Poetry competition CLOSED 17th November 2014 11:14am
View Profile Poems by Pishashee
RUNNERS-UP: JohnFeddeler and sammy4444

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Lost gem ... WTF!?!

Just a Puppet
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 22nd Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 88

This was the 5th but this one has always been my favorite

What I Would Die For

I love you.
Every day you make me laugh,
And I hate to hear you cry
So before I die I just want you to know,
You were more than my world.
I couldn’t live without you.
But one day I just might,
So I want you to know,
I will always think about you.
Talk to you as if you’re still here.
So don’t be scared,
Because I love you.
I don’t want to grow old without you,
But someday I just might,
So I just want you to know
That my hair will be all white,
My body will ache every day,
But I’ll get by,
And my face will look like clay.
You won’t even recognize me,
But when I see you the smile will be there.
So don’t ever be scared,
Because one day you might grow old without me.
I could see it now,
You’ll walk around with a walker.
You’re sad because you need to wear a wig.
But even still you look at my picture,
Knowing that I’m waiting to kiss those lips again.
Because I will always love you.
For now I may not bring you flowers every day,
But I’m here taking in all that I can,
Knowing I have so much in my hands,
That if I lose it I would lose my mind.
But I will stay strong because I know that’s what you want.
And I expect the same from you if I die.
Because death won’t mean I’m gone,
Just away till we meet again someday.


Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

         gypsy mirror

…..7 gold coins
I had in a silk purse

I went to the gypsy camp by the river, to take audience
with the ancient woman who is gypsy queen & a witch.
she showed  me the enchanted hand mirror, a damask
cover over its face. she revealed its magic to me:

whoever gazes into the mirror for 7 days, that one’s vanity
will be recorded in the glass, captured, to be viewed henceforth
by any admirer. I surrendered my golden fortune to her in
exchange for the gypsy mirror, in pursuit of my madness…

I placed the witch-hexed mirror upon the threshold of your
cottage door, rapped loudly, then hid behind the oak tree.
you came & glanced around, perplexed, then your gaze fell
upon the odd gift. you lifted it, removed the cover, & smiled.
and the magic had begun.

you will adorn yourself with it, apply gloss to your lips, rouge to
your cheeks, dark highlights under your green eyes. when you
bathe, the silent spy will watch from your vanity, holding always
upon always the splendour of your fleshly sculpture, that no man
could imagine, nor fashion with human hands.

when you sleep, the bedeviled sentry will stand vigilante upon
your night table, retaining your turns, your soft breathing. I will
invade your dreams as a prince; we will dance on a moonlit
terrace, you so stunning in your glass slippers.

after 7 nights, when clouds have kidnapped the moon, I will sneak
into your cottage like a lovelorn thief, & steal the crystal eye.

euphoric, I will watch:
playing endless, a silent movie –
picture in motion of your beauty.

and upon such beauty
I will gaze
for only now
and all of my days…


Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

      untitled threnody

write me out like a sad poem  
star-crossed lovers -
a romeo & juliet of dire circumstance
forlorn. abandoned in the ruins of romance
write in me the dismal, desolate streets
where sorrow is common & constant as the mariah
compose me across brittle & faded parchment
let my blood run in shades of the loneliest blues
scribble me unedited in a haze of drunkeness
when I should have remained unwritten
take your pen & shape me  
without rhythm. without rhyme  
blank verse that labors to be heard
call me untitled


Thought Provoker
Joined 10th May 2012
Forum Posts: 344


On my way,
To find the girl,
To end her life,
To end her world,

I'm gonna take her butterfly,
Look at this,
What the hell is this?
Hey another butterfly!

Let us end her life with this.


alon aLion
Dangerous Mind
San Marino 10awards
Joined 1st June 2012
Forum Posts: 346


blank brain    
blank brain    
creativity drained    
psychologically lame    
observation lens    
hints of depth
from an excess      
of shamelessness:    
more numb    
than pained    
simply aware    
the drivel`s    
the same    
monotonously explained    
in different shapes    
again and again      
and again    
you've been      
partially spared    
partially saved    
`cause I`m only    
partially sane
there's no substance
just a surface
blank brain


alon aLion
Dangerous Mind
San Marino 10awards
Joined 1st June 2012
Forum Posts: 346

through delinquency        
into troubling frequency        
will freaks finally meet?        
what occurs first        
crash or Burn ?        
it's pretty obvious        
that Fire  
wont allow defeat      
the Revolution        
can wait        
a little longer        
it`s time        
to ditch the porn        
in all forms        
cept` what`s in mind        
through eternity        
for opportunity        
to apply        
was successfully defied        
when survival        
demanded sobriety        
yet this moment        
sensuality into piety        
abandon provides  
a lifetime's balance        
of mind and body        
the seeking's done        
wall crawler`s      
finally grind        
mechanics alone        
trips the line        
Sarcophagus calls        
salmon die  


Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

Just friends

He saw her on a nudist beach
Each breast looked like a peach
Her torso brown, legs astride
Shaved pubes she did not hide

She greeted him with a smile
Said 'Sit with me and talk a while'
He was delighted with her offer
Sat beside her it, was an honour

Both were naked as they were born
Their bodies would be a shame to adorn
At first they talked about the weather
Being naked in the sun was a pleasure

They talked and talked for several hours
Discussed life and food and flowers
And numerous diverse other topics
Found that they agreed on politics

No physical contact at all took place
No kissing or even an embrace
They agreed they would be
Platonic friends for all to see

Beautiful bodies on the beach
With a lesson they should teach
Nudity need not lead to sex
Human relationships are complex

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625


Poetic Protest
Roger McGough posed the following question; ''If all poets went on strike, how long would it take for anyone to notice?''

