Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd January 2015 5:11am
View Profile Poems by JohnFeddeler
RUNNER-UP: toniscales


and time stood still

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

write a poem about a specific moment in time.
Imagine a single moment in time. A moment when time felt like it stood still. Or a moment that you wished you could have stopped time. Write a poem that immortalizes that moment.

-subject matter can be anything.  
-two entries per poet
-no collaborations
-keep it under 300 words

i can't wait to read your submissions!

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 431


I hadn't wanted a child
I hadn't wanted you

the contractions started
as soon as they pumped in the Pitocin

I was so cocky
thinking I could handle your coming
with ease

when it happened
there was nothing gradual
about the colossal, invisible fist
choking my being

this long-haired anesthesiologist
in rainbow suspenders
became my angel
the soothing, numbing warmth
of the epidural shooting through me

the cord had wrapped
around your neck
you were going to strangle

I saw nothing but pink
a spread of soft satin
we knew you would be a girl
your little bedroom awaiting you
in a pale blush of spring

they flung me on the table
cutting so fast
someone marked a slash
into my hip
still today it hums
in a strange rhythmical pulsing

at the memory of a loud,
wet taking of myself
a terrible lessening


your cry pierced the room
there was nothing ever so right
so beautiful in my life
the lyrical purity of your voice

I never felt such joy
such lack of my usual emptiness

as you melted into me
and we became one

poet Anonymous

oh! that moment...i am right there with you on that one. spectacular entry!

Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

      the sky sings thunder

  maybe tonight
maybe tonight’s the night
sure, you can feel it
  the winds picking up

  and she
she’s in one of her moods
Mean Bitch Nature   creating
  something devastating

now the wind dances crazy
like a blind, demented fool
phantom fingers   grabbing everything
and flinging   without purpose

except its own lunacy
and the air breaks
  here   & here   & there
revealing white   dollops
like popping flashbulbs

  and the sky sings thunder
  with that fat opera voice

now the rain   like darts
sharp enough to wound   to cut
but you stand there   legs rooted
  in the ground

soaked through to naked flesh
arms outstretched   to the sky
  spit in her eye
‘is that all you got!’

and it’s the end of the world
  but it’s not
it’s the universe
the universe    screaming   i’m alive!

and you know it’s true
  and maybe you
maybe you   are the universe

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1378

reversing the 'champaka' times

it had been perfumed overnight
the nostalgic airs
of the just-erected shed
that stacked mouth-shut cartons
tucked with two cities' remnantal loads
of almost a decadeful memories
of the abandonments
that struck like a tsunami, twice
over the same broken shores
chiselling solitude
with fading boundaries
of leftover ruins

sipping bitterish Coorg coffee
with accentuating chicory
the floral fragrance wafted
like dancing angels
starkly against the tongue-choking
milkened solid brews

champaka taken in my palms

seducing topnotes fast-fused
within empty nightish skins
slender feminine petals
with sprawling tips
stood as if it was a host in ached waits
for its  awaited 'what'?
a pure mingling touch, a deep
depositing dewdrop, a long
resonating wave sequence,
a slight sweepy breezelet
or a stormling destruction?

destalked last twilight  
its halfed-life with falling fleshiness
and descending scents
wasn't disheartened
at the worsening senescence
by palm-touched warmths  

within minutes of the clocked
that blessed me with temple's
marghazi pooja
echoing bells,
fragilities would breakdown
my champaka  
like a blackening
banana peel

life you be conferred
derived from those blessings

let the emotionless time
be once maddened
by a befuddled backseat
and further
to a comatose standstill

the mesmerizing you
be eternalized
from delicate~sinless stints
to much elevated purpose

P.s: brahmamuhurta (sanskrit)- early morning hours before sunrise
marghazi (tamil)- a tamil calender month coinciding december
pooja(sanskrit)- hindu act of worship

poet Anonymous

oh John and Uma! thanks so much for entries. so good.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17071

Time Stood Still

seeing them again together
swung back the pendulum
swinging back to distant past
sepia colours made fresh

the ageless one swinging his ax
to clear the land for his home
power in his biceps and hands
red sweat on his brows

she, petite, in her white dress
gossamer around her ankles
caressing the wet grass
with her hems

seeing them together again
a thousand years afterwards
the sands of time mid-air
for the one fed on

she glided away
from the children of Lamia
she, the ageless victim
always sixteen from the day
she turned.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2122


Balancing in the sand  
while seashell hunting.
That's my summer ending.  
[Balancing in the sand
while summer's ending.
That's my seashell hunting.]

poet Anonymous


poet Anonymous

oh my! these are all spectacular!

poet Anonymous

Interior Design Flaw

I couldn't stand the thought
of dishes left undone overnight
and although I skipped as many classes as I could
I knew which to ditch and when
kept tight track of it

so when I woke up from the accident
a month later and unable to speak
or move
connected to tubes and only a clock on the wall
to stare at as twenty-four hours rolled into
nothing time and again

there was nothing to control or know
I had to let go to hang on
but sometimes
time stood still for too long at one time
and I felt ill about returning to a world
where people hang the get well cards over the bed

right where the sick won't see them...

and all the staff and visitors stare at the clock
while acting like it isn't there

poet Anonymous

mikimoondancer, thanks for your entry!

time is almost out! i'd love to see some more entries!

poet Anonymous

WELL DONE! All of you! This was very hard decision and I am completely honored that you all submitted pieces. Again, Well done everyone!

poet Anonymous

thank you for the comp, much enjoyed! Congrats to John and Toni well done

Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

Thanks for the trophy, Minerva, & thumbs up to Toni & Miki. so much fascinating poetry here...

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