Poetry competition CLOSED 7th November 2014 2:39pm
sektioN8ty (King Sammy)
View Profile Poems by sektioN8ty
RUNNER-UP: BoFantastic



D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

Poetry Contest

Tell me why you love your place of birth, your adopted country or both.
What are the things so special about your country and what would you do to protect and preserve them?

Poems only, any style, old or new up to 3 entries (max.)


Attention newbies, here's your chance to get your first coveted trophy... let me be the first one to give it to you.

Please refrain from making any unnecessary remarks!

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 22nd Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 23

I was going to write a great poem for this but as I was writing about how great my country is, I kept going back & starting again because I do not love my country. There is a lot of things hidden for us, & I disagree with the people that usually tell me that it's best if we don't know. Don't take me wrong, I am grateful that I live here & no somewhere worse but I do not in fact love my country. I do not trust them.

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

naathalie___ said:I was going to write a great poem for this but as I was writing about how great my country is, I kept going back & starting again because I do not love my country. There is a lot of things hidden for us, & I disagree with the people that usually tell me that it's best if we don't know. Don't take me wrong, I am grateful that I live here & no somewhere worse but I do not in fact love my country. I do not trust them.

You totally misconstrued the concept behind the topic with the government run by politicians and not by statesmen. If you don't find anything you love about your country, then don't bother to make a comment, otherwise people will see you as a troll. FAIR WARNING!

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

Modified and bumped...attention newbies, show me what you got.

Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333

The Land of Opportunity

here Jesus and Buddha can sit down and drink tea together
while they disagree together
about Nirvana and Chili Peppers
you can eat a barbecue burrito egg roll pizza
at one restaurant in one sitting
friends come in all colors
strangers are sisters and brothers
not foreigners
our presidents still don't have any rhythm
but now they got soul
and that counts for a lot
in the country of the melting pot
I love the people of my country
they're brave and compassionate
when disasters strike and shit happens
they collect in numbers and gather resources
regardless how little some of them possess
their hearts are always in the right place
not just in their chests
the people of this country speak up and speak out
they seek justice for those that reach up and reach out
hands grab hands and lift up fallen angels to heaven
I love how we can talk shit and deal with our aggression
hell, we ain't perfect, not by any standards
but we won't give up, this is our planet.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645

deaded garbage

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

have you hung
the flag
of surrender
your prison home
in a country
where the freedom
you have left
still believes
in hope

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

Thank you BoFantastic and drone for your respective entries...much appreciated!

King Sammy
Thought Provoker
Nigeria 9awards
Joined 2nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 203

I love you just the way you are

Through the storms my ship will sail till I hit the coast,
war knocks out our harmony,
Insurgencies cripples our growth,
corruption the rotten egg of decadence,
unemployment a tool of criminal activities,
greed for power,
political instability and much more.

Nonetheless,  how can I reject my parents beacause they're bad?
when I change my citizenship will my blood be changed too?
I'll hang on to the post till peace is finally hoisted,
I'll accept the bad and bleed to make it good,
how else could I be patrotic?
When I weighed the pains, curses and negativities,
I see joy, blessings and positivities outweigh 'em.

I'm optimistic about my nation.
I draw my encouragement from the fact that we are;
the most populated and populous black nation on earth,
we are the gaint of Africa,
we've got loads of resources buried and untapped,
when it comes to spirituality, we the most religious nation on earth,
come over to my nation and enjoy the indegenous dialects (over 550)
despite the hardships, we are highly ranked amongst the happiest people on earth,
we ain't an exhaust in sports,
and lots more...........

I just love my Nation with all my body, mind and soul,
I'll die in defence of my Nation,
So, i will always remain pledged as thus
"I pledge to Nigeria my country.
To be faithful, loyal and honest.
To serve Nigeria with all my strength.
To defend her unity and uphold her honor and glory.
               So help me God.

poet Anonymous


King Sammy
Thought Provoker
Nigeria 9awards
Joined 2nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 203

Eng. VV nice Comp.


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