Poetic Protest 1
What if all poets went on strike
Would anyone else care a mite
No rhyming today
Prose only I say
We'd do better to protest on a bike

Poetic Protest 2
Poets had a grievance
In order to give  it credence
They stopped writing verse
But  it made matters worse;
Of poets they could dispose.
The public managed with prose

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

sorry deleted

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625


God is but a figment of man’s imagination
Created for a sense of security
In a cold and callous world
Ideas stolen from truer people
And twisted to include The One True God

Fraud and God are one in the same
Spitting images in a broken mirror
You cannot have one without the other
Do you choose to follow that path?
A road paved with the bones of “Pagans”

Faith is a concept of believing nothing
Accepting something at its face value
But in this day and age the value becomes zero
A deficit to be erased and wiped clean
Much like the regimes that rule the day


What’s the point of speaking your mind
When you are condemned anyway?
Let this poem be a testament
That not all men welcome a tyrant
That pushes false words
Under the pretense of freewill  


Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625


Forests, they whisper of the impending doom
As winter slowly but surely secures its grasp
When the mistress weaves webs of necromancy
Into this decrepit world comes spells from the past

She awakens, bedeviled with voices in her head
Lamenting their torments, the sweet song of the dead

Seraphim tremble at her passing

Those bad little children are told stories about her
When sleep comes too late, with the black cat haunting purrs

Wiggling tongues split like a serpent’s

She grooms by the candle’s gloom
Spider webs drape her face like a veil
And soon the corpses stir under the moon
Promising the splendors of Hell

Midnightmare denizens creep without
Any desire but to eat
Madness reaching from the bleeding mouth
Moist but cold, eager for the meat

Her eyes, they stare at me from the deep abyss
As pure as the first fallen snow and glazed with frost
She promises peaceful winters drenched in blood
A serene picture at such a heavy cost

She awakens, disheveled from her lasting slumber
So ravenous for fresh meat to sate her hunger

Innocents tremble at her passing

Christian values hold no value for one such as she
Demonic entities graciously crown her Queen

Raven-haired beauty in black leather

Pounded in the Earth
Are gargoyles on a perch
Standing sentinel
For those long since dead
Crosses mingle on the mossy ground
Always to the haunted sounds
Of clueless men
Losing their heads

The longing of libertines
And the preaching of philistines
Defining a godless age
In forbidden rhymes

Her frosted breath in the air
A deathly threat still unaware
The wild woods know she’s coming
With the sound of the trumpets
And the cold-cut carats
We greet her with fanfare

Wicked little snake
With a blood thirst to slake
In man’s lonely dreams
Twisting and grinding
In between the sheets soaked through with blood
To the sound of pounding drums
The beating hearts
Mournfully sing

She swoons there beneath the moon
Her eyes are pitch black inside the veil
The scent of cloves are mixed with tombs
At last, Arise! The Queen of Hell!

Deep in Moria
Rise like a demon
In shadow and flame
Red-slit eyes watching from the abyss
She breaks from her chrysalis
It is your souls
She’s come to claim

So, bow your heads in reverence
She glorious, Miss Morningstar
The evil set to deliver us
Victims wail in woe from afar  



Fire of Insight
Canada 4awards
Joined 14th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 628

Write me a short poem
Make me a cherry pie
I like that twinkle in
Your glass eye
When u are on your
Knees your my bird
And and i am your bee
Smoke out the hive
And I will wear your neast
For a hat and feed you
To the neighborhood cat
Fancy feast and magpie
Soup me i prefure a big
Bowl of froot loops

Fire of Insight
Canada 4awards
Joined 14th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 628

How do i ad a link to my poem?????

King Sammy
Thought Provoker
Nigeria 9awards
Joined 2nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 203

The White Seat

At last I was crowned with glory
Relieve submerged my pressure
The throne of the White house was miles away
from my thoughts
Open air theater was even a closer thought
The only option I had was to win the contest
Re-run never existed in my dictionary.
How comes weapons don't win battles?
Only the mind does; yes maybe not to the free
You'd never know what the air means if your
home is a cage.
Untold lies at the mercies of nature
Only time is the bus stop of a ransom turd
You could hold it probably for days but not
The furry and pains of discomforting the bowels
The trauma and facial expression of driving
back poop inside
Kill the lies, you can never stand it forever
For three days, I was a dictator to nature.
Not until, the prisoners inside of me rebelled
They over powered me and gave me one option
I had no choice, I gave in.
I eventually twirled a democrat
Freedom at last, I sat on the white seat.
The excreament was like never before
The white seat was like a lost glory.
The relieve on my face gestured;
Victory and dominance in democratic self
The white seat of glory
The seat of all social cadres.


King Sammy
Thought Provoker
Nigeria 9awards
Joined 2nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 203

Twenty-one grand

Twenty-one grand
One risk, an unlimited open route to disaster.
Two mistakes, an eternal end of hope
Despair rose over the horizon of my huzzles
My efforts gasp for breath, I got chocked.
Death was not an option, it was far beyond my
Life breathed hell through it nostrils
One hell of a night went rampage on me like a
I could have spent my last drop of blood to
change my fate if i knew about this day.
Theft was my priority option- I was ready to
carry the stains
But how could i carry such scars for the rest of
my life?
I journeyed me through series of thoughts
Gosh! Twenty-one grand.
How? I mean how was it possible to produce
such an amount withing two hours?
Huh, the toughest task my life has passed
Twenty-one grand?
I made a thousand and more calls, with blunt
But, this one call. the most glorious of all calls.
It came like i was in the mines searching for a
Instead of the precious stone my digger mouth
hit hard a diamond.
Now, who is twenty-one grand?


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