rap is just for boys in the hood
You can ignore my entry, but that won’t be good... ;P )

poet Anonymous

anonymouslyhere said:

Two weeks, have it boys!

I'll start with a little rhyme to give you something to start with then y'all have at it.

Love and kindess
yeah that's what you reek
And im sure you'll get
all you seek
cause your one tip top
master of hip hop
and your rhymes are on time
on the drop of a dime
yeah your the best, master
no one ever drops rhymes faster.

Pariah Shadow
Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1633

Your entry is more than welcome, I didn't mean just guys, this comp is for everyone!

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Sweet innocent
Little Holly Dove

No evil thoughts
Can she think of

A virgin chaste
She’ pledged to wait

To only do it
In the name of love

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
poet Anonymous

Bon appetit! Those bon bons are sweet
coming from you, Snugglebuck;  a real treat
Backward flips my cap; I return the slap
and give a happy high five for your little rap.
Such fine flatluence, I mean no offense,
‘Cause sugarbombs aren’t wrought from any crapulence,
they’re just “blows” for fun and won’t hurt no one.
I thank you for the laughing gas.  On with the fun...

Pariah Shadow
Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1633

Y'all are doin' great, I can feel the love! Thanks dove, snuggle and admirer for gettin' things goin'.

Lost Thinker
Joined 12th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 28

Your shadow shaded me,
sacredly secretly.
Even when I was young,
you aided me,

your rhymes,
they have no beef.
And it’s plain to see that I-
can not compete.

Although I may try,
yo they not that sweet
and though they may lie
I’m not complete.

So a meager request,
from me to you.
As I bow in respect,
show your kungfu.
You can call me student
I will call you Sifu.
Give me a couple years
We will wordpaint the sequel.

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 2nd Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 509

I blow you kisses,
Personally, to me,
I see how hard you tried
And don't mind your entry.
I hope you don't read this,
These compliments so weak,
'Cause I'm a little scared of
Catching a fee.
I'm not the rapper
That you could be.
You're just so sweet,
My flow is a little off beat.
My syllables a little off key.
Think you could teach me?
Practice your karate in a
Back flip, side kick, flap jack
Poker game?
I open the door and invite you in
To play Vegas's fame.
How friends bond in the mans way.
My treat,
You can even sit in my favorite seat.

Pariah Shadow
Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1633

Great job everyone. I thought prototypeD had an awesome entry, but holly and madi had great entry's too so it wasn't easy choosing a winner. Congrats protoD, holly, and madi! Great entry's everyone.

